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"The main purposes of this study is to investigate the effects
of antenatal and delivery care on neonatal mortality in Rajshahi
District, Bangladesh. The study has also been made to examine the
differentials and their intensify of the influences on neonatal
mortality by employing multiple classification analysis (MCA)
technique. The results indicate that among the included variables,
visit of health worker is the strongest contributing factors on
neonatal mortality followed by medical check-up as the second
strangest predictor. The results also reveal Ilia! taking vitamin, T T
(tetanus toxoid) injection during pregnancy and place of delivery
are also major influential factors on neonatal mortality.
Journal of Population, 13 (1) 2007 : 165-178, 2007
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
" The study attempted to identify important ejects of
demographic characteristics on infant and child mortality. The data
for the study was collected in 2004 under the project of the UNFPA
entitled "Strengthening the Department of Population Science and
Human Resource Development" of Rajshahi University,
Bangladesh. Application of logistic regression model suggests that
demographic factors are associated with the chance of cliild
survival. Breastfeeding and immunization practice of children has
highly significant effects on infant and child mortality among all the
included demographic variables. The results show that the risk of
infant and child mortality was higher for children whose mother
never breastfed than for children who were breastfed. The analysis
results also show that the children who got full immunizations had
lower risks of infant and child mortality than those who were not
immunized at all. Similarly, risk of infant and child mortality
gradually declined as both mother ?s age at marriage and mother 's
age at birth increased
Journal of Population, 11 (2) 2005 : 161-175, 2005
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"In recent decades, adolescent motherhood lias emerged
as an issue of increasing concern through out the developing and
the developed world. There is a growing awareness that early
childbearing is a health risk for both the mother and the child Also,
it usually terminates a girl's educational career, threatening her
future economic prospects, earning capacity, and overall well-
being. Thus, adolescent motherhood has significant ramifications at
the personal, societal and global levels. The aim of this paper is to
investigate the scenario of earl) marriage and adolescent
motherhood in rural Rajshahi of Bangladesh. Using the data from
l96 currently married adolescent girls aged between 15 and l9
years it was found that 50% of them gave first birth before l 9 years
of age. Mean age at marriage and mean age at _first birth of these
currently married adolescent was found to be 15.18 and 16. I6 years
respectively. Using the most reliable statistical technique
simultaneous linear probability model was fitted and found that
education was the single most significant factor that affected both
early marriage and earlier first birth after getting marriage. In
addition, the result of the study show that increased education level
increased the age at first marriage and delayed adolescent
Journal of Population, 13 () 2007 : 47-60, 2007
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The aim of this paper is to investigate the effect of socio economic characteristics on age at first birth of the ever-married females....."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nanik Setyawati
"Antenatal care merupakan layanan kesehatan kepada ibu hamil, bertujuan menurunkan angka morbiditas dan mortalitas serta untuk meningkatkan kesehatan yang optimal pada masa kehamilan. Wanita hamil harus memiliki akses terhadap perawatan ANC yang berkualitas.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran kualitas pelayanan ANC Kabupaten Tegal, dengan menggunakan kerangka konsep Donabedian. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain deskriptif kategorik dengan pendekatan cross sectional melalui metode observasi. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan total sampling dengan responden bidan yang melakukan layanan ANC sebanyak 30 orang di 15 puskesmas kecamatan.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kualitas layanan ANC pada 15 puskesmas kecamatan di kabupaten Tegal baik, secara struktur/sarana prasarana kualitas baik 100, pada proses/SOP ANC terdapat 66,7 bidan melaksanakan ANC dengan kualitas baik dan 33,3 kurang baik serta pada outcome/manajemen ANC baik 100. Peneliti berpendapat perlu adanya monitoring dan evaluasi yang kontinyu terhadap pelaksanaan layanan ANC.

Antenatal care is a type of healthcare provided for pregnant women with the goal of reducing morbidity and mortality and promoting optimal health throughout the pregnancy. Expectant mother should be facilitated with access to a high quality antenatal care.
This study aimed to identify descriptive of quality of antenatal care in Tegal district by utilizing Donabedian framework. The study design was descriptive with cross sectional approach through observation method. 30 midwives who provided antenatal care in 15 health centers were selected through total sampling method.
