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Ditemukan 5911 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"The number of tooth decay in Indonesia based on national health survey by the Departement of health of Indonesia in 2001 found about 70 percent of the Indonesian population aged 10 years and over have experienced damage gigi. Pada age 12 years, the amount of tooth decay reaches 43,9 %, age 15 year reached 37,4%, age 18 years 51,1%, aged 35-44 reached 80.1% and the age of 65 years and over reached 96.7%."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bunting, Russell W.
Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1962
613 BUN o
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Septia Utami
Latar Belakang: Penggunaan alat ortodonti cekat dapat mempengaruhi kondisi
jaringan periodontal akibat dari akumuasi plak yang sulit dibershikan, sehingga
dibutuhkan alat bantu tambahan dalam menjaga kebersihan mulut. Tujuan:
Mengetahui efektivitas alat bantu oral hygiene terhadap status periodontal
pemakai alat ortodonti cekat. Metode: Penelitian cross sectional, dengan tiga
puluh subjek berdasarkan teknik purposive sampling. Subjek penelitian di
ditanyakan mengenai penggunaan alat bantu oral hygiene, kemudian dilakukan
pemeriksaan indeks plak, indeks kalkulus, indeks perdarahan gingiva, dan
kedalaman poket. Hasil: Nilai rata-rata indeks plak, indeks kalkulus, indeks
perdarahan gingiva, dan kedalaman poket pada kelompok yang menggunakan alat
bantu oral hygiene dengan kelompok yang tidak menggunakan alat bantu oral
hygiene berbeda bermakna (uji Kruskal-Wallis dan Independent T-Test; p<0,05).
Kesimpulan: Penggunaan alat bantu oral hygiene efektif dapat menurunkan
indeks indeks plak, indeks kalkulus, indeks perdarahan gingiva, dan kedalaman
poket pada pengguna alat ortodonti cekat.

Background: The use of fixed orthodontic appliance can affect the periodontal
condition in result of plaque accumulation, so that the use of oral hygiene aid will
be neccessary. Objective: To know the effectiveness of oral hygiene aids to
periodontal status in fixed orthodontic patient. Method: The research is cross
sectional study with thirty subjects. The subjects were questioned about the use of
oral hygiene aid and then had their plaque index, calculus, index, papilla bleeding
index, and pocket probing depth examined. Result: The mean of plaque index,
calculus index, papilla bleeding index, and pocket probing depth in group with the
usage of oral hygiene aids and group without the usage of oral hygiene aids have
significant difference (Kruskal-Wallis dan Independent T-Test; p<0,05).
Conclusion: The Use of oral hygiene aids can reduce plaque index, calculus
index, papilla bleeding index, and pocket probing depth in fixed orthodontic
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Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irensia Arviana
"Sebagian masyarakat membeli obat antibakteri oral di apotek tanpa resep dokter (swamedikasi). Penggunaan antibakteri secara tidak tepat dapat menyebabkan terjadinya resistensi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pemahaman terhadap penggunaan antibakteri oral dan kepuasan terhadap pelayanan, saran, dan informasi yang diberikan oleh petugas apotek. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode studi potong lintang dari Februari-Mei 2012 di enam apotek Kota Depok. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara consecutive sampling. Sampel adalah pengunjung beberapa apotek di wilayah Depok yang pernah membeli antibakteri oral. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner yang telah divalidasi sebagai alat ukur. Total sampel berjumlah 114 orang. Responden yang paham dengan baik mengenai penggunaan antibakteri oral adalah 36 %. Sebagian besar responden (67,55 %) cukup puas terhadap pelayanan, saran, dan informasi yang diberikan petugas apotek. Rata-rata pemahaman responden adalah 76,19 % dan rata-rata kepuasan responden adalah 72,46 %.

