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Tiningsih Damarwati
Banyak orang tua merasa cemas saat anak mengalami bospitalisasi di ruang intensif. Tunjuan penelitian ini terindentifikasinya gambaran tingkat kecemasan ornag tua terhadap anak yang dirawat di ruang NICU RSUP Fatmawati Jakarta merupakan tujuan dalam penelitian ini. Disain penelelitian ini adalah disain deskriptif sederhana penelitian menujukan kegambaran kecemasan orang tua ringan (pada tentang 14-20) dan kecemasan sedang (pada rentang 21-27) memiliki nilai sama (46,2%). Aspek caring direkemendasikan untuk penanganan kecemasan orang tua pada anak yang di rawat di NiCU.

Many parents felt anxious when their infant were heing in hospitalization especially NICU, The purpose of this study were indentify parent's anxiety who have infants in NiCU this study used descriptive design with purposive sampling tehnigue in got sample the rescarcher took 26 respondent. The univariant analysis of 26 respondent showed mild anxiety 46,2 % (in the range 21-27) Bsed on this study their is recommend: nurse have to has "caring behavier" to the parents who have infant in NICU care. "
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zolla Amely Ilda
"Pelibatan ibu dalam perawatan bayi prematur merupakan salah satu komponen konsep family centered care. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh pelibatan ibu terhadap interaksi ibu-bayi dan kepercayaan diri ibu dalam merawat bayi prematur. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuasi eksperimen one-group pretest-posttest design. Penelitian ini melibatkan 16 orang ibu-bayi yang dipilih dengan teknik konsekutif di ruang Perinatologi RSUP Fatmawati Jakarta selama bulan Mei-Juni 2013. Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan bahwa skala interaksi ibu-bayi dan kepercayaan diri ibu meningkat secara signifikan (p=0,0005). Hasil penelitian ini merekomendasikan upaya peningkatan pelibatan ibu dalam perawatan bayi prematur di ruang Perinatologi.

Mothers involvement in premature infant care is a component of the family centered care. The purpose of this study was to identify the impact of mothers involvement on mother-infant interactions and maternal confidence in premature infant care. This study used a quasy experimental with one-group pretest-posttest design. Sixteen partisipants were choosed using consecutive sampling technique in Neonatal Unit Level I-II RSUP Fatmawati Jakarta during May-June 2013. The result of statistic analysis showed that mother-infant interactions scale and maternal confidence increase significantly (p=0,0005). This study recommends the improvement of mothers involvement in premature infant care in neonatal unit."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
An Nisa Rizqa Permatasari
"Pemantauan Terapi Obat pada Neonatus Kurang Bulan, Bayi Berat Lahir Rendah, dan Sepsis di Ruang Neonatus Intensive Care Unit (NICU) RSUP Fatmawati Bulan September 2020.

Neonates, especially preterm infants have weak physical defenses and immature immune function, making them susceptible to bacterial invasion. One of the efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which is to reduce the incidence of neonatal mortality to 12 per 1,000 live births, it is necessary to collaborate between health workers in treating patients. Pharmacists in hospitals need to carry out their roles, one of which is by monitoring the therapy given. Data were collected directly by looking at the cardex and patient's medical records with the following criteria: less-month neonatal patients, receiving polypharmacy, patients with antibiotic therapy, and length of stay in the hospital ≥5 days. The data obtained were analyzed using the SOAP method and identified problems related to drugs. From the Monitoring of Drug Therapy (PTO), it was found that drug-related problems that occurred were dose mismatches and frequency mismatches, and analysis of the evaluation of antibiotic administration (EPA) with the Gyssens method found that the use of antibiotics was found in category IIIa, namely giving meropenem too long and category IIa, which was not the right dosage."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fitri Rahmawati
Keluarga yang salah satu anggota keluarganya mengalami serangan stroke, bukan hanya menyebabkan dampak fisik dan psikologis pada anggota keluarga yang sakit, tetapi juga pada seluruh keluarga. Dalam hal ini keluarga harus mampu menghadapi situasi tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan antara mekanisme koping dengan tingkat kecemasan keluarga dalam merawat anggota keluarga yang mengalami stroke. Desain penelitian menggunakan analitik observasional dengan metode cross sectional. Sampel berjumlah 45 responden dengan teknik pengambilan total sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang bermakna antara penggunaan support sosial (p= 0,001), support spiritual (p= 0,001), reframing (p= 0,025), serta usaha keluarga untuk mencari dan menerima informasi (p= 0,001) dengan tingkat kecemasan keluarga. Oleh sebab itu, memaksimalkan peran perawat khususnya dalam meningkatkan kemampuan koping keluarga sangat penting untuk mengoptimalkan kelangsungan hidup pasien stroke.