The result demonstrated that quality of antenatal care in 15 health centers was good, 100 good in terms of structure, 66.7 of midwives provided antenatal care with a good quality in terms of procedure, and 100 good in terms of outcome management. The study recommends the need for continuous monitoring and evaluation of antenatal care implementation.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amala Rahmatia Putri
"Periode neonatal bayi usia 0-28 hari dalam kelangsungan hidup anak merupakan periode yang sangat rentan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara cakupan pelayanan kesehatan yang terdiri atas kunjungan antenatal care lengkap K4, persalinan di fasilitas kesehatan PF, kunjungan neonatal pertama KN1, kunjungan antenatal care pertama K1, kunjungan neonatal lengkap KN Lengkap, kelas ibu hamil, Program Perencanaan Persalinan dan Pencegahan Komplikasi P4K, dan jumlah puskesmas mampu melaksanakan Pelayanan Obstetri dan Neonatal Emergensi Dasar PONED dengan angka kematian neonatal AKN. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi ekologi dengan unit analisis agregat kabupaten/kota se Jawa-Bali tahun 2016. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder yang bersumber dari data Laporan Feedback Kesga Kemenkes RI. Hasil univariat menunjukkan AKN Jawa-Bali sebesar 5,98 per 1000 kelahiran hidup. Rata-rata persentase cakupan K1, K4, Pf, KN1, KN lengkap, Kelas Ibu Hamil, dan P4K sudah lebih dari 90, rata-rata persentase Puskesmas mampu PONED 32,72. Hasil bivariat menunjukkan korelasi antara penurunan AKN dengan P4K r=-0,177, p = 0,064. Kesimpulannya, faktor P4K berkorelasi dengan penurunan AKN.

Neonatal period infant age 0 28 days in child survival is a very vulnerable period. This study aims to determine the relationship between coverage of health services consisting of complete antenatal care visit K4, delivery at health facility Pf, first neonatal visit KN1, first antenatal care visit K1, complete neonatal visits, maternity education program, birth planning and complication prevention program P4K, and Puskesmas which able to do Basic Essential Neonatus Obstetrics Service PONED with neonatal mortality rate NMR. This study uses ecological study design with aggregate analysis unit of districts cities in Java Bali in 2016. The data used are secondary data sourced from the report of the Directorate of Family Health, Health Ministry, Republic of Indonesia. The univariate result shows Java Bali NMR is 5.98 per 1000 live births. The average percentage of K1, K4, Pf, KN1, complete neonatal visits, maternity education program, and P4K have been more than 90, the average percentage of Puskesmas able to do PONED is 32,72. Bivariate results show the correlation between decreasing of AKN with Program of Birth Planning and Prevention of Complication P4K r 0,177, p 0,064. In conclusion, the P4K factor is correlated with the decrease in AKN."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Retno Damarwati
"Di Kabupaten Tangerang cakupan kunjungan pertama antenatal (K1) pada tahun 2012 sebesar 103%, dan cakupan kunjungan keempat antenatal (K4) sebesar 82% pada tahun 2012. Terdapat selisih pada hasil cakupan K1 dan K4 karena terjadi kesenjangan potensial atas kualitas layanan antenatal sehingga perlu diperbaiki.
Kasus komplikasi yang tertangani 6906 kasus (59%), hanya 1268 kasus (18,3%) yang ditangani di puskesmas PONED. Hasil tersebut diatas belum sesuai dengan target dari Kementerian Kesehatan yaitu 67% komplikasi kehamilan, persalinan dan nifas dapat ditangani pada tahun 2012. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kualitas pelayanan antenatal dengan pemanfaatan Puskesmas Curug dan Puskesmas Mauk sebagai Puskesmas mampu Pelayanan Obstetri Neonatal Emergensi Dasar di Kabupaten Tangerang Tahun 2013, dengan desain penelitian cross sectional.
Diperoleh hasil variabel yang berhubungan dengan pemanfaatan puskesmas PONED adalah pendidikan ibu (OR=3,7; 95% CI: 1,552-8.636) dan waktu tempuh ke puskesmas (OR=0,2; 95% CI: 0,039-0,841) sedangkan kualitas pelayanan antenatal tidak berhubungan dengan pemanfaatan puskesmas PONED (OR=1,233; 95% CI: 0,608-2,502; p value: 0,560). Sehingga perlu meningkatkan pengetahuan dan informasi kepada ibu hamil agar dapat meningkatkan kemampuannya dalam membuat pilihan pelayanan mana yang diinginkan dan akan diambil terutama dalam menghadapi masalah kegawat daruratan obstetri.

