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Muhammad Nasri
"Peran IT Strategic Plan menjadi semakin vital karena semakin tergantungnya organisasi terhadap TI untuk mendukung seluruh kebutuhan bisnisnya. Organisasi dapat menciptakan ataupun menangkap peluang-peluang bisnis yang ada, investasi terhadap Teknologi Informasi dapat sejalan dengan tujuan organisasi, serta kemudahan dalam proses integrasi merupakan beberapa alasan mengapa organisasi memerlukan IT Strategic Plan. Dengan memiliki IT Strategic Plan, organisasi dapat menentukan prioritasi investasi pada TI dengan justifikasi yang lebih akurat. Tantangan selanjutnya setelah memiliki IT Strategic Plan adalah tahapan implementasinya. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk memetakan sejauh mana kesiapan organisasi dalam menyongsong implementasi IT Strategic Plan. Selain itu, dilakukan juga proses identifikasi faktor pendukung, dan faktor penghambat dalam implementasi IT Strategic Plan. Identifikasi dilakukan mengacu kepada COBIT 4.1 sebagai best practices.

The role of IT Strategic Plan becomes more vital as organizations highly dependent in IT to support all of the business needs. Organizations may create and capture business opportunities, creating IT-business alignment, and integration issues are the reason why some organizations need IT Strategic Plan. With an IT Strategic Plan, the organization can determine investment in IT with a more accurate justification. The next challenge after develop IT Strategic Plan is the implementation phase. This reaserch is designed to measure IT maturity level in an organisation in order to implement IT Strategic Plan. It is also identify enabler and inhibitor factor for implementing IT Strategic Plan. This research is based on COBIT 4.1 as a framework to measure IT Process Maturity."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wafistrietman Corris
"Sekretariat Jenderal MPR Setjen MPR adalah lembaga pemerintah non kementerian yang merupakan kesekretariatan lembaga negara dan bertanggungjawab langsung kepada Pimpinan MPR. Setjen MPR terus berusaha meningkatkan layanan kepada MPR dan alat kelengkapannya serta masyarakat dengan memanfaatkan sistem informasi dan teknologi informasi SI/TI yang selaras dengan visi, misi dan sasaran strategis Setjen MPR. Namun pada kenyataannya, visi, misi dan sasaran strategis tadi belum tercapai karena kurangnya pemanfaatan SI/TI. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan perencanaan strategis sistem informasi untuk mewujudkan visi, misi dan sasaran strategis Setjen MPR. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyusun perencanaan strategis sistem informasi Setjen MPR dengan metodologi Ward dan Peppard yang terdiri dari tahapan masukan dan keluaran. Penelitian ini melakukan wawancara dan diskusi kelompok terarah untuk pengumpulan data pada tahapan masukan, yang terdiri dari analisis kondisi internal dan eksternal bisnis dan SI/TI, di Setjen MPR. Data yang telah dikumpulkan diolah menggunakan analisis tematik. Penelitian ini menghasilkan rumusan strategi SI, strategi TI, strategi manajemen SI/TI, portofolio aplikasi mendatang dan peta jalan sehingga dapat mewujudkan visi, misi dan sasaran strategis Setjen MPR.

The Secretariat General of the People 39 s Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia hereinafter referred to as ldquo Setjen MPR rdquo is a non ministerial government institution as the secretariat of a state institution. It is directly responsible to The Heads of People 39 s Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia hereinafter referred to as ldquo MPR RI rdquo . Setjen MPR continues to strive improvement of its service to MPR RI, its supporting agencies, and the communities in term of the performance of information systems and information technology hereinafter referred to as ldquo IS IT rdquo in accordance with its vision, mission, and strategic objectives. However, in reality, it had not been achieved due to the lack of utilization of IS IT. Therefore, strategic planning for information systems is necessary to realize its vision, mission, and strategic objectives. This study aimed to develop strategic planning for Setjen MPR 39 s information systems using the methodology of ldquo Ward and Peppard rdquo which consists of input and output stages. The research is conducting interviews and focus groups discussion to collect data on the stage of entry, which consists of the analysis of internal and external conditions of business and IS IT in Setjen MPR. The data collected is processed by employing thematic analysis. The result of this research is the formulation of IS IT including its management strategy, the application portfolio, and roadmap in order to realize the vision, mission and strategic objectives of Setjen MPR."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Sistem Informasi pada saat ini sudah sangat di perlukan danmerupakan aset yang sangat penting pada suatu perusahaan untuk menjalankan roda bisnisnya dan dapat bertahan maupun memenangkan persaingan bisnisnya. Untuk menerapkan teknologi informasi dalam sebuah perusahaan diperlukan perencanaan strategis yang baik bagi perusahaan guna meningkatkan produktifitas serta menghasilkan benefit yang cukup besar bagi perusahaan tersebut, sehingga implementasinya dapat mendukung terhadap pencapaian tujuan yang sesuai dengan visi dan misi suatu perusahaan. Karya tulis ini merupakan studi kasus pada PT. Mahkota Aman Sentosa (Golden Crown), yaitu perusahaan swasta yang bergerak di bisnis entertainment. PT. MAS sendiri selain menjual produknya juga berfungsi memberikan pelayanan terhadap para customers.