The family who has family member suffered a stroke, is not only cause physical and psychological impact on him but also on other family members. In this case the family must be able to deal with the situation. This study aimed to identify correlation between coping mechanisms amd anxiety levels of family members whose their families suffered a stroke. The design of the study used analytical observational and cross-sectional method. The participants of this study were 45 respondents with total sampling technique. The results showed a significant association between the use of social support (p= 0,001), spititual support (p= 0,001), reframing (p= 0,025), mobilizing family to acquire & accept help strategy (p= 0,001) with family anxiety levels. Therefore, maximize the role of nurses especially in improving family coping ability is very important to optimize the survival of stroke patients.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Seno Dwi Aribowo
"Perawat memiliki peran yang penting untuk mencegah pasien Intensive Care Unit yang terpasang ventilator agar tidak mengalami Ventilator Associated Pneumonia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran tingkat pengetahuan perawat Intensive Care Unit terhadap pencegahan Ventilator Associated Pneumonia di RSUP Fatmawati Jakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode cross sectional dengan analisis deskriptif pada 57 perawat Intensive Care Unit. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tingkat pengetahuan perawat Intensive Care Unit RSUP Fatmawati berada dalam kategori sedang dengan persentase 74,04%. Penelitian ini menyarankan untuk perawat mengikuti pelatihan pencegahan Ventilator Associated Pneumonia sebagai upaya peningkatan pengetahuan dan penurunan angka kejadian Ventilator Associated Pneumonia di ruang Intensive Care Unit.

Nurses have important role to prevent Ventilator Associated Pneumonia in the mechanically ventilated patients in the Intensive Care Unit. This study aimed to described the level of knowledge of Intensive Care Unit nurses in the prevention of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia at RSUP Fatmawati Jakarta. This study used a cross sectional method with analytic descriptive to 57 nurses. The results of this study showed that the level of knowledge of Intensive Care Unit nurses at RSUP Fatmawati Jakarta are in the average-level with a percentage of 74.04%. This study suggested to following nursing training about Ventilator Associated Pneumonia prevention in order to increasing the knowledge level of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia prevention and as well as reducing the number of Ventilator Assoiated Pneumonia in the Intensive Care Unit."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Antarini Idriansari
"Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh developmental care terhadap fungsi fisiologis (saturasi oksigen dan denyut nadi) dan perilaku tidur-terjaga bayi berat lahir rendah (BBLR). Rancangan penelitian ini adalah quasi experimental dengan self-controlled study design. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 15 BBLR yang dirawat di ruang perinatologi RSUP Fatmawati Jakarta dan dipilih dengan teknik purposive sampling. Data dianalisis dengan paired t test dan wilcoxon test.
Hasil analisis menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari pemberian developmental care terhadap perilaku tidur-terjaga yaitu peningkatan tidur tenang (p=0,002) dan penurunan tidur aktif (p=0,003) serta penurunan denyut nadi (p=0,020), namun tidak signifikan terhadap peningkatan saturasi oksigen (p=0,234). Developmental care dapat memfasilitasi pencapaian fase istirahat yang lebih baik (yang ditandai dengan keteraturan fungsi fisiologis dan pencapaian perilaku tidur tenang), sehingga perlu diimplemetasikan dalam perawatan BBLR di ruang rawat perinatologi.

The purpose of this study was to identify the impact of developmental care on physiological function (oxygen saturation and heart rate) and sleep-awake behavior of low birth weight (LBW) infants. This study used quasi experimental with selfcontrolled study design. The samples size were 15 LBW infants in neonatal unit in RSUP Fatmawati Jakarta and whom were choosen by purposive sampling technique. Collected data were analyzed by using paired t test and wilcoxon test.
There were significant differences of developmental care on increasing quiet sleep (p=0.002), decreasing active sleep (p=0.003) and decreasing heart rate (0.020), but there was no significant difference on increasing oxygen saturation (p=0.234). This study recommend that developmental care can be implemented in caring for LBW infants in neonatal unit.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kondisi yang kronis atau akut seperti hidrosefalus menimbulkan dampak pada
keluarga diantaranya masalah ekonomi, persaingan saudara kandung, perhatian
kepada anak-anak, proses menjadi orang tua terhadap tekanan dan kemampuan
mengatasi masalah. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengeksplorasi pengalaman orang tua
merawat anak hidrosefalus. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif studi
sederhana sebanyak enam ibu anak hidrosefalus berpartisipasi, yang didapatkan
dengan teknik purposive sampling. Data dikumpulkan dengan wawancara dan
catatan lapangan yang dianalisis dengan teknik analisis isi. Penelitian ini
menghasilkan lima tema yaitu: 1) keluhan fisik yang dialami ibu, 2) jenis koping
yang dilakukan ibu, 3) reaksi berduka yang dialami ibu, 4) dukungan yang
diperoleh ibu, dan 5) kebutuhan ibu dalam merawat anak hidrosefalus. Simpulan
dari penelitian ini adalah merawat anak hidrosefalus menimbulkan perubahan
kehidupan keluarga karena anak hirosefalus membutuhkan perhatian khusus
dalam memenuhi kebutuhan anak hidrosefalus shari-hari.