At Tangerang District coverage first antenatal visit (K1) in 2012 amounted to 103%, and coverage of four antenatal visits (K4) by 82% in 2012. There is a difference in the results of K1 and K4 scope due to the potential gap on the quality of antenatal services so that needs to be fixed.
Cases handled 6906 cases of complications (59%), only 1268 cases (18.3%) were treated in the clinic PONED. Results above are in accordance with the targets of the Ministry of Health that 67% of complications of pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum can be handled in 2012. This study aims to determine the relationship between the quality of antenatal care with the use of Curug health centers and Mauk health centers as able health centers Basic Emergency Obstetric Neonatal Care at Tangerang District in 2013, with a cross-sectional study design.
Obtained variable results related to the utilization of maternal health clinic PONED is education (OR = 3.7, 95% CI: 1.552-8636) and the travel time to the clinic (OR = 0.2, 95% CI: 0.039-0.841), while the quality of service antenatal not related to the utilization of clinic PONED (OR = 1.233, 95% CI: 0.608- 2.502, p value: 0.560). So the need to increase knowledge and information to pregnant women in order to improve its ability to make a choice where the desired service and will be taken, especially in dealing with obstetric emergencies problem.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurmala Selly Saputri
"Pendahuluan: Data lima tahun terakhir menunjukkan peningkatan cakupan pemeriksaan antenatal di Indonesia. Selain itu lebih dari 75 persen ibu telah menerima tablet besi selama kehamilan. Namun, tren penurunan kematian neonatal di Indonesia justru mengalami perlambatan bahkan cenderung tetap.
Tujuan: Mempelajari pengaruh suplementasi tablet besi dan pemeriksaan antenatal dengan kejadian kematian neonatal di Indonesia.
Metode: Analisis multivariabel dengan regresi logistik ganda pada semua responden dengan riwayat kelahiran anak terakhir yang terjadi dalam kurun waktu lima tahun sebelum survei. Didapatkan 198 kematian neonatal pada 15.126 kelahiran hidup tunggal.
Hasil: Suplementasi tablet besi pada ibu hamil memberikan proteksi pada kejadian kematian neonatal. Ternyata, ada beda pengaruh suplementasi tablet besi pada ibu yang melakukan pemeriksaan antenatal dan tidak melakukan pemeriksaan antenatal. Pengaruh yang tidak mengonsumsi tablet besi dapat meningkatkan odds kematian neonatal 1,4 lebih besar pada ibu yang melakukan pemeriksaan antenatal sedangkan pengaruh tidak dapat suplementasi tablet besi pada ibu hamil meningkatkan odds kematian neonatal 13,4lebih besar pada ibu yang tidak melakukan pemeriksaan antenatal. Interaksi tersebut menunjukkan pengaruh yang sangat kuat dari suplementasi tablet besi pada ibu hamil di Indonesia terhadap kematian neonatal.
Simpulan & Saran: Suplementasi tablet besi pada ibu hamil sangat penting dalam menurunkan kematian neonatal di Indonesia. Diperlukan upaya khusus agar setiap wanita hamil di Indonesia mengosumsi tablet besi selama kehamilannya. Prioritas lain adalah program yang mampu mengurangi kejadian anemia pada wanita sejak remaja.

Background: Data in the last five years shows an increase in antenatal care coverage in Indonesia. In addition, more than 75 percent mothers had received iron tablets during pregnancy. However, the neonatal mortality trend in Indonesia experienced a slowdown even stagnant. Moreover, coverage of neonatal mortality in infant mortality has increased over time.
Objective: The objective of this study is to determine influenceof iron tablets supplementation and antenatal care with neonatal mortality in Indonesia.
Methods: Multivariable analysis with logistic regression is used to analyze the most recently born infant in five years. The analysis finds 198 neonatal deaths in 15.126 single live births.
