Ditemukan 10683 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Philadelphia: Lippincot, 2004
610.73 PER
Buku Teks SO Universitas Indonesia Library
St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier, 2014
610.73 NUR
Buku Teks SO Universitas Indonesia Library
Deisy Sri Hardini
"Penulisan Karya Ilmiah Akhir ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan penerapan teori Transcultural Nursing dalam memenuhi kebutuhan perilaku tidur-terjaga bayi prematur. Perilaku tidur-terjaga merupakan hal penting karena menggambarkan kematangan sistem neurobehavior yang mendukung pertumbuhan dan perkembangan. Pendekatan transkultural yang dapat dilakukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan perilaku tidur-terjaga bayi prematur yaitu melalui pemberian stimulasi biological maternal sound (BMS). Pemberian stimulasi BMS melalui pendekatan keperawatan transkultural menggambarkan kemampuan Ners Spesialis Keperawatan Anak dalam perannya sebagai praktisi, pengelola, pendidik kesehatan, dan peneliti.
The aim of this paper was to describe the application of Transcultural Nursing Theory to fulfill sleep-awake behaviour of preterm infants. Sleep-awake behaviour was the important thing because it was a reflection of the maturity of neurobehaviour system that supports growth and development. Transcultural approach that can be done to fulfill the sleep-awake behaviour of preterm infants by giving biological maternal sound stimulation (BMS). BMS through transcultural nursing approach described the competency of pediatric Nurse Specialist as care giver, manager, health educator, and researcher."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library
McEwen, Melanie
Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2007
610.73 MCE t
Buku Teks SO Universitas Indonesia Library
Rita Dewi Sunarno
"Angka kematian ibu (AKI) merupakan salah satu indikator untuk menentukan derajat kesehatan ibu. AKI secara nasional masih relatif tinggi. Penyebab AKI antara lain perdarahan setelah persalinan, eklamsia, dan infeksi. Selain itu, AKI juga disebabkan oleh faktor tiga terlambat dan empat terlalu. Perdarahan menempati persentase tertinggi penyebab kematian ibu. Laporan ini memberikan gambaran tentang pelaksanaan praktik residensi Ners Spesialis Keperawatan Maternitas fokus pada kasus perdarahan postpartum dengan penerapan kedua teori yaitu "Need for Help Wiedenbach" pada keadaan emergensi dan teori "Conservation Levine" untuk pemulihan ibu postpartum dengan perdarahan. Fokus teori keperawatan “Need for Help Wiedenbach” adalah memberikan pertolongan sesuai dengan kebutuhan pasien saat ini yaitu pada kasus ini saat terjadi perdarahan. Kemudian setelah fase akut teratasi, asuhan keperawatan diberikan untuk mempertahankan keseimbangan energi ibu postpartum setelah mengalami perdarahan. Perawat perlu memahami dan melaksanakan perannya sebagai pemberi asuhan keperawatan, pendidik, konselor, advokat, koordinator, kolaborator, peneliti, dan agen pembaharu dalam pelayanan praktik keperawatan.
MMR is still relatively high nationally. The causes of MMR may include postpartum hemorrhage, eclampsia, and infection. In addition, MMR is also caused by the “three delays” and “four frequently occurring factors” among women. Bleeding is the highest percentage of the causes of maternal death. This report provided an overview of the practice implementation by resident maternity nursing specialist focused on the application theories of Need for Help from Wiedenbach during acute stage and Conservation from Levine during recovery stage with postpartum hemorrhage. The nursing theory of "Need for Help Wiedenbach" is indented to provide help in accordance with the needs of patients here and now in case of postpartum hemorrhage. Then after the acute phase is managed, the nursing care is given to maintain energy balance of postpartum women after bleeding. The nurses need to understand and carry out their roles as providers of nursing cares, educator, counselor, advocate, coordinator, collaborator, researcher, and innovator in the nursing maternity practices."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library
Walker, Lorraine Olszewski
New York: Pearson, 2019
610.730 1 WAL s
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Ni Made Sri Rahyanti
"Fungsi sistem tubuh salah satunya tergantung pada keseimbangan cairan dan elektrolit. Ketidakseimbangan cairan elektrolit seperti dehidrasi, hidrasi berlebihan, kekurangan garam dan air berhubungan erat dengan morbiditas dan mortalitas anak. Karya ilmiah akhir ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan aplikasi teori Comfort Kolcaba pada anak dengan gangguan kebutuhan cairan. Teori ini diaplikasikan pada 5 pasien dan bertujuan untuk tercapainya peningkatan kenyamanan pasien. Kebutuhan kenyamanan dikaji berdasarkan konteks fisik, psikospiritual, lingkungan, dan sosiokultural. Intervensi kenyamanan diberikan sesuai dengan kebutuhan kenyamanan pasien yang meliputi standart of comfort, coaching, dan comfort food for the soul. Penerapan Evidence Based Nursing posisi duduk dalam pelukan orang tua merupakan intervensi yang mampu meningkatkan kenyamanan fisik dan emosional anak dengan gangguan kebutuhan cairan.
