ABSTRAKPengambilan darah vena merupakan prosedur yang menimbulkan nyeri pada bayi
berat lahir rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi perbandingan antara
Perawatan Metode Kanguru dan pemberian empeng terhadap respon nyeri selama
pengambilan darah vena. Desain penelitian adalah eksperimen acak terkontrol
pada 21 bayi berat lahir rendah dengan teknik consecutive sampling. Penilaian
respon nyeri menggunakan instrumen Premature Infant Pain Profile. Analisis uji t
independen menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan bermakna rerata respon nyeri
pada kelompok Perawatan Metode Kanguru (rerata = 8,94) dan pemberian
empeng (rerata = 5,08) dengan p value = 0,005. Pemberian empeng dapat
dijadikan sebagai intervensi keperawatan dalam asuhan atraumatik saat prosedur
invasif minor.
ABSTRACTVenous blood collection is the procedures which cause pain on low birth weight
infants. This study aimed to identify the comparison between Kangaroo Mother
Care and pacifier for pain response during venous blood collection. The research
design was randomized controlled trial on 21 low birth weight infants with
consecutive sampling. Pain response was assessed by Premature Infant Pain
Profile instrument. Independent t-test analysis showed that there were significant
differences in mean pain response between Kangaroo Mother Care group (mean
= 8.94) and pacifier group (mean = 5.08) with p value = 0.005. Pacifier can be
used as a nursing intervention in atraumatic care with minor painful procedures, Venous blood collection is the procedures which cause pain on low birth weight
infants. This study aimed to identify the comparison between Kangaroo Mother
Care and pacifier for pain response during venous blood collection. The research
design was randomized controlled trial on 21 low birth weight infants with
consecutive sampling. Pain response was assessed by Premature Infant Pain
Profile instrument. Independent t-test analysis showed that there were significant
differences in mean pain response between Kangaroo Mother Care group (mean
= 8.94) and pacifier group (mean = 5.08) with p value = 0.005. Pacifier can be
used as a nursing intervention in atraumatic care with minor painful procedures]"