Result: Iron tablets supplementation on pregnant women reduce risk on neonatal mortality. Apparently, there are different influences of iron tablets supplementation in mothers who perform and not perform antenatal care. The odds ratio of not taking iron tablets increase the risk of neonatal death 1.4 times higher for mothers with antenatal care while the influence not taking iron tablet supplementation in pregnant women increases the risk of neonatal mortality of 13.4 times higher for mothers with no antenatal care. The interaction shows a very strong influence of iron tablets supplementation to pregnant women against neonatal mortality in Indonesia.
Conclusion & suggestion: Iron tablets supplementation gives important role to pregnant women in reducing neonatal mortality in Indonesia. Special efforts are needed so that every pregnant woman in Indonesia takes iron tablets during pregnancy. Another priority is a program that is able to reduce anemia in women as a teenager. Suggestion: Need a special effort to reduce anemia in pregnant women with iron tablets supplementations since girls start adolescence.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur Afifah Kurniati
"Salah satu upaya percepatan penurunan AKI yaitu meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan persalinan oleh nakes di fasyankes. Pemanfaatan layanan persalinan di fasyankes dipengaruhi oleh pelayanan antenatal yang diterima oleh ibu hamil. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui efek pelayanan antenatal terhadap pemanfaatan layanan persalinan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional dengan analisis regresi logistik multinomial menggunakan sampel penelitian 15.142 wanita usia subur yang melahirkan anak terakhir lima tahun sebelum survei dan terpilih dalam sampel SDKI 2012.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemanfaatan layanan persalinan di fasyankes 64,63%. Pemeriksaan fisik umum dan obstetri, risiko terjadinya persalinan di rumah baik dengan penolong persalinan nakes maupun dukun 3,64 kali lebih besar terhadap persalinan di fasyankes pada ibu yang hanya mendapat 1 pemeriksaan dibandingkan ibu yang mendapat 4 pemeriksaan. Pemeriksaan penunjang, risiko terjadinya persalinan di rumah dengan penolong persalinan nakes 1,39 kali lebih besar terhadap persalinan di fasyankes pada ibu yang tidak mendapat pemeriksaan dibandingkan ibu yang mendapat pemeriksaan darah dan urin, serta risiko terjadinya persalinan di rumah dengan dukun 1,25 kali lebih besar pada ibu yang hanya mendapat pemeriksaan darah atau urin dibandingkan dengan ibu yang mendapat kedua pemeriksaan.
Komponen suplemen tablet zat besi dan imunisasi TT, risiko terjadinya persalinan di rumah dengan penolong persalinan nakes 1,92 kali lebih besar terhadap persalinan di fasyankes pada ibu yang tidak mendapat tablet zat besi dan imunisasi TT dibandingkan ibu yang mendapat kedua pemeriksaan. Sedangkan risiko terbesar terjadinya persalinan di rumah dengan penolong persalinan dukun 2,16 kali lebih besar pada ibu yang tidak mendapat tablet zat besi dan imunisasi TT dibandingkan ibu yang mendapat keduanya. Semakin sedikit pemeriksaan yang dilakukan, maka risiko menjadi lebih besar untuk terjadinya persalinan di rumah. Oleh karena itu, sangat perlu untuk memberikan penyuluhan tentang pentingnya pemeriksaan kehamilan agar ibu cenderung melakukan persalinan di fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan, sehingga menekan risiko kematian ibu dan bayi.

One of the efforts to accelerate reduction of MMR by improving the quality of delivery care by skilled birth attendant in health facility. Utilization of delivery care at health facilities is influenced by antenatal care received by the pregnant mother. This study aims to determine the effect of antenatal care on the utilization of delivery care in Indonesia. This study used a cross sectional design with multinomial logistic regression analysis, using 15,142 women aged 15-49 years with a delivery in five years prior to survey selected in the sample IDHS 2012.
The results showed that the utilization of delivery care in health facilities 64.63%. General physical checkup and obstetrics, the risk of delivery in home both with skilled birth attendant and traditional birth attendant more than 3.64 times to deliver in health facility, mothers who only receive one checkup compared to mothers who received 4 checkup. Supporting chekup, the risk of delivery in home with skilled birth attendant were 1.39 times more likely to the delivery in health facility, mother who did not received checkup compared mother who did blood and urine test, as well as the risk of delivery in home with traditional birth attendant were 1.25 times more likely, mothers who only checkup blood or urine test compared with mothers who received 2 checks.