Most of people buy oral antibacterial drugs in pharmacies without a prescription (self-medication). The use of antibacterial incorrectly may lead to resistance. This study aimed to analyze the comprehension of oral antibacterial use and the satisfaction of services, advice, and information provided by the pharmacist. Research carried out by the method of cross-sectional study from February to May 2012 in six pharmacies in Depok. Sampling was conducted in consecutive sampling. Samples were visitors at several pharmacies in the area of Depok who ever bought an oral antibacterial. Data was collected using a questionnaire that has been validated as a measurement tool. Total sample was 114 people. Respondents who know well about the use of oral antibacterials were 36 %. The majority of respondents (67.55 %) were quite satisfied with the services, advice, and information provided the pharmacist. The average comprehension of the respondent was 76.19 % and the average satisfaction of respondent was 72.46 %."
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Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Philadelphia: WB. Saunders, 1969
618.92 TEX
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lilis Jamilah
"Skripsi ini membahas mengenai persepsi ibu terhadap kesehatan gigi mulut dan status kesehatan gigi mulut anak prasekolah. Penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analitik potong lintang. Data persepsi ibu tentang kesehatan gigi dan mulut diambil dengan pengisian kuesioner Hiroshima University Dental Behaviour Inventory (HU-DBI) yang dimodifikasi. Data status kesehatan gigi mulut anak diambil menggunakan oral rating index dan oral debri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan status kesehatan gigi mulut anak lebih baik dibandingkan dengan ibunya dan ditemukan hubungan yang bermakna antara beberapa persepsi ibu mengenai kebiasaan ibu dalam menjaga kesehatan gigi mulut anaknya dengan status kesehatan gigi mulut anak.

The focus of this study is maternal perception of oral health and oral health status in preschool children. This research is cross-sectional analytic. Data about maternal perception of oral health was carried out by using Hiroshima University Dental Behaviour Inventory that has been modified. Data about oral health status was carried out by using oral rating index and oral debri. The results showed oral health status of children is better than their mother and found a significant association between some maternal perceptions about taking care their children`s oral health with oral health status of children."
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Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Utomo Budidarmo
"LATAR BELAKANG: Keputihan adalah keluhan kewanitaan yang paling sering dijumpai pada pelayanan kesehatan primer, dengan kunjungan berdasarkan data CDC di Amerika Serikat sebanyak 2,7-3,6 juta pasien dengan keluhan keputihan pada tahun 2008. Keputihan abnormal tersering yang disebabkan infeksi adalah Bacterial Vaginosis BV pada 22-50 wanita, Kandidosis VulvoVaginal KVV sebesar 17-39 dan Trikhomoniasis TV sebesar 4-35. Beberapa di antara komplikasi serius yang dapat terjadi pada Bacterial Vaginosis antara lain keguguran, peradangan rongga panggul, persalinan prematur, khorioamnionitis, endometritis postpartum, serta infeksi pascaoperasi ginekologis. Timbulnya keputihan abnormal erat kaitannya dengan perubahan derajat keasaman pH dari keadaan normalnya yaitu 3,5-4,7 yang disebabkan penurunan flora normal laktobasili dan peningkatan mikroba patologis yang menghasilkan keputihan. Diagnosis keputihan dapat ditegakkan berdasarkan pendekatan sindromik, empirik, maupun laboratoris. Probiotik sebagai mikroorganisme hidup yang dapat memberikan keuntungan kesehatan kepada inangnya, dalam hal ini Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 dan Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14 pada beberapa penelitian uji klinis acak tersamar ganda di luar negeri telah terbukti memberikan kesembuhan yang signifikan dibanding terapi standar, baik sebagai terapi utama maupun ajuvan. Penelitian serupa belum pernah dilakukan di Indonesia.
TUJUAN: Diketahuinya efektivitas klinis dan dibuktikannya tingginya proporsi kesembuhan dan tingkat kepuasan pascaterapi pasien kombinasi antimikroba-probiotik oral Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 dan Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14 dibanding kombinasi antimikroba-placebo pada pengobatan pasien usia reproduksi dengan keputihan di poliklinik rawat jalan obstetrik dan ginekologi RSCM.
