ABSTRAKIndonesia Basketball League IBL merupakan liga professional bola basket di Indonesia yang dikelola oleh operator event dengan pengawasan dan penunjukan dari persatuan bola basket Indonesia Perbasi . Dimulai pada tahun 2003, IBL mulai membuat rencana perubahan untuk memperbaiki sistem kompetisi mereka, seperti sistem draft pemain, audit finansial tim, upah minimum kerja dan batas gaji tim serta rencana lainnya.Akan tetapi, dengan keadaan ekosistem industry olahraga basket dan IBL sekarang, meliputi kondisi pemain, sponsor, keuangan , pengemar dan eksposur media. Menimbulkan pertanyaan yaitu ldquo;apakah struktur dan perencanaan IBL telah berada di jalan yang benar? rsquo; rsquo;.Di dalam Analisa ini, penulis akan membuat perbandingan dengan liga lainnya dan menganalisa celah di dalam IBL yang belum terpenuhi. Di akhir, penulis akan mengkorelasikan Analisa perbandingan dan celah di pembangunan yang mempengaruhi struktur dan rencana IBL kedepannya. Kata kunci: liga olahraga, bisnis olahraga, ekosistem industri olahraga, sponsor dan media, biaya gaji minimum atlit.
ABSTRACTIndonesia Basketball League IBL is a professional basketball league in Indonesia managed by an event operator with a direct supervision and appointment of the Indonesian basketball association Perbasi . Started in 2003, IBL currently to encourage their performance, such as player draft systems, financial audits for teams, payment of minimum wages for their athletes and a salary cap. However, with the basketball sports itself and IBL industry sports ecosystem situation currently, that includes players, sponsors, finance, fans and media exposure. The question arises, Is the structure and planning of IBL already on the right path? . In this analysis, the author will make a comparison with other comparative leagues and analyze the gaps in IBL that have not been met. Lately, the author will make a correlation between the gap and the structure proposed and the effect that may occur for the IBL in the future. Keywords: sports leagues, sports, sports industry, sponsors and media, minimum salary costs for athletes."