Chronic or acute conditions white hidrosefalus have an impact on families
including economic issues, sibling rivalry, attention to children, the process of
becoming a parent for the pressure and the ability to overcome the problem. This
study aims to explore the experiences of parents in caring for hydrocephalus. This
study uses a simple qualitative study of six young mothers participating
hydrocephalus, which is obtained by using purposive sampling. Data were
collected through interviews and field notes were analyzed using content analysis
techniques. This research resulted in five themes, such as: 1) physical complaints
experienced by the mother, 2) type of coping that do mothers, 3) grief reactions
experienced by the mother, 4) obtained support mothers, and 5) the mother in
caring for the needs of hydrocephalus. The conclusions of this study are caring for
hydrocephalus led to changes in family life because hirosefalus children need
special attention to meet the needs of children in the day-to-day hydrocephalus."
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mulya Sari
Asuhan keperawatan bayi baru lahir yang berpusat pada keluarga (family-centered care/ FCC) telah diketahui manfaatnya terhadap ibu dan bayi, walaupun demikian belum semua rumah sakit menerapkan prinsip tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan gambaran pengalaman orang tua menerima asuhan keperawatan yang berpusat pada keluarga ketika bayinya dirawat di NICU. Desain penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam terhadap sembilan partisipan yang diambil melalui purposive sampling. Analisis data dengan metode Colaizzi menghasilkan empat tema, yaitu orangtua: berperan serta aktif dalam perawatan bayinya, mendapat informasi program pengobatan dan perkembangan kesehatan bayinya, mendapat dukungan, dan merasakan dimensi emosional. Hasil penelitian ini dapat menjadi masukan pihak manajemen rumah sakit untuk lebih mengoptimalkan penerapan asuhan berpusat pada keluarga, khususnya dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan bonding attachment ibu lebih dekat dengan bayi melalui penambahan toleransi jam kunjungan

Family-centered care (FCC) nursing on the newborn baby has given benefits for mother and baby, however there has been no overall hospitals applying these principles. This study aims to get an overview of the parent?s experience in receiving FCC nursing when their baby was hospitalized in the NICU. A qualitative research design using a phenomenological approach of in-depth interviews was conducted in nine participants, taken by purposive sampling. The data was analyzed by Colaizzi method resulting four themes about parents: actively participating in their baby care, getting informed about the treatment programs and their baby's health development, getting support, and getting involved in emotional dimension. This research can be a sound base for FCC optimalization in hospital, with focus on fulfilling mother-baby bonding through longer visitation hour.;Family-centered care (FCC) nursing on the newborn baby has given benefits for mother and baby, however there has been no overall hospitals applying these principles. This study aims to get an overview of the parent?s experience in receiving FCC nursing when their baby was hospitalized in the NICU. A qualitative research design using a phenomenological approach of in-depth interviews was conducted in nine participants, taken by purposive sampling. The data was analyzed by Colaizzi method resulting four themes about parents: actively participating in their baby care, getting informed about the treatment programs and their baby's health development, getting support, and getting involved in emotional dimension. This research can be a sound base for FCC optimalization in hospital, with focus on fulfilling mother-baby bonding through longer visitation hour., Family-centered care (FCC) nursing on the newborn baby has given benefits for
mother and baby, however there has been no overall hospitals applying these
principles. This study aims to get an overview of the parent’s experience in
receiving FCC nursing when their baby was hospitalized in the NICU. A
qualitative research design using a phenomenological approach of in-depth
interviews was conducted in nine participants, taken by purposive sampling. The
data was analyzed by Colaizzi method resulting four themes about parents:
actively participating in their baby care, getting informed about the treatment
programs and their baby's health development, getting support, and getting
involved in emotional dimension. This research can be a sound base for FCC
optimalization in hospital, with focus on fulfilling mother-baby bonding through
longer visitation hour.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Heru Komarudin
"Airborne Disease merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh agen mikroba patogen yang ditularkan melalui udara dengan cara batuk, bersin, tertawa atau melalui kontak fisik dengan pasien. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran pengetahuan perawat tentang manajemen airborne disease di ruang Isolasi RSUP Fatmawati. Penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan cross sectonal dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 107 orang perawat yang ditentukan berdasarkan simple random sampling. Hasil penelitian didapatkan data bahwa lebih dari separuhnya 52,3 perawat memiliki pengetahuan yang rendah. Sedangkan sisanya sebanyak 47,7 memiliki pengetahuan tinggi. Penelitian selanjutnya dapat melakukan analisis hubungan antara tingkat pengetahuan dengan karakteristik responden.

Airborne Disease is a disease caused by airborne pathogenic microbial agents by coughing, sneezing, laughing or by physical contact with the patient. This study aims to provide a description of nurses knowledge about the management of airborne disease in Isolation Room of Fatmawati Hospital. Descriptive research using cross sectonal approach with total sample of 107 nurses determined based on simple random sampling. The results showed that more than half 52.3 of the nurses had low knowledge. While the rest as much as 47.7 have a high knowledge. Further research can analyze the relationship between the level of knowledge with the characteristics of respondents.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arief Fatkhur Rohman
"Penggunaan antibiotik yang tinggi pada pasien sepsis dapat memicu penggunaan antibiotik yang tidak rasional. Upaya untuk memaksimalkan penggunaan antibiotik yang rasional merupakan salah satu tanggung jawab apoteker. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kualitas dan kuantitas penggunaan antibiotik pada pasien sepsis di ruang rawat Intensive care unit (ICU) dengan metode Gyssens dan ATC/DDD dan mengevaluasi pengaruh intervensi apoteker dalam meningkatkan kualitas penggunaan antibiotik dan outcome terapi. Penelitian dilakukan secara prospektif selama periode Agustus-November 2018 dengan menggunakan rancangan studi pra eksperimen one grup pretest-posttest. Rekomendasi diberikan kepada penulis resep terhadap masalah ketidaktepatan penggunaan antibiotik yang ditemukan. Evaluasi kualitatif dengan metode Gyssens diperoleh hasil bahwa penggunaan antibiotik pada pasien sepsis yang rasional sebesar 85,09 % dan yang tidak rasional sebesar 14,91 %. Jenis antibiotik, jenis terapi antibiotik, jumlah antibiotik  dan lama penggunaan antibiotik berpengaruh terhadap kualitas penggunaan antibiotik. Intervensi meningkatkan ketepatan penggunaan antibiotik (0 % menjadi 64,71 %), menurunkan masalah pemilihan antibiotik (88,24 % menjadi 32,35 %), masalah lama pemberian antibiotik (5,88 % menjadi 0 %) dan masalah rute pemberian obat (5,88 % menjadi 0 %). Kualitas penggunaan antibiotik yang rasional dan yang tidak rasional berpengaruh terhadap hasil terapi. Kuantitas penggunaan antibiotik sebesar 63,84 DDD/patient-day dengan nilai terbesar pada antibiotik meropenem yaitu 32,91 DDD/patient-day.

High use of antibiotics in sepsis patients can lead to irrational use of antibiotics. Pharmacist has responsibility to improve appropriate antibiotics usage. This study was proposed to evaluate quality and quantity of antibiotics usage in sepsis patients in the Intensive care unit (ICU) ward with the Gyssens and ATC/DDD methods and evaluate whether intervention of pharmacy can improve quality of antibiotics usage and therapy outcome. The study was conducted prospectively during the period August - November 2018 using pre experiment one grup pretest-posttest design. Recommendations were given to prescribers to solve the problems of inappropriate antibiotics usage. Qualitative evaluation using that about 85.09 % antibiotic prescriptions were appropriate, and 14.91 % were inappropriate. Type of antibiotics, type of antibiotic therapy, total and duration antibiotics used by patients have effect on quality and quantity antibiotics usage. Intervention of pharmacist improve appropriateness of antibiotics (0% to 64.71 %), decrease drug choice problems (88.24 % to 32.35 %), duration problems (5.88 % to 0 %) and route of administration problems (5.88 % to 0 %). Appropriate used of antibiotics had significant different effect to outcome therapy compare with inappropriate used of antibiotics. The quantity of antibiotic use is 63.84 DDD/patient-day with the greatest value on meropenem antibiotics is 32.91 DDD/patient-day."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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