METODE: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian uji klinis acak tersamar ganda dengan jumlah sampel inisial 84 subjek, dan terealisasi 50 subjek dengan populasi target wanita usia reproduksi yang berkunjung dengan keluhan keputihan ke poliklinik rawat jalan RSCM dan RSUD Arifin Achmad Pekanbaru, Riau dan memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi, terbagi dalam 25 subjek pada kelompok kontrol dan 25 subjek pada kelompok perlakuan. Data dikumpulkan melalui pemeriksaan klinis dengan pendekatan sindromik, pemberian probiotik yang mengandung masing-masing 2,5x109 CFU Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 dan Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14 sebagai ajuvan terapi antimikroba standar pada kelompok perlakuan dan terapi antimikroba standar ditambah plasebo pada kelompok kontrol, dicatat respon terapi 4 mingggu kemudian menggunakan instrumen formulir pelaporan kasus khusus penelitian dan formulir peniliaian tingkat kepuasan berdasarkan Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire For Medication TSQM VERSI II . Nilai risiko relatif, dan Uji chi square dilakukan untuk menilai hubungan antar variabel. Analisis interim dengan penilaian conditional power dan uji futilitas dilakukan di tengah penelitian karena jumlah sampel insial tidak tercapai. Penelitan ini sudah lolos kaji etik dan mendapat persetujuan pelaksanaan dari Komite Etik Penelitian Kesehatan FKUI-RSCM pada bulan Maret 2016.
HASIL: Sebanyak 50 subjek dapat terkumpul dan dianalisa, terdiri dari 25 subjek perlakuan dan 25 subjek kontrol, dimana sebanyak 14 subjek 56 dari kelompok perlakuan sembuh dan 11 subjek 44 tidak sembuh, serta sebanyak 15 subjek 60 dari kelompok kontrol sembuh dan 10 subjek 40 tidak sembuh, sehingga menghasilkan risiko relatif sebesar 1,1 untuk subjek yang tidak sembuh, dan uji Chi-Square didapatkan nilai p 0,77, IK 95 ; 0,57-2,11 . Pada tingkat kepuasan didapatkan bahwa proporsi tingkat kepuasan tinggi skor 67-100 justru lebih besar pada kelompok plasebo sebesar 52,6 10 subjek dibanding kelompok probiotik sebesar 47,4 9 subjek . Berdasarkan uji statistik didapatkan nilai p sebesar 0,65 ge;0,05 , sehingga tidak ada perbedaan tingkat kepuasan responden pada kelompok perlakuan probiotik maupun kelompok kontrol plasebo . Kekurangan jumlah sampel telah dianalisis dengan kurva conditional power dan uji futilitas untuk mengetahui kemungkinan signifikansi pada jumlah sampel total, dan didapatkan nilai Z = -0.2865, sesuai dengan conditional power antara 0,11-0,13 sehingga indeks futilitas 0,88-0,87, dengan interpretasi bahwa kemungkinan kecil penelitian akan bermakna bila dilanjutkan hingga tercapai sampel total.
KESIMPULAN: Tidak ditemukan perbedaan proporsi yang bermakna secara klinis maupun statistik pada tingkat kesembuhan maupun tingkat kepuasan pada pasien usia reproduksi dengan keputihan pada pemberian kombinasi antimikroba-probiotik oral Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 dan Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14 dibanding kombinasi antimikroba-plasebo setelah terapi selama 4 minggu, namun dalam penelitian ini hipotesis awal proporsi kesembuhan kelompok perlakuan probiotik yang lebih tinggi daripada kelompok kontrol plasebo belum bisa ditolak, karena jumlah sampel belum memadai.KATA KUNCI : Keputihan, Bacterial Vaginosis, Kandidosis VulvoVaginal, Trikhomoniasis, Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1, Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14, uji klinis acak randomisasi ganda.

