"The objective of this Final Assignment is to discover and develop living values in the "X" Educational Institution in South Jakarta, especially on the educators, to achieve one of the lnstitution"s objectives and to accomplish the Living Values Educational Program"s goal.
Theories used as the constructive foundation ofthe Design of Living Values for Educator Training Program in the "X" Educational Institution are those conceming training, values, and living values.
Educators are the most important aspect in ensuring the continuation of education in a certain educational institution. For that reason, they must have sufficient competence, namely: skil.L knowledge, self-concept, poise, motivation, and values. Skill and knowledge of the educators in the "X" Educational Institution have received adequate amount of attention, yet the sclilconcept, poise, motivation, and values issues are in need of improvement due to tl1e intangible nature of those matters.
Based on that fact, it is considered necessary to design a training program that provides knowledge and skill about the intangible matters to the educators in "X" Educational Institution, mainly in subjects related to the living values.
The problem-solving suggestion is a training program with the following steps: training needs analysis, training objectives, training material composing, training program method selection, training facilitators preparation, trainee selection, training package try-out, training package implementation, training evaluation, and transfer of training."