The function of body system depends on fluid and electrolyte balance. Electrolyte and fluid imbalances such as dehydration, over hydration, poor of salt and water are related to childhood morbidity and mortality. This study aims to describe the application of Kolcaba 39;s Comfort Theory of children with fluid imbalance. This theory is applied to 5 patients and aims to achieve enhance of comfort. Comfort needs are assessed based on physical, psychospiritual, environmental, and sociocultural contexts. Comfort interventions are gived according to comfort needs. Types of comfort intervention are standard of comfort, coaching, and comfort food for the soul. An intervention of the sitting position in a parent 39;s hold is a application of evidence based nursing that is able to improve the physical and emotional comfort of children with fluid imbalance. "
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library
Rita Dwi Hartanti
"Aplikasi Teori Adaptasi Roy dalam asuhan keperawatan pasien dengan gangguan perkemihan bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan adaptasi terhadap perubahan perilaku fisik dan psikologis yang disebabkan oleh berbagai stimulus fokal, residual dan konstektual. Masalah keperawatan yang umumnya terjadi pada pasien dengan gangguan perkemihan diantaranya kelebihan volume cairan, ketidakseimbangan nutrisi kurang dari kebutuhan tubuh, intoleran aktifitas, gangguan pola tidur, cemas, koping tidak efektif. Implementasi keperawatan untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut meliputi pelaksanaan intervensi keperawatan yang terdiri dari berbagai aktivitas regulator dan kognator. Dalam penerapan teori adaptasi Roy menunjukkan pelaksanaan praktek keperawatan berbasis pembuktian dengan Cryotherapy, efektif untuk mengurangi nyeri kanulasi pada pasien hemodialsis dan penerapan pemberian booklet manajemen hemodialisis menunjukkan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan pasien tentang manajemen hemodialisis.
Application Roy Adaptation Theory in nursing care of patients with urinary disorders aims to improve the ability of adaptation to the physical and psychological behavior changes induced by various stimuli focal, contextual and residual. Nursing problems that commonly occur in patients with urinary disorders including fluid volume overload, imbalance nutrition less than body requirements, activity intolerance, impaired sleep patterns, anxiety, coping ineffective. Implementation of nursing include the implementation of nursing intervention that consisted of various of kognator and regulators activities. The application of Roy's adaptation theory suggests the implementation of evidencebased nursing practice with Cryotherapy than effective for reducing pain cannulation in hemodialysis patients and application of educational booklets mangement of hemodialysis has been shown to increase knowledge about the management of patients on hemodialysis."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library
Faqih Ruhyanudin
"Kanker adalah pertumbuhan sel baru yang tidak terkontrol, mampu menyebar dan menginvasi sehingga mengancam kehidupan. Insiden kanker dilaporkan dari tahun ke tahun terjadi peningkatan. Berbagai upaya telah dilakukan untuk menurunkan morbiditas dan mortalitas kanker.
Karya Ilmiah Akhir (KIA) ini adalah sebagai laporan praktik residensi keperawatan medikal bedah peminatan onkologi di RS Kanker Dharmais Jakarta. Karya ilmiah ini berisi tentang: (1) penerapan teori Peaceful End of Life (PEOL) pada pasien kanker tyroid, (2) penerapan RIDcancerPain untuk menurunkan nyeri sebagai Evidence Based Nursing Practice (EBNP), (3) proyek inovasi integrasi ESAS kedalam pengkajian pasien rawat inap.
Kesimpulan: bahwa teori peaceful end of life tepat digunakan dalam perawatan paliatif pasien kanker. Intervensi edukasi dengan pendekatan RIDcancerPain dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu alternatif pilihan manajemen nyeri nonfarmakologi. Instrumen ESAS memerlukan kompilasi dengan instrumen pengkajian lain agar mendapatkan data yang komprehensif.
Cancer is an uncontrolled new growth of the cell which capable of metastasis and invasion that threatens host survival. The incidence of cancer reported from year to year there was an increase. Various attempts have been made to decrease the morbidity and mortality of cancer. Method: The paper is a report medicalsurgical nursing practice residency specialization in oncology at Dharmais Cancer Hospital in Jakarta. Its consists of: (1) a report on the nursing care of thyroid cancer patients with peaceful end of life theory approach focused on not being in pain, experience of comfort, experience of dignity and respect, being at peace, and closeness to significant others. (2) the application of RIDcancerPain to reduce pain as the evidence based nursing practice (EBNP), (3) the innovation project of the integration of an ESAS into assessment inpatients. Conclusion: The peaceful end of life theory is suitable for used in the palliative care. Educational intervention with RIDcancerPain approach can be used as an alternative of the non-pharmacological pain management. ESAS is requires compilation with other assessment instruments in order to obtain comprehensive data."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library
"Perspectives on Nursing Theory is a comprehensive anthology of important articles addressing diverse theoretical and philosophical perspectives on the nature of theory and knowledge development in nursing. This informative and contemporary resource features some of the most widely read and cited articles that facilitates thought and discussion among nurses, researchers, students, and teachers.
Features 52 of the most widely read and frequently cited articles reflecting seminal, modern, and futuristic perspectives on nursing theory, Includes new articles reflecting current, cutting-edge views of nursing theory and trends. Includes biographical information about each author that provides insight into the author's perspective."
Philadelphia : Wolters Kluwer Health/ Lippincott Williams; Wilkins, 2012
610.7301 PER
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library