ABSTRAKTesis ini menganalisa mengenai proses investigasi Amerika Serikat (AS) atas
kasus Frozen Warmwater Shrimp Subsidies yang menyangkut Indonesia yang
dinilai telah melakukan subsidi dan merugikan industri domestik AS. Konsistensi
antara proses tindakan anti-subsidi (CVD) yang dilakukan otoritas investigasi AS
dan ketentuan WTO khususnya Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing
Measures (ASCM) akan dilihat dalam tesis ini. Penulisan tesis ini menggunakan
metode penelitian hukum normatif dengan hasil preskriptif. Hasil penelitian
menyarankan agar memastikan proses penyelidikan yang dilakukan AS terhadap
Indonesia dan tindakan pemerintah Indonesia dalam membuktikan dirinya tidak
bersalah sesuai dengan hukum WTO, sehingga penyimpangan terhadap
pemakaian tindakan anti-subsidi dapat dihindari demi kepentingan perdagangan
internasional bagi seluruh anggota WTO. Selain itu, WTO perlu memberikan
perhatian lebih terhadap isu dominansi negara-negara maju dalam menerapkan
tindakan anti-subsidi terhadap negara-negara berkembang yang dapat dijadikan
alasan untuk sikap proteksi atas industri domestik negara-negara maju tersebut
atau kepentingan-kepentingan lainnya.
ABSTRACTThis thesis analyzes the process of investigation of the United States (US) on
Frozen Warmwater Shrimp Subsidies case against Indonesia who had committed
subsidies and cause injury to the US domestic industry. The consistency between
process of anti-subsidy measures (CVD) who conducted by US investigation
authorities and the provisions of WTO especially the Agreement on Subsidies and
Countervailing Measures (ASCM) will be viewed in this thesis. This thesis uses
the method of normative legal research as to result in a prescriptive advice. The
results of the study suggest that ensures the investigation process conducted by
AS against Indonesia and the Indonesian Government measures to prove his
innocence in accordance with the WTO law, so that deviations from the use of
anti-subsidy measures can be avoided in the interest of international trade for all
WTO members. Moreover, the WTO needs to pay more attention to the issue of
dominance of developed countries in implementing anti-subsidy measures against
developing countries that can be used as an excuse for protectionism on the
domestic industry of the developed countries or other interests."