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Jakarta: Kemitraan untuk pembaharuan tata pemerintahan di Indonesia, 2004
363.2 MER
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jones, Sidney
Jakarta: Kemitraaan Partnership, 2005
363.2 JON r (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riri Nusrad Kanam
"Anggota Brimob dapat mengalami hipertensi yang berkaitan dengan stresor pekerjaannya ataupun faktor risiko hipertensi lainnya. Oleh karena itu perlu diidentifikasi kaitan faktor stresor kerja dan faktor lainnya terhadap risiko hipertensi pada anggota Brimob. Subjek terdiri dari anggota Brimob yang sedang menjalani pemeriksaan kesehatan berkala selama bulan Juli-Oktober 2007. Subjek hipertensi adalah subjek dengan tekanan darah sistolik 140 mmHg atau lebih, atau tekanan darah diastolik 90 mmHg atau lebih, atau sedang minum obat antihipertensi. Subjek normal adalah subjek dengan tekanan darah sistolik kurang dari 120 mmHg dan diastolik kurang dari 80 mmHg serta belum pernah menderita hipertensi. Di antara 336 anggota Brimob diperoleh 111 subjek hipertensi dan 79 subjek dengan tekanan darah normal yang berumur 21 hingga 51 tahun. Faktor-faktor yang berkaitan dengan hipertensi adalah kelebihan berat badan dan stresor beban kualitas berlebih. Faktor umur, faktor pekerjaan, gaya hidup, riwayat diabetes, riwayat hipertensi keluarga, dan stresor kerja lainnya tidak terbukti mempertinggi risiko hipertensi. Stresor beban kualitas sedang-berat dibandingkan dengan ringan meningkatkan risiko hipertensi dua kali lipat [risiko relatif suaian (RRa) = 2,0; interval kepercayaan (CI) 95% = 0,97 ? 4,14; p = 0,060]. Dibandingkan subjek dengan berat badan normal, subjek dengan kelebihan berat badan memiliki risiko hipertensi 48% lebih tinggi (RRa = 1,48 ; 95% CI = 0,98 ? 2,22), dan subjek obesitas memiliki risiko hipertensi dua kali lipat lebih (RRa = 2,21; 95%CI = 1,51 ? 3,14). Stresor beban kualitas berlebih dan kelebihan berat badan mempertinggi risiko hipertensi di antara anggota Brimob. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan pengendalian terhadap faktor-faktor tersebut.

Members of the Police Mobile Brigade (Brimob) can suffer from hypertension which is related to work stressors and other risk factors. This study aimed to identify the relationship between work stressors and other hypertensive risk factors. The subjects of this cross-sectional study were members of the Brimob undergoing their periodic medical check-up during July-October 2007. A subject was hypertensive if systolic blood pressure (SBP) was 140 mmHg or higher, or diastolic (DBD) 90 mmHg, or higher or taking antihypertensive drugs. Normal subjects were those who had SBP less than 120 mmHg and DBP less than 80 mmHg, and have never been diagnosed with hypertension. A number of 336 Brimobs aged 21 to 51 years participated in this study, 111 had high blood pressure and 79 had normal blood pressure. Hypertension was found to be related to excessive body weight and qualitative work overload. Age, work, lifestyle, history of diabetes, hypertension in the family, and other work stressors were not found to increase the risk of hypertension. Medium to high level qualitative work overload had a two-fold risk for hypertension [relative risk adjusted (RRa) = 2.00; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.97-4.14; p = 0.060]. Overweight subjects had 48% increased risk to hypertension (RRa = 1.48; 95% CI = 0.98-2.22). Obese subjects had a two-fold risk of being hypertensive (RRa = 2.21; 95%CI = 1.51 - 3.14). Qualitative work overload and obesity increased the risk of hypertension. These risk factors should therefore be controlled."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2008
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Brimob Polri, 2006
323 MOD
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Ibadurrohman
