ABSTRAKTerbukanya suatu pewarisan adalah karena kematian. Sehingga, dengan terbukanya
pewarisan maka di dalam KUHPerdata telah ditentukan siapa-siapa yang akan
menjadi ahli waris. Namun, adanya perbedaan penafsiran, suatu warisan tidak
didapatkan apabila di dalam suatu ikatan perkawinan telah dilaksanakan dengan suatu
perjanjian perkawinan. Sehingga timbul permasalahan yaitu bagaimana pengaruh
perjanjian perkawinan pisah harta antara suami dan istrinya terhadap hak mewaris
serta bagaimana kedudukan hukum mewaris suami dan adik pewaris terkait sebagai
ahli waris yang ditinjau dalam KUHPerdata. Terhadap permasalahan tersebut,
dilakukan penelitian untuk menemukan titik terang akan siapa yang akan berhak
menjadi ahli waris. Selanjutnya, penyusunan tesis ini disusun dengan metode
penelitian hukum normatif, untuk mendapatkan hasil penelitian yang bersifat analisis
kualitatif yaitu dengan menelaah data yang diperoleh. Akhirnya, sampailah pada hasil
penelitian bahwa suatu perjanjian perkawinan mengatur pemisahan harta kekayaan
selama perkawinan, dengan putusnya perkawinan akibat kematian seseorang terhadap
harta kekayaan, akan adanya pewarisan dalam bentuk perpindahan kekayaan dan
dalam pewarisanpun telah ditentukan siapa yang menjadi ahli waris, sehingga suatu
perjanjian perkawinan tidak dapat menutup hak mewaris seorang suami. Kedudukan
hukum seorang suami dan adik pewaris sebagai ahli waris telah ditentukan dengan
penggolongan ahli waris yang mana golongan ahli waris terdekat menutup golongan
ahli waris terjauh. Dengan demikian, karena masih adanya suami, harta peninggalan
pewaris, haruslah jatuh pada golongan pertama. Disarankan bagi Notaris untuk
memberi penjelasan bila ingin membuat perjanjian perkawinan.
ABSTRACTThe opening of inheritance would be occurred due to demise. Then, it has been
determined which people who will inherit and be the heirs in Indonesian Civil Code
(“ICC”). However, due to a dissimilar interpretation, inheritance will not be obtained
when the marriage done within a prenuptial agreement. Thereby, some issues arises
such as how the effect of prenuptial agreement of split property against right of
inheritance between husband and wife and how the legal standing of heirs to inherit
between husband and sister-in-law which is reviewed in the Indonesian Civil Code. In
regards to this issue, already doing some research to find some real information on
whose has the right to become heirs. Hereinafter, This thesis composed with
normative legal research method, which is to gain a result that based on qualitative
analysis in which is analyzed by collected data. Finally, it can be concluded that a
prenuptial agreement arranged the separation of wealth during the marriage, with
dissolution of marriage due to demise towards the person’s wealth, there would be
transfer of wealth in the form of inheritance and also, it’s already been determined
whose going to be the heirs, so that a prenuptial agreement may not closed the right of
inheritance for husband. The legal standing of husband and sister-in-law as heirs have
been determined by their classification, which is the closest heirs, would cancel
further heirs. By this circumstances, because there’s still the husband of the late wife,
the property of inheritance, must be owned by the first line of classified person.
Suggestion for Notary, give information before the clients want to make prenuptial
agreement, The opening of inheritance would be occurred due to demise. Then, it has been
determined which people who will inherit and be the heirs in Indonesian Civil Code
(“ICC”). However, due to a dissimilar interpretation, inheritance will not be obtained
when the marriage done within a prenuptial agreement. Thereby, some issues arises
such as how the effect of prenuptial agreement of split property against right of
inheritance between husband and wife and how the legal standing of heirs to inherit
between husband and sister-in-law which is reviewed in the Indonesian Civil Code. In
regards to this issue, already doing some research to find some real information on
whose has the right to become heirs. Hereinafter, This thesis composed with
normative legal research method, which is to gain a result that based on qualitative
analysis in which is analyzed by collected data. Finally, it can be concluded that a
prenuptial agreement arranged the separation of wealth during the marriage, with
dissolution of marriage due to demise towards the person’s wealth, there would be
transfer of wealth in the form of inheritance and also, it’s already been determined
whose going to be the heirs, so that a prenuptial agreement may not closed the right of
inheritance for husband. The legal standing of husband and sister-in-law as heirs have
been determined by their classification, which is the closest heirs, would cancel
further heirs. By this circumstances, because there’s still the husband of the late wife,
the property of inheritance, must be owned by the first line of classified person.
Suggestion for Notary, give information before the clients want to make prenuptial