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Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press, 2005
350 MEW
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Concept and characteristic of good public administration reflecting in good governance practices in Indonesia; collection of articles."
Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta : Gadjah Mada University Press, 2014
350 MEW
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Labiba Fathin
"Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi memiliki pelayanan publik perizinan pendirian Perguruan Tinggi Swasta (PTS), yang sudah dilakukan dengan bantuan sistem informasi atau dilakukan secara daring. Penerapan pelayanan publik seharusnya berdasarkan asas penyelenggaraan publik yang diatur dalam Pasal 4 Undang-Undang Nomor 25 Tahun 2009 tentang Pelayanan publik, serta asas-asas umum pemerintahan yang baik, sehingga terlaksananya good governance. Penelitian tesis dengan metode yuridis normatif ini berkesimpulan bahwa asas penyelenggaraan publik, belum sepenuhnya dilaksanakan dalam proses pelayanan publik perizinan pendirian PTS, terutama asas tidak diskriminasi yang terkait dengan diskresi dan asas fasilitas. Asas-asas penyelenggaraan publik tersebut yang belum diterapkan sepenuhnya menimbulkan beberapa implikasi yang menjadi kendala pada saat proses perizinan pendirian PTS tersebut, diantaranya perlakuan yang tidak sama untuk beberapa usulan karena diskresi, adanya gugatan dari pengusul pendirian perguruan tinggi swasta, terbatasnya jaringan internet, kemampuan digital literasi masyarakat, sumber daya manusia pelaksana pelayanan publik, serta anggaran untuk memberikan pelayanan publik secara optimal. Selain itu, pelayanan publik tersebut diawasi secara eksternal oleh Ombudsman Republik Indonesia. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, penerapan asas-asas pelayanan publik diperlukan sebagai rambu-rambu dalam penyelenggaraan pelayanan publik perizinan pendirian perguruan tinggi swasta sehingga terciptanya penyelenggaraan good governance.

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology has a public service for licensing the establishment of Private Higher Education (PTS), which has been carried out with the help of an information system. The implementation of public services should be based on the principles of public administration as regulated in Article 4 of Law Number 25 of 2009 concerning Public Services, as well as general principles of good governance. The thesis research using normative juridical method concludes that the principle of public administration has not been fully implemented in the public service process for licensing the establishment of PTS, especially the principle of non-discrimination related to discretion and the principle of facilities. Thus, have led to several implications that became obstacles, such as unequal treatment for some proposals due to discretion, lawsuits from the proponents of establishing PTS, limited internet network, digital capabilities. public literacy, human resources, as well as budgets to provide optimal public services. In addition, these public services are monitored externally by the Ombudsman. Based on this, the application of the principles of public services is needed as signs in the implementation of public services for licensing the establishment of PTS so that good governance is implemented."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tubagus Chaerul Amachi
Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis kebijakan disektor Akuntan Publik UU No 5 tahun 2011 tertanggal 3 Mei, terkait aspek perumusan undang undang dan perumusan masalah yang ada. Dari sisi proses berarti pengkajian setelah dirumuskan untuk pertimbangan reformasi. Masalah dalam penelitian ini dilihat dari perspektif prinsip good governance. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif, wawancara mendasarkan sampel keterwakilan (purposive sampling), yang diperlukan adalah keterwakilan substansi dari data dan informasi yang terkait, diskusi terfokus dan data sekunder.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pengaturan undang undang akuntan publik merupakan kebijakan yang timpang, karena sisi utamanya yaitu tentang pelaporan keuangan belum diatur dalam undang undang. Dari sisi waktu dan biaya penyusunan undang undang tidak efisien karena hasilnya tidak banyak perubahan dari peraturan sebelumnya, dan tanpa memperhatikan masalah yang melanggar prinsip Good governance yang selama ini terjadi di profesi AP. Adanya kelemahan dalam undang undang seperti : Terlalu banyak juklak yang harus dikeluarkan; adanya multi tafsir dan kontradiksi antar pasal; ada pengaturan yang tidak perlu antara lain : larangan dan juga pengecualian yang tidak sesuai dan penggunaan istilah klien yang tidak tepat, merupakan kelemahan dari undang undang tersebut. Yang sangat disayangkan kebijakan dalam undang undang selain telah disebutkan diatas juga tidak menjawab kebutuhan profesi agar ada badan konsil yang menangani secara independen kebutuhan profesi yaitu dalam: penyusunan standar (standard setting); praktek AP palsu; hubungan dengan stake holder dan regulator, dalam upaya pengembangan penggunaan profesi.