The purpose of this study is to develop a low cost, easy prepared, and environmentally friendly photocatalyst to produce hydrogen from aqueous methanol solution by combining catalytic reforming (metal based catalyst) and photocatalytic process (semiconductor based photocatalyst), at ambient condition under photon exposure. The effect of impregnated Cu and Ni (which are proven catalysts for thermal reforming) to TiO2 were investigated as well as the role/significance and behavior of methanol and water in photo-reforming process. As prepared Cu/TiO2 and Ni/TiO2 photocatalyst were characterized by ICP-AES, XRD, SEM, TEM, and UV-Vis DRS for better understanding of the photocatalytic reforming behavior. The optimum loadings of Cu and Ni into TiO2 surface were found to be 3% and 1% respectively. H2 generated from photoreforming of aqueous methanol solution (80% methanol v/v) over 3% Cu/TiO2 UV illumination was 4464.3 μmol.gcat 1.h-1, 5.5 times higher than unloaded TiO2 (803 μmol.gcat-1.h-1) while H2 yield over Ni/TiO2 wasfound to be 5200 μmol.gcat-1.h-1, 6.5 times higher compared to unloaded TiO2. In term of stability, Ni/TiO2 also shows superior performance compared to Cu/TiO2 and unloaded TiO2. Ni/TiO2 can still obtain final rate of 66% of its initial rate while only 42.4% was obtained for the case of Cu/TiO2, yet it is still slightly better than unloaded TiO2 (40.8%). Ni/TiO2 superiority in photocatalytic performance over Cu/TiO2 may be attributed to its higher work function which leads to higher electron trapping ability, better electron transfer from conduction band of TiO2 to metal site, and lower hydrogen overpotential. In order to investigate the role and significance of methanol and water on aqueous methanol photocatalytic reforming system, the methanol-water composition was varied during this particular study. The rates of hydrogen evolution displayed bell-shaped curves as a function of methanol volume fraction in the solution. The optimum hydrogen evolution rate was achieved in methanol volumetric ratio of 60-80%, in agreement with stoichiometric value of methanol:water mixture (1:1 molar ratio or 0.69:0.31 volumetric ratio). Both methanol and water show typical Freundlich adsorption behaviors. For solution containing 0-70% methanol, relationship between the hydrogen generation rate (v) and methanol content ([M]) is represented as v = 637.15[M]0.439. For solution containing 0-30% water, relationship between the hydrogen generation rate (v) and water content ([W]) is represented as v = 2594.1[W]0.161. This indicates that adsorption of water and methanol on the photocatalyst was a crucial part of the reaction mechanism.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Martinus Radhitio Gunawan Wibosono
Penyakit kardiovaskular merupakan penyebab kematian nomer satu di dunia,faktor risiko kardiovaskular mempunyai efek terhadap seluruh populasi global termasuk kelompok pekerja khusus seperti polisi. Pekerjaan sebagai polisi merupakan pekerjaan dengan tingkat stres yang tinggi, beberapa penelitian telah melaporkan prevalensi yang tinggi dari penyakit penyakit yang berhubungan dengan stres seperti hipertensi, diabetes dan penyakit kardiovaskular diantara anggota polisi. Hasil pemeriksaan kesehatan tahunan anggota BRIMOB pada tahun 2014, menunjukkan dari 1690 anggota didapatkan 20,8 dengan hipertensi, 54,76 dengan dislipidemia, 46,33 dengan obesitas, dan 2,18 dengan diabetes.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh jenis pekerjaan pada satuan tugas terhadap faktor risiko kardiovaskular pada anggota Brimob.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode potong lintang komparatif comparative cross sectional study dengan menggunakan data sekunder dari hasil pemeriksaan kesehatan tahunan tahun 2015,pada anggota Brimob di Kelapa Dua Depok. Dari 200 subyek penelitian didapatkan jenis pekerjaan tidak berpengaruh terhadap prevalensi hipertensi, diabetes mellitus, dislipidemia dan overweight/obesitas. Mayoritas anggota brimob memiliki 2 atau lebih faktor risiko kardiovaskular, sebanyak 48,5 anggota brimob memiliki 2 faktor risiko kardiovaskular, 33 memiliki 3 faktor risiko dan 11,5 memiliki >3 faktor risiko. Umur berpengaruh terhadap prevalensi hipertensi, diabetes mellitus dan dislipidemia p=0,014, p=0,001, p=0,004 . Anggota brimob berumur >37 tahun memiliki risiko 3,5 kali lebih besar mengalami hipertensi dan 6,5 kali lebih besar mengalami diabetes dibandingkan kelompok umur 30-37 tahun p=0,047; OR 3,509; dan p = 0,014; OR 6,539 . Kelompok umur > 39 tahun memiliki risiko mengalami dislipidemia 3 kali lebih besar dibandingkan kelompok umur 30-39 tahun. p= 0,007; OR 3,188 . Sedangkan pangkat berpengaruh terhadap prevalensi diabetes mellitus p=0,003.