BACKGROUND Vaginal discharge is one of the most frequent complain encountered in primary health care, as much as 2,7 to 2,6 million visits per year according to data from the CDC in the United States in 2008. The most common abnormal vaginal discharge caused by infection is Bacterial Vaginosis BV in 22 50 of women, vulvovaginal candidosis KVV of 17 39 and Trikhomoniasis TV of 4 35 . Some of the serious complications that may be caused bacterial Vaginosis include miscarriage, pelvic inflammation, premature delivery, chorioamnionitis, postpartum endometritis, as well as gynecological postoperative infection. Abnormal vaginal discharge is closely related to changes in the degree of acidity pH from the normal state which is 3.5 to 4.7 caused a decrease in the normal flora lactobacilli and an increase in microbes that produce pathological vaginal discharge. Diagnosis of vaginal discharge may be established based on syndromic, empirical, and laboratory approach. Probiotics known as living microorganisms that can provide health benefits to the host, in this case Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR 1 and Lactobacillus reuteri RC 14, in several randomized clinical trials, double blinded, have been proven to provide healing significantly compared to standard therapy, either as primary or adjuvant therapy. Such researchs have not been done in Indonesia.
OBJECTIVES To acknowledge the clinical effectiveness and prove the high proportion of cure and satisfaction levels of post treatment patients with a combination of antimicrobial probiotic oral Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR 1 and Lactobacillus reuteri RC 14 compared to a combination of antimicrobial placebo in the treatment of patients of reproductive age with vaginal discharge in the clinic outpatient obstetrics and gynecology RSCM.
METHODS This study is a randomized, double blind, clinical trial with initial total sample was 84 subjects, and only 50 subjects were able to be analyzed with target population of reproductive age women who visited with complain of vaginal discharge to outpatient clinic at RSCM and Arifin Achmad Pekanbaru, Riau and met the inclusion criteria and exclusion, divided into 25 subjects in the control group and 25 subjects in the treatment group. Data were collected through a clinical examination with syndromic approach, administration of probiotics containing each 2,5x109 CFU Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR 1 and Lactobacillus reuteri RC 14 as an adjuvant standard antimicrobial therapy in the treatment group and placebo plus standard antimicrobial therapy in the control group, therapeutic response was recorded 4 weeks after treatment using the trial spesific case report form and level of satisfaction using a form based on treatment satisfaction Questionnaire For Medication TSQM VERSION II . Relative risk values, and chi square test was performed to assess the relationship between variables. The interim analysis with conditional power assesment and futility testing in the middle of the study was performed due to insufficient sample size. Research has already qualified and approved by Ethics Commitee for Health Researches Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia RSCM in March 2016.
RESULTS A total of 50 subjects has participated and analyzed, consisting of 25 subjects treated and 25 control subjects, with 14 subjects 56 of the treatment group cured and 11 subjects 44 not cured, and as many as 15 subjects 60 cured of the control group and 10 subjects 40 not cured, resulting in a relative risk of 1.1 for subjects that is not cured, and the Chi square test p value 0.77, 95 CI 0.57 to 2 , 11 . On the treatment staisfaction level analysis, it was found that high level of satisfaction score ge 67 unexpectedly higher in the placebo group of 52,6 10 subjetcs compared to probiotic group, of 47,4 9 subjects . Based on statistical test, p value was 0,65 ge 0,05 , equals to no difference in the level of satisfaction of respondents in treatment group probiotic and control group placebo . Lacking number of samples collected 50 subjects have been analyzed with conditional power and futility test curve for possible significancy provided the total number of samples able to be collected, and obtained the value of Z 0.2865, corresponds to conditional power between 0.11 to 0.13 and futility index of 0.87 to 0.88, which may be interpreted as low possibility of reaching statistical significance even if the trial was continued to initially calculated minimum sample.
CONCLUSION There was no clinical and statistical difference in the proportion of cure and the level of satisfaction in patients of reproductive age with vaginal discharge in the treatment with combination of antimicrobial oral probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR 1 and Lactobacillus reuteri RC 14 compared to combination of antimicrobial placebo after treatment for 4 weeks. However in this study, the initial hypothesis of higher proportion of cure at the treatment group probiotic compared to placebo still cannot be excluded, due to insufficient samples collected. KEYWORDS Vaginal discharge, Bacterial Vaginosis. Vulvovaginal candidiasis, Trikhomoniasis, Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR 1, Lactobacillus reuteri RC 14, randomized double blind controlled trial."
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Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dovian Emely Suteja
"Tongue coating merupakan lapisan pada dorsum lidah yang berpotensi menjadi fokus infeksi dan sering ditemukan pada lansia karena berbagai faktor. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara tingkat kebersihan mulut dengan tongue coating pada lansia mandiri di Kota Depok serta hubungannya dengan faktor-faktor sosiodemografi. Metode: Penelitian potong lintang dilakukan pada lansia mandiri di Kota Depok, Jawa Barat. Tingkat kebersihan mulut diukur menggunakan Simplified Oral Hygiene Index OHI-S . Keberadaan tongue coating dinilai secara visual. Data faktor-faktor sosiodemografi diperoleh dari pengisian kuesioner Hasil: Penelitian melibatkan 89 subjek dengan rentang usia 60-90 tahun. Rata-rata OHI-S ialah 2,94 1,02. Tingkat kebersihan mulut buruk ditemukan pada 41 48,3 subjek. Prevalensi tongue coating ialah 31,5 . Hasil analisis menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara tingkat kebersihan mulut dan tongue coating pada lansia p>0,05 . Faktor-faktor sosiodemografi tidak berhubungan secara signifikan baik terhadap tingkat kebersihan mulut maupun tongue coating p>0,05 . Kesimpulan: Mayoritas subjek lansia mandiri memiliki tingkat kebersihan mulut yang buruk dan tidak mengalami tongue coating. Tingkat kebersihan mulut tidak memiliki hubungan yang bermakna dengan tongue coating. Faktor-faktor sosiodemografi tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap hubungan keduanya.

Introduction Tongue coating is a layer on the dorsum of tongue that could potentially become a focus of infection and often found in elderly due to various factors. Objectives This study aims to determine the relationship between oral hygiene status and tongue coating among independent elderly in Depok and their relationship with sociodemographic factors. Methods A cross sectional study was conducted on 89 subjects in Depok, West Java. The oral hygiene status was measured using Simplified Oral Hygiene Index OHI S . The presence of tongue coating was assessed visually. Sociodemographic factors data are obtained from questionnaires. Results The study included 89 independent elderly subjects, ranging from 60 to 90 of age. The mean OHI S score is 2.94 1.02. Poor oral hygiene was found in 41 48.3 subjects. The prevalence of tongue coating was 31.5 . No statistically significant association was found between the oral hygiene status and tongue coating among elderly p 0.05 . Sociodemographic factors were not significantly associated with oral hygiene and tongue coating. p 0.05 . Conclusion Most independent elderly subjects have poor oral hygiene and no tongue coating. Oral hygiene is not significantly associated with tongue coating. Sociodemographic factors do not significantly affect the association between both of them.
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Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Faridah Marzuqah Zhafirah
Tujuan: Mengetahui perbedaan penggunaan video animasi dan video nonanimasi sebagai media pendidikan dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan anak tunagrahita ringan mengenai kesehatan gigi dan mulutnya.
Metode: Subjek penelitian adalah 20 siswa SDLB Ar-Rahman diberikan edukasi menggunakan video animasi dan 14 siswa SDLB Mahardika menggunakan video non-animasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pre and post test design.
Hasil: Ada perbedaan bermakna antara peningkatan pengetahuan sebelum dan sesudah edukasi (p=0.000). Namun, tidak ada perbedaan yang bermakna antara peningkatan pengetahuan menggunakan video animasi dengan menggunakan video nonanimasi (p=0.457).
Kesimpulan: Video animasi dan non-animasi tidak memiliki perbedaan dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan kesehatan gigi dan mulut pada anak
tunagrahita ringan.

Objective: To determine the differences between animated and non-animated video as a medium of education in improving the knowledge of mild mental retardation children about their oral health.
Methods: The subjects were 20 students of SLB Ar-Rahman, who were given education using animated video and 14 students of SLB Mahardika who were given education using non-animated video. This study used a pre and post test design.
Results: There are significant differences in improvement of knowledge between before and after education (p=0.000). However, there are no significant difference between the increase in knowledge using animated viedo and using non-animated videos (p=0457).
Conclusion: animated and non-animated video does not have a difference in improving the oral health knowledge on mild mental retardation children."
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Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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