PT. MAS sendiri juga di tuntut untuk memberikan pelayanan yang maksimal kepada para tamunya. Oleh sebab itu di perlukan sistem informasi yang cukup handal guna tercapainya visi dan misi PT. MAS. Memang pada saat ini benefit perusahaan sudah dapat dikatakan lebih dari cukup, namun seiring dengan waktu serta kompetitor yang sudah cukup banyak yang bergerak di bidang yang sama seperti PT. MAS, maka PT. MAS harus mengantisipasi kemungkinan-kemungkinan yang ada. Untuk itu studi yang dilakukan menitik beratkan kepada pemaksimalan sumber daya manusia (SDM) serta peng upgrade an sistem yang ada. Diharapkan perencanaan strategis ini dapat menjadi acuan dalam memformulasikan penggunaan teknologi informasi secara maksimal. Dalam kajian ini penyusunan Perencanaan Strategis Sistem Informasi terhadap proses bisnis di ujicobakan pada organisasi PT. Mahkota Aman Sentosa dengan menggunakan metodologi Ward & Peppard. Dari hasil kajian diperoleh gambaran tentang kondisi sistem informasi yang ada saat ini. Trend perkembangan sistem informasi yang potensial untuk dimanfaatkan yang di dasari oleh visi dan misi sistem informasi organisasi, strategi SI (sistem informasi) yang mencakup portfolio aplikasi SI serta strategi pengembangan SI. Pada proses perencanaan strategi SI tersebut, penentuan strategi SI dan identifikasi SI didasarkan pada konfigurasi kajian perumusan organisasi yang diuraikan dalam tujuan dan CSF (critical success factor) setiap divisi di dalam organisasi tersebut.

Nowadays, information technology (IT) system is urgently needed and very valuable for the company in order to run its business, maintain its endurance and win the competition. To implement a robust IT system within the company, a strategic plan should be properly conducted to improve the productivity and to gain significant benefits for the company itself. Therefore, the implementation of IT system is expected to align with the company?s vision and mission. This thesis is a case study for the company of PT. Mahkota Aman Sentosa (MAS), where its core business is entertainment.
PT. MAS is required to serve its customers an excellent service. Thus, they realize the significance of the robust IT system to align with their vision and mission and to anticipate any threat from their competitors. This case study emphasizes on the human resource (HR) along with the upgrade of the existing IT system within the company. This strategic plan is essential to maximize the formulation of IT system. In this assessment, the set up of Strategic Planning of Information System on the business process will be implemented on PT. MAS using the methodology of Ward & Peppard. This assessment shows the current condition of Information System. The trend to develop the information system on each organization should be aligned with the mission and vision of organization?s business that covers its application portfolio information system. Therefore, during the set up of Strategic Planning of Information System, we need to determine IS identification and strategy based on the organization?s configuration and address it using CSF (critical success factor) for each division within that organization.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yosi Widhayanti
"PT. XYZ adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK). Penggunaan sistem informasi/teknologi informasi menjadi hal yang sangat penting bagi PT. XYZ untuk mencapai target perusahaan. Kondisi saat ini pemanfaatan SI/TI tidak mendukung proses bisnis perusahaan secara optimal. Permasalahan yang terjadi adalah data yang tersedia tidak akurat dan tepat waktu, aplikasi yang terkotak-kotak (silo-silo), serta adanya keterlambatan proyek SI/TI. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk membangun perencanaan strategis sistem informasi di PT. XYZ dan tidak termasuk anak perusahaan.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang menggabungkan case study research dan policy research. Metodologi perencanaan strategis sistem informasi yang digunakan pada penelitian ini mengacu pada Ward and Peppard's Strategic Planning dengan menggunakan beberapa teknik analisis seperti Value Chain, SWOT, Critical Success Factor, Five Porter Forces, PEST, Mc Farlan Strategic Grid serta teknik lainnya. Selain itu standar prosedur ISO9001:2005, ISO 27001, dan kerangka kerja COBIT digunakan pada penyusunan strategi manajemen SI/TI.