Pengaturan yang tidak efektif dan masih berlanjut dalam UU baru secara implicit menyatakan bahwa masalah tersebut tidak diperhatikan dalam perumusan undang undang. Selanjutnya penelitian ini memberikan rekomendasi : Pengaturan sebaiknya disesuaikan dengan keadaan di Indonesia, untuk profesi AP diperlukan adanya badan Konsil AP, yang tidak membebani APBN. Badan tersebut bertugas dalam pengembangan usaha antara lain : beraktifitas pengembangan usaha menyadarkan transparansi pihak pembuat laporan keuangan, standar setting, bekerjasama dengan Badan Pengawas. Ketidakseimbangan dalam pengaturan yaitu, belum ada undang undang tentang penyusunan laporan keuangan, harus segera diatasi . Sebaiknya PPAJP dibubarkan, dalam arti kedudukannya tidak berada dibawah Sekretariat Jenderal yang secara struktur organisasi berfungsi menangani masalah intern suatu Kementerian. Pengaturan pelaksanaan dalam bentuk Peraturan Pemerintah, maupun Peraturan Menteri Keuangan mengarah untuk lebih melepaskan dan memberikan kepercayaan kepada AP, dengan memperhatikan prinsip Good Governance. Model dalam upaya perumusan undang undang masih menggunakan model Elite, yang intinya masih penguasa yang merumuskan.

This research aims to analyze the policies in the sector of Certified Public Accountants Law No. 5 of 2011 dated May 3, related to aspects of the formulation of laws and of the problem. Of the process, the review was performed after formulated for the reform consideration. The problem in this study was viewed from the perspective of good governance principles. The study was conducted with qualitative methods, interviews were based on sample representativeness (purposive sampling), in which the representation of the substance of the data and related information, the discussion focused and secondary data.
The results showed that laws setting a public accountant is a lame policy, because the primary is on financial reporting has not been regulated in the Act. In terms of preparation time and cost inefficient laws because the results were not many changes from previous regulations, and without regard to the problems that violate the principles of good governance that has been happening in the profession. Weaknesses in laws such as: too many of the guidelines to be issued, the existence of multiple interpretations and contradictions between chapters, there is a setting that does not need to include i.e.: prohibitions and exceptions that are not appropriate and the use of an inappropriate term client. There are other policies than mentioned above also does not address the needs of the profession, they are agencies that deal with the council as an independent profession which is needed in: the preparation of standards; (standard setting); the practice of fake AP; relationships with stakeholders, and regulators in an effort to the development of professional use. Ineffective arrangements are still continuing in the new law implicitly states that the problem was not considered in the formulation of laws.
It recommends further research: setting should be adjusted to the situation in Indonesia, it is necessary for the profession AP the Council bodies, which do not burden the state budget. The agency is in charge of business development, among others, to make understand the transparency of the makers of financial statements, standard setting, in cooperation with the Board of Supervisors. Imbalance in the regulation, no laws on the preparation of financial statements, must be addressed immediately. PPAJP should be dissolved, in the sense of his position are not under the General Secretariat of the structure of organizations dealing with the internal functioning of a ministry. Implementation arrangements in Government Regulation or Regulation of Minister of Finance shall lead to further release and give credence to the AP, by observing the principles of Good Governance. Model formulation of laws in an effort to still use the Elite models, which in essence is still the ruler who formulated."
Depok: 2012
UI - Disertasi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Good governance is an important foundation to the attainment of development goals in a transitional democracy such as Indonesia. Good governance as a concept is exercised through its principles. Major institutions attempt to seek ways to put governance in practice have concluded that the principles has often being overlooked despite of its significant contribution to the process of transitional democracy towards consolidated democracy. this article attempts to show the importance of fairness to the attainment of people's welfare. Indicators drew from partnership governance index show that fairness well contributes to he effectiveness of development as well as guarding the transitional democracy towards consolidated democracy. The application of fairness guarantees the people's rights to obtain equal quality of basic services such as helath and education."
JEP 18:2 (2010)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Good governance is efforts to manage economic and social resources transparently, accountably, and anticipatively involving the state, industry, and society sectors. Implementation of the principles of transparency and accountability will support each element of good government to manage nation well. By doing so, each decision state administrative court can be accountable for the public and the law. Te government (central and provincial level) should encourage industries and communities in every policy and effort to advance the societies. The implementation of good governance is a must, not just a trend in international relationship. Therefore, all officials and staffs of governmental institution and other state organizations should improve their understanding in executing good governance."
JHHP 4:1 (2006)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahmat Akbar
"Dalam tulisan ini membahas tentang partisipasi masyarakat dalam pelayanan publik ditinjau dari berbagai peraturan perundang-undangan. Partispasi masyarakat dalam pelayanan publik yang seharusnya secara penuh sebagai warga negara, namun yang terjadi dalam peraturan perundang-undangan adalah partisipasi yang didasarkan atas kebijakan penyelenggara layanan. Masih terdapat ketidak konsistenan terhadap pengaturan partisipasi masyarakat sehingga tidak jarang menimbulkan kebingunggan khususnya penyelenggara pelayanan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif dengan pendekatan peraturan peraturan perundang-undangan dan konseptual. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat ketidak konsistenan pengaturan norma terkait dengan partisipasi masyarakat dalam penyusunan standar pelayanan serta partisipasi masyarakat tidak hanya diatur pada undang-pelayanan publik, namun tersebar dalam berbagai undang-undang. Perlu dilakukan harmonisasi pengaturan terkait partisipasi masyarakat dalam pelayanan publik agar tidak terjadi kebinggungan di tataran pelaksanaan.

In this paper discusses community participation in public services in terms of various laws and regulations. Public participation in public services that should be fully as citizens, but what happens in legislation is participation based on the policies of service providers. There is still inconsistency in the regulation of community participation so that it often creates confusion especially for service providers. This research is a normative legal research with a legal and conceptual regulation approach. The results showed that there were inconsistencies in norm settings related to community participation in the preparation of service standards and community participation not only regulated by public service laws, but spread in various laws. It is necessary to harmonize regulations related to community participation in public services so that there is no conflict at the implementation level."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Linda Astuti
"Kewenangan Diskresi bagi pemerintah dalam prakteknya menimbulkan kontroversial Disatu sisi pemerintah gamang untuk menggunakan diskresi namun disisi lain dipandang sebagai bentuk ldquo kemerdekaan rdquo atau ldquo kebebasan bertindak rdquo tanpa batas hingga akhirnya mengakibatkan banyaknya pejabat pemerintah yang tersandung kasus hukum Hal ini dikarenakan pada saat itu belum adanya ketentuan yang menjadi dasar pedoman bagi pemerintah untuk menggunakan diskresi Hingga pada Tahun 2014 setelah melalui proses yang panjang lahirlah Undang Undang Nomor 30 Tahun 2014 Tentang Administrasi Pemerintahan yang didalamnya mengatur mengenai diskresi Undang Undang Nomor 30 Tahun 2014 Tentang Administrasi Pemerintahan menjadi hukum materil dalam penyelenggaraan tugas pemerintahan Kajian ini menelaah kewenangan diskresi pemerintah pasca lahirnya UU Nomor 30 Tahun 2014 Tentang Administrasi Pemerintahan keterkaitan kewenangan diskresi dengan prinsip prinsip good governance dan implikasi kewenangan diskresi terhadap perlindungan bagi masyarakat dan bagi pemerintah Kajian ini menggunakan sumber data primer dan sekunder guna menghasilkan penelitian yang lebih komprehensif Hasil kajian menyatakan bahwa kewenangan diskresi bagi pemerintah pasca UU Nomor 30 Tahun 2014 Tentang Administrasi Pemerintahan telah lebih tegas mengatur batasan prosedur dan akibat hukum diskresi dan mewajibkan pemerintah untuk berpedoman kepada prinsip prinsip good governance Undang Undang ini juga telah memberikan perlindungan hukum bagi masyarakat dan pemerintah karena menjadi dasar hukum materiil di bidang Administrasi Pemerintahan.