For component of iron tablet supplement and TT immunization, the risk of delivery in home with skilled birth attendant were 1.92 times more likely to delivery in health facility, women who did not receive iron tableet and TT immunization compared to mothers who received both. While the greatest risk of birth at home with traditional birth attendant was 2.16 times more likely mothers who did not receive iron tablet and TT immunization than mothers who received both. Lack of checkup, the risk increase for delivery in home. Therefore, it is very important to promote about the importance of pregnancy checkup so that mothers tend to delivery in health facilities, thus reducing the risk of maternal and infant deaths.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ade Mulya Nasrun
"Latar Belakang : Berdasarkan hasil Survei Demografi dan Kesehatan Indonesia (SDKI) tahun 2017 angka kematian neonatal (AKN) Indonesia adalah 15 per 1.000 kelahiran hidup. Angka ini masih rendah dari target Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), dengan harapan pada tahun 2030 AKN tidak lebih dari 12 per 1.000 kelahiran hidup. Kematian neonatal berasal dari kesehatan ibu yang buruk, perawatan yang tidak memadai selama kehamilan, manajemen komplikasi yang tidak tepat selama kehamilan dan persalinan.
Tujuan : Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat hubungan riwayat frekuensi Antenatal care (ANC) dengan kematian neonatal di Indonesia.
Metode : Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data SDKI 2017. Variabel dependen adalah kematian neonatal. Variabel independen utama adalah antenatal care
(ANC). Variabel kovariat adalah imunisasi TT, tempat tinggal, usia ibu, pendidikan ibu, paritas, tempat persalinan, jenis kelamin bayi, kelahiran cesar dan kelahiran kembar. Analisis menggunakan regresi logistik menggunakan aplikasi SPSS-24
Hasil : Proporsi kematian neonatal adalah sebanyak 91 kasus (1,1%). Hasil analisis multivariat menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara hubungan frekuensi antenatal care (ANC) dengan kematian neonatal di Indonesia dengan pvalue = 0,003 (p 0,05) dan POR 3,110 dengan 95%CI (1,489-6,499).
Kesimpulan : Ada hubungan antara frekuensi antenatal care (ANC) dengan kematian neonatal di Indonesia. Bagi ibu hamil agar melakukan antenatal care (ANC) minimal 4
kali selama masa kehamilan sesuai anjuran pemerintah dan WHO dalam rangka meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang pemeriksaan kehamilan dasar sehingga memiliki
motivasi untuk meningkatkan kesehatan ibu dan janin. Sehingga dapat menurunkan angka kematian neonatal di Indonesia.

Background: Based on the results of the Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS) in 2017 the Indonesian neonatal mortality rate (NMR) is 15 per 1,000 live births. This figure is still low compared to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) target, with the hope that in the year 2030 NMR will not exceed 12 per 1,000 live births. Neonatal mortality comes from poor maternal health, inadequate care during pregnancy,
management of improper complications during pregnancy and childbirth.
Objective: This study aimed to look at the history of antenatal care (ANC) relationships with neonatal deaths in Indonesia.
Method: The data used in this study is the 2017 IDHS data. The dependent variable is neonatal mortality. The main independent variable is antenatal care (ANC). Covariate variables are TT immunization, place of residence, mothers age, mothers education, parity, place of delivery, sex of the baby, cesarean delivery and twin births. Analysis using logistic regression using the SPSS-24 application
Results: The proportion of neonatal deaths was 91 cases (1.1%). The results of multivariate analysis showed that there was a significant relationship between the frequency antenatal care (ANC) relationship with neonatal death in Indonesia with pvalue = 0.003 (p 0.05) and POR 3.110 with 95% CI (1,489-6,499).
Conclusion: There is a relationship between the frequency of antenatal care (ANC) and neonatal death in Indonesia. For pregnant women to do antenatal care (ANC) at least 4
times during pregnancy according to the recommendations of the government and WHO to increase knowledge about basic prenatal care so that they have the motivation to
improve maternal and fetal health. So that it can reduce neonatal mortality in Indonesia.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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