Penelitian ini akan menghasilkan 3 (tiga) strategi yaitu strategi SI yang merupakan strategi perencanaan SI mendatang yang sesuai dengan strategi organisasi, strategi TI yang merupakan strategi infrastruktur TI yang dibutuhkan serta strategi manajemen SI/TI yang merupakan strategi yang diterapkan organisasi secara keseluruhan.
Penelitian ini juga menghasilkan rekomendasi strategi tata kelola SI/TI dengan menggunakan metodologi Weill dan Ross, yang mencakup keputusan apa yang harus dibuat, siapa yang membuat keputusan dan bagaimana keputusan dibuat dan dimonitor terhadap 5 (lima) domain yaitu IT principles, IT architecture, IT infrastructure strategies, business application needs dan IT investment.

XYZ is a company engaged in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The use of information systems / information technology became a very important case for XYZ to achieve its targets. In the current condition, the use of IS / IT does not support the company's business processes optimally. The problem that occured were data that available was not accurate and punctual,fragmented applications (silos), as well as IS/IT project delays. This study was conducted to establish the strategic planning of information systems at XYZ Company and excluding subsidiaries.
This research is a qualitative case study that combines case study research and policy research. Information systems strategic planning methodology used in this study refers to Ward and Peppard's Strategic Planning using several analytical techniques such as Value Chain, SWOT, Critical Success Factor, Porter Five Forces, PEST, Mc Farlan Strategic Grid as well as other techniques. In addition, the standard procedureof ISO9001:2005, ISO 27001, and COBIT framework was used in the preparation of IS/IT management strategies.
This research will produce 3 (three) strategies, namely SI strategy which is IS future planning strategies in accordance with the organization's strategy, IT strategy which is a strategy of IT infrastructure required and the IS / IT management strategy which is a strategy adopted by overall organization.
This study also resulted in strategic IS / IT governance recommendations by using the methodology of Weill and Ross, which includes what decisions should be made, who willmake thedecisions, and how decisions were made and monitored to 5 (five) domain, namely IT principles, IT architecture, IT infrastructure strategies, business application needs and IT investment."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Carolina: Computer Technology Research, 1993
R 658.403 801 1 INF
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Daru Widya Kusumo
Laporan Gartner pada tahun 2014 merilis grafik Hype Cycle Technology dan tahapan era bisnis akibat dari perkembangan teknologi, terdapat enam era yaitu tahap analog, web, e-business, pemasaran digital, bisnis digital dan autonomous. Laporan Gartner mendefinisikan bisnis digital sebagai seperangkat teknik yang dimungkinkan oleh teknologi sehingga organisasi dapat terlibat dalam perkembangan bisnis yang dinamis dengan pelanggan, dan akhirnya untuk memperoleh target bisnis dan mempertahankan pelanggan. Laporan Gartner menjelaskan bahwa karakteristik bisnis digital adalah cepatnya organisasi melakukan adaptasi terhadap ketidakpastian lingkungan, proses yang berubah, dan target bisnis yang berubah. Menurut hasil survey Gartner menunjukan bahwa pendekatan kerangka kerja renstra SI/TI yang ada sampai saat ini belum mengakomodasi karakteristik bisnis digital. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka penulis melakukan pendefinisian terhadap karakteristik bisnis digital dengan mencari penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya. Ketidakpastian lingkungan, proses dan target bisnis yang berubah dipengaruhi oleh faktor penentu manajemen perubahan. Teori manajemen perubahan yang digunakan adalah organizational development (Drucker, 2005). Penelitian-penelitian terdahulu terkait dengan organizational development digunakan sebagai faktor penentu terhadap karakteristik bisnis digital, sehingga dihasilkan proses yang berubah dipengaruhi oleh faktor kemampuan TI (Azzahro, 2014) dan target bisnis yang berubah dipengaruhi oleh faktor organizational agility (Lu & Ramamurthy, 2011). Untuk ketidakpastian lingkungan dipengaruhi oleh faktor ketidakpastian lingkungan (Teo & King, 1997).
Hasil pendefinisian didapatkan 12 sub komponen ketidakpastian lingkungan, 35 sub komponen proses yang berubah dan 8 sub komponen target bisnis yang berubah. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan oleh McGee, Morello dan Weldon (2014) menjelaskan enam langkah kunci sukses untuk masuk ke bisnis digital dan terdapat kriteria kemampuan organisasi, yaitu sustainability, agility, innovation, dan opportunity, yang kemudian dilakukan analisis kriteria kemampuan organisasi terhadap kumpulan penelitian terdahulu yang berkaitan dengan renstra SI/TI maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa dalam iklim persaingan bisnis manfaat implementasi SI/TI kerap dikaitkan dengan konsep value dalam bisnis. Kerangka kerja renstra SI/TI yang digunakan adalah Be Vissta Planning (BVP). Hasil pemetaan kerangka kerja renstra BVP terhadap karakteristik bisnis digital adalah BVP memiliki kekurangan dan perlu penambahan/penyempurnaan terhadap Fase 1 BVP yaitu menelaah kebutuhan bisnis dan informasi, Fase 2 BVP yaitu menentukan target bagi SI/TI dan Fase 4 BVP yaitu rencana implementasi.

