"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan penelitian korelasional dan intervensi. Dua studi, studi korelasi dan studi intervensi, dilakukan untuk meneliti interaksi spiritualitas di tempat kerja dan spiritualitas individual dalam memprediksi kepuasan kerja, dan mengetahui efektivitas pelatihan “BeYOUnd”. Karyawan operasional PT XYZ sejumlah 154 orang berpartisipasi pada studi pertama; dan hasil menunjukkan bahwa terdapat korelasi positif dan signifikan antar variabel p< .01). Hasil analisis PROCESS Hayes menunjukkan bahwa spiritualitas individual berperan sebagai moderator pada hubungan antara spiritualitas di tempat kerja dan kepuasan kerja F p <0,05, R 2=7%. Pelatihan “BeYOUnd”, sebagai studi intervensi, dilakukan pada 14 karyawan yang mendapatkan skor spiritualitas di tempat kerja rendah pada studi pertama. Hasil evaluasi tingkat 1 menunjukkan reaksi positif peserta terlihat dari tidak ada penilaian di bawah rata- rata pengukuran (M = 4,98 – 5,64). Evaluasi tingkat 2 menunjukkan perbedaan signifikan antara skor pengetahuan partisipan sebelum dan sesudah pelatihan “BeYOUnd” (Z = -2.22, p. Hasil evaluasi tingkat 3 menunjukkan bahwa partisipan mendapatkan nilai baik (3) dan sangat baik (4) pada indikator perilaku yang menunjukkan spiritualitas di tempat kerja. Berdasarkan tiga tingkat evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa pelatihan “BeYOUnd” secara umum memiliki hasil yang baik berdasarkan evaluasi reaksi, pengetahuan, dan tingkah laku. Kedua studi yang dilakukan berhasil menjawab seluruh pertanyaan penelitian yang diajukan oleh peneliti.
There were two studies in this research, correlation study and intervention study. The purpose of the correlation study was to examine the relationship of individual spirituality as moderator on the relationship between workplace spirituality and job satisfaction. Intervention study aimed to examine the effectiveness of the 'BeYOUnd' training to improve workplace spirituality. One hundred and fifty four employees participated in the first study and showed the result that there was a significant positive correlation between variables (p <.01). The results of Hayes' PROCESS analysis showed that individual spirituality moderated the relationship between workplace spirituality and job satisfaction F (3, 150) = 3.75, p <0.05, R 2 = 7%. Then, 14 employees who had low workplace spirituality scores in the first study participated in 'BeYOUnd' Training. The results of the level 1 evaluation indicated the positive reaction of participants as seen that no response below the average measurement (M = 4.98 - 5.64). Level 2 evaluation showed significant differences between participants' knowledge scores before and after the 'BeYOUnd' training (Z = -2.22, p = 0.029). The results of level 3 evaluation indicated that participants received good (3) and very good (4) scores on behavioral indicators of workplace spirituality. The results of the three evaluation levels showed that the 'BeYOUND' training, in general, had good results based on evaluating partcipants’ reactions, knowledge, and behavior. Both studies were able to answer research questions proposed by researcher."