Principles In practice discretion for the government raises some controversy Basically the government is still in doubt for taking such a discretion but in the other side they see it as the independency or ldquo freedom to act rdquo which lead some of government officers into legal case This thing is caused by the inexistence of rules and guidance for the government in the implementation of discretion Until 2014 and after a long way process Indonesian government has published the Law Number 30 of 2014 on Government Administration to become the material law in the enforcement of government duty This study analyze discretion after the enforcement of Law Number 30 of 2014 on Government Administration the link between discretion with the good governance principle and the implication of discretion towards the protection for society and government This study uses both of primary and secondary data for obtaining more comprehensive result of research The result of study states that discretion for the government after the enforcement of Law Number 30 of 2014 on Government Administration has regulated the limitation procedure and legal consequences in firmer basis towards of discretions and obliges the government to follow the good governance principles This regulation also gives legal protection for society and government for being the substantive legal basis in the field of Public Administration."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Mawaddah
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan peran dewan kota/kabupaten beserta kendala-kendala yang dihadapi dalam rangka mewujudkan kepemerintahan yang baik di Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Teori yang digunakan adalah peran dewan daerah, civic engagement dalam peran dewan daerah, konsep governance, konsep good governance, dan partisipasi masyarakat. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah post positivist dengan teknik pengumpulan data studi kepustakaan dan wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian ini adalah sebagian besar dewan kota/kabupaten menjalani perannya masih secara individual dengan cara yang berbeda antara satu dengan yang lainnya sehingga kapasitas kelembagaan dewan kota/kabupaten sebagai mitra pemerintah kota/kabupaten untuk mewujudkan kepemerintahan yang baik belum seluruhnya dirasakan manfaatnya dan tidak diketahui oleh masyarakat. Dalam menjalankan perannya terutama dalam mewujudkan kepemerintahan yang baik, dewan kota/kabupaten memiliki beberapa kendala diantaranya dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi 4 (empat) bagian diantaranya: 1. terbatasnya perangkat hukum dan kewenangan; 2. hubungan dewan kota/kabupaten dengan masyarakat, 3. anggaran, dan 4. jumlah dan kualitas sumber daya manusia.
This research aims to describe the role of the city council / county as well as the obstacles in achieving good governance in Jakarta. The research use th theory of the role of the regional council, civic engagement in the role of the regional council, the concept of governance, the concept of good governance, and public participation. The approach is post-positivist the utilize in literature study and depth interviews. The result is most of city council / county still undergoing its role individually in different ways with each other, so that, the institutional capacity of the city council / county government as a partner of the city / county to create good governance has not entirely perceive the benefits and unknown by the public. In carrying out its role, especially in creating good governance , the city council / county has several problems which can be classified into 4 (four) sections include:1. limitation of law device and authority; 2. relations of the city council / county with the society, 3. the budget, and 4. quantity and quality of human resouces."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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