Gartner report 2014 released Technology Hype Cycle chart and the phases of the business era as a result of technological developments, there are six stages of the analog era: web, e-business, digital marketing, digital business and autonomous. Gartner's report defines a digital business as a set of techniques made possible by technology that makes organizations able to involve in the development of a dynamic business with customers, acquire a business target and retain customers. Gartner report explains that the characteristics of the organization?s digital business are the rapid adaptation to environmental uncertainty, process changes, and changing business targets. According to the Gartner survey, the IS/IT strategic planning framework approach does not yet accommodate the characteristics of the digital business. Under these conditions, the author defined the characteristics of digital business by comparing previous studies.
Environmental uncertainty, processes and changing business targets are influenced by determinants of change management. Change management theory used in this research is organizational development (Drucker, 2005). Previous studies related to organizational development used as determinants of the characteristics of the digital business. The result is changing process influenced by the ability of IT (Azzahro, 2014) and the changing business target is influenced by organizational agility (Lu & Ramamurthy, 2011). Environmental uncertainty is influenced by environmental uncertainty factors (Teo & King, 1997).
Definition acquired is 12 sub-components of environmental uncertainty, 35 sub-components of changing process and 8 sub-components of changing business targets. Research conducted by McGee, Morello and Weldon (2014) describes six key steps of successful entry into the digital business, these six steps are also the criteria of organizational capabilities: sustainability, agility, innovation, and opportunity. These criteria of organizational capabilities then compared to a collection of previous research related to the strategic plan of IS/IT. It can be concluded that in competitive bussiness climate, the benefits of the implementation of the IS/IT is often associated with the concept of value in the business. IS/IT Strategic planning framework used is Be Vissta Planning (BVP). The result of strategic planning framework BVP mapping on the characteristics of the digital business is BVP has shortcomings and needs additions / improvements in Phase 1 BVP which is examining the business needs and information, Phase 2 BVP which is setting targets for IS/IT and Phase 4 BVP which is implementation planning.
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rein Nusa Triputra
"Perencanaan Strategis Sistem Informasi (PSSI) dikembangkan dalam rangka meningkatkan peran TI untuk pencapaian tujuan bisnis organisasi. Penelitian yang telah ada menunjukkan bahwa hanya 24% dari proyek yang direncanakan terimplementasi setelah 2 tahun. Penelitian lain menunjukkan 42% dari proyek yang direncanakan terimplementasi setelah 5 tahun. Sehingga dapat dikatakan tidak semua proyek yang direncanakan dalam PSSI dapat terimplementasikan. Maturitas TI organisasi yang diukur menggunakan kerangka kerja COBIT 4.1.
Nilai tingkat kemampuan untuk mencapai tujuan TI diukur dan diturunkan dari nilai maturitas TI organisasi. Ditentukan 16 faktor yang mempengaruhi implementasi PSSI yang diturunkan dari tujuan TI. Diidentifikasi faktor penghambat dan pendukung implementasi PSSI di organisasi tempat studi kasus dan dipetakan ke dalam 16 faktor tersebut. Hasilnya teridentifikasi 7 faktor penghambat dan 8 faktor pendukung implementasi PSSI. 1 faktor diabaikan karena tidak relevan dengan organisasi tempat studi kasus. Faktor penghambat pasti implementasi PSSI adalah yang memiliki nilai tingkat kemampuan untuk mencapai tujuan TI kurang dari 1,5. Faktor pendukung pasti implementasi PSSI adalah yang memiliki nilai tingkat kemampuan untuk mencapai tujuan TI lebih dari 2,5. Representasi dari nilai tingkat kemampuan untuk mencapai tujuan TI antara antara 1,5 sampai dengan 2,5 tidak dapat ditentukan secara pasti termasuk faktor penghambat ataukahpendukung implementasi PSSI.

Strategic Information System Plan (SISP) developed to improve IT role in order to meet business goals of organization. But, researches show that only 24% projects planned had been implemented after 2 years. Other research shows that 42% projects planned had been implemen ted in 5 years. It means that not all projects planned in strategic information system planning could be implemented. Organization?s TI maturity level was measured by COBIT 4.1 framework. Capability level to meet IT goals were measured and derived from IT maturity level. 16 factors that influencing SISP implementation was defined that derