Kata Kunci: Al-Farabi; Abad Pertengahan; Eropa; Teori Musik.
Influence of Islamic Civilization in Arts:
Al-Farabi Influence in the Development of Music Theory in Medieval Europe (1130-1150 AD)
The research of this paper is to discuss about al-Farabi and his concept about music theory and how his concept had its influence in the development of music theory in medieval Europe. The research method that is used in this paper is a qualitative research method. Theories of the research in this paper is based on a cultural diffusion according to Leo Frobensius (1897) and theory of cultural influence through a diffusion according to Sanders & Price (1968). Based from the data that is collected on this research, this research had discovered that al-Farabi’s concept of music had its influence on the development of music theory in medieval Europe."