Dengan hasil ini, maka disarankan untuk lebih memperhatikan faktor risiko kardiovaskular pada anggota berumur diatas 37 tahun.

The cardiovascular desease is the number one cause of death in the world, cardiovascular risk factor has the effect to all global populations including specific occupation such as police officers. The police officers occupation is considered as a high stress level of occupation, some researches have revealed the high prevalence from the deases related to stress such as hypertension, diabetes and cardiovascular deseases among police officers. The result of annual medical check up applied for Mobile Brigade members in 2014 showed that from the total of 1690 members of the Mobile Brigade, 20,8 of them suffered from hypertension, 54,76 suffered from dysclipidemia, 46,33 suffered from obesity and 2,18 suffered from diabetes.
The objective of this research is to understand the influence of the type of occupation at a task force to the cardiovascular risk factor at Mobile Brigade members.
This research uses the comparative cross sectional study method using the secondary data from the result of 2015 medical check up held for Mobile Brigade members at Kelapa Dua Depok. From the 200 research subjects it is found out that the type of occupation does not have any influence to the prevalence of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia and obesity. The majority of the Mobile Brigade members has 2 or more cardiovascular risk factors with the elaboration as follows 48,5 of them has 2 cardiovascular risk factors, 33 of them has 3 risk factors and 11,5 of them has more than 3 risk factors. The age has an influence to the prevalence to hypertension, diabetes mellitus and dyslipidemia p 0,014, p 0,001, p 0,004 . The Mobile Brigade members aged more than 37 years old have the risk of 3,5 times of suffering the hypertension and have the risk of 6,5 times suffering from diabetes compare to the age group of 30 ndash 37 years old p 0,047 OR 3,509 and p 0,014 OR 6,539 . The age group of more than 39 years old has the risk of suffering from dyslipidemia 3 times higher than the age group of 30 ndash 39 years old p 0,007 OR 3,188 . Meanwhile the rank has the influence to the diabetes mellitus prevalence p 0,003.
Seeing this result, it is recommended that the cardiovascular risk of the Mobile Brigade members should be paid attention to at the age of above 37 years old.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Franke Ann Hirt
Kondisi infrastruktur telekomunikasi di Indonesia adalah belum merata. Terbitnya perpres no 96 tahun 2014 tentang Rencana Pitalebar Indonesia menjadi kesempatan untuk bisa membangun infrastruktur telekomunikasi dengan menekankan pada coverage dan kualitas. Daerah rural menjadi tujuan utama pembangunan broadband. Metode yang digunakan adalah subsidi beberapa komponen jaringan pada pembangunan BTS dan Ran Sharing dalam tesis ini berfokus pada tower sharing. Dimana model subsidi dari Pemerintah Pusat dan Pemerintah Daerah ditambah dengan metode tower sharing, bias menghasilkan nilan NPV yang layak pada pembangunan BTS di tahun kelima di Kabupaten Buton sudah memungkinkan untuk dicabut subsidinya karena profit cummulative sudah sangat layak secara bisnis. Sementara pembangunan BTS di Kabupaten Morotai, semua scenario pembangunan bernilai positif, sehingga bias disimpulkan bahwa operator tidak perlu subsidi untuk membangun BTS di wilayah Kabupaten Morotai.

The condition of the telecommunications infrastructure in Indonesia is not evenly distributed. The isuuance of Presidential Regulation No. 96 of 2014 concerning Indonesian Broadband Plan could be an opportunity to build a telecommunication infrastructure with emphasis on coverage and quality. Rural areas became the main objective of development of broadband. The method used is subsidizing several network components in the construction of BTS and Ran Sharing in this thesis focuses on tower sharing. Where a model of subsidies from the Central Government and Local government coupled with tower sharing method, can generate NPV decent value and on the construction site i the fifth year in Buton already allows for subsidies revoked because cumulative profit already very viable business. As for the construction of base stations in the District of Morotai, all development scenario is positive, so that it can be concluded that operator does not need subsidies to build base station in the district of Morotai.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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