Tince Arniati Jovina
"Peningkatan prevalensi karies gigi terutama disebabkan karena adanya perubahan-perubahan dalam pola makan dari makanan berserat menjadi makanan mudah melekat pada permukaan gigi. Bila seseorang malas untuk membersihkan giginya setelah makan makanan yang manis dan lengket, maka sisa-sisa makanan tersebut akan diubah menjadi asam oleh bakteri yang terdapat dalam mulut, kemudian dapat mengakibatkan terjadinya karies gigi. Menurut Matram (2007), berdasarkan SKRT 2004, penyebab tingginya prevalensi karies hanya sedikit orang Indonesia mengerti cara menyikat gigi benar (10%). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melihat pengaruh kebiasaan menyikat gigi terhadap status pengalaman karies dengan menganalisis data Rriskesdas 2007. Dalam Penelitian ini terdapat 198.023 responden berusia 35 tahun ke atas yang diperiksa giginya Desain penelitian cross sectional, populasi adalah seluruh penduduk Indonesia tahun 2007. Analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi logistik ganda. Hasil penelitian berdasarkan distribusi frekuensi karakteristik responden, responden yang mempunyai gigi yang sehat, DMF-T = 0 adalah hanya 11,76 % dan responden yang mengalami kerusakan gigi atau DMF-T 1 adalah sebanyak 88,24%. Prevalensi pengalaman karies paling tinggi terjadi pada kelompok umur 65 tahun ke atas yaitu 96,51%. Pada kelompok yang menyikat gigi 1x/hari 1,063 kali berisiko terjadinya kerusakan gigi dibanding sikat gigi 2x/hari. Kelompok yang jarang menyikat gigi 1,23 kali berisiko terjadinya kerusakan gigi dibandingkan yg sikat gigi 2x/hari. Setelah dikontrol oleh variabel umur, jenis kelamin, pendidikan dan pekerjaan. Sebaiknya masyarakat menjaga kesehatan gigi dan mulutnya dengan rajin menyikat gigi 2 kali sehari yaitu setelah makan pagi dan sebelum tidur malam untuk dapat mengurangi terjadinya karies gigi.
Increased prevalence of dental caries was due to changes in dietary fiber foods into food from easily attached to the tooth surface. When someone lazy to clean his teeth after eating sweet or sticky foods, the leftovers will be converted into acid by bacteria contained in the mouth, and can cause dental caries. According Matram (2007), based on the 2004 Household Health Survey, the cause of the high prevalence of caries in Indonesia that few people understand how to brush teeth correctly (10%). The purpose of this study is to see the effect of tooth brushing habits of the status of caries experience by analyzing the data Riskesdas 2007. In this study there were 198 023 respondents aged 35 years and over who checked his teeth cross sectional study design, population is the entire population of Indonesia in 2007. The analysis used is multiple logistic regression. The results based on the frequency distribution characteristics of respondents, respondents who have healthy teeth, DMF-T = 0 is only 11.76% and the respondents who experienced damage to their teeth or DMF-T 1 is as much as 88.24%. The highest prevalence of caries experience occurred at age group 65 years and over is 96.51%. In the group that tooth brushing 1 times/day 1.063 times the risk of tooth decay than two times/day toothbrush. Groups who rarely brush my teeth 1.23 times the risk of tooth decay compared to toothbrush who 2times/day. Once controlled by the variables of age, gender, education and employment. Community should maintain healthy teeth and mouth with diligent brushing their teeth two times a day after breakfast and before bedtime to reduce the occurrence of dental caries.;Increased prevalence of dental caries was due to changes in dietary fiber foods into food from easily attached to the tooth surface. When someone lazy to clean his teeth after eating sweet or sticky foods, the leftovers will be converted into acid by bacteria contained in the mouth, and can cause dental caries. According Matram (2007), based on the 2004 Household Health Survey, the cause of the high prevalence of caries in Indonesia that few people understand how to brush teeth correctly (10%). The purpose of this study is to see the effect of tooth brushing habits of the status of caries experience by analyzing the data Riskesdas 2007. In this study there were 198 023 respondents aged 35 years and over who checked his teeth cross sectional study design, population is the entire population of Indonesia in 2007. The analysis used is multiple logistic regression. The results based on the frequency distribution characteristics of respondents, respondents who have healthy teeth, DMF-T = 0 is only 11.76% and the respondents who experienced damage to their teeth or DMF-T 1 is as much as 88.24%. The highest prevalence of caries experience occurred at age group 65 years and over is 96.51%. In the group that tooth brushing 1 times/day 1.063 times the risk of tooth decay than two times/day toothbrush. Groups who rarely brush my teeth 1.23 times the risk of tooth decay compared to toothbrush who 2times/day. Once controlled by the variables of age, gender, education and employment. Community should maintain healthy teeth and mouth with diligent brushing their teeth two times a day after breakfast and before bedtime to reduce the occurrence of dental caries."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open Universitas Indonesia Library