ABSTRAKTindakan invasif yang didapat anak selama dirawat menimbulkan reaksi nyeri.
Perawat perlu mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan reaksi nyeri.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang berhubungan
dengan reaksi nyeri akibat tindakan invasif. Desain penelitian adalah penelitian
observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional dengan teknik pengambilan
sampel dilakukan secara non probability sampling melalui consecutive sampling
dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 90 orang. Analisa data multivariat
menggunakan uji statistik regresi multinomial. Hasil analisis menunjukkan
terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara ketakutan dengan reaksi nyeri (p value
= 0,018). Anak yang takut memiliki peluang 5 kali untuk terjadinya reaksi nyeri
kategori menghindar dibandingkan anak yang tidak takut. Perawat perlu
melakukan intervensi keperawatan yang dapat mengurangi ketakutan pada anak
sehingga reaksi nyeri kategori menghindar dapat diminimalkan.
ABSTRACTInvasive treatments to the children during the period of hospitalization cause pain
reactions. The nurses need to know the factors related to pain reactions. The
study aims to identify the factors related with pain reactions related to invasive
treatments. The design of this study is observational research with cross sectional
approach by using non probability sampling method through consecutive
sampling with the amount of 90 children respondents. Multivariate data analysis
use multinomial regression statistic test. The result of the analysis indicated that
there was a significant relationship between fear and pain reaction (p value =
0,018). The emergence of pain reaction ?avoidance? from the children who are in
fear is as much 5 times greater than children who are not in fear. Nurses need to
conduct nursing interventions that can reduce fear in the children behavior in
order to minimize pain reaction in form of avoidance.;Invasive treatments to the children during the period of hospitalization cause pain
reactions. The nurses need to know the factors related to pain reactions. The
study aims to identify the factors related with pain reactions related to invasive
treatments. The design of this study is observational research with cross sectional
approach by using non probability sampling method through consecutive
sampling with the amount of 90 children respondents. Multivariate data analysis
use multinomial regression statistic test. The result of the analysis indicated that
there was a significant relationship between fear and pain reaction (p value =
0,018). The emergence of pain reaction ?avoidance? from the children who are in
fear is as much 5 times greater than children who are not in fear. Nurses need to
conduct nursing interventions that can reduce fear in the children behavior in
order to minimize pain reaction in form of avoidance., Invasive treatments to the children during the period of hospitalization cause pain
reactions. The nurses need to know the factors related to pain reactions. The
study aims to identify the factors related with pain reactions related to invasive
treatments. The design of this study is observational research with cross sectional
approach by using non probability sampling method through consecutive
sampling with the amount of 90 children respondents. Multivariate data analysis
use multinomial regression statistic test. The result of the analysis indicated that
there was a significant relationship between fear and pain reaction (p value =
0,018). The emergence of pain reaction “avoidance” from the children who are in
fear is as much 5 times greater than children who are not in fear. Nurses need to
conduct nursing interventions that can reduce fear in the children behavior in
order to minimize pain reaction in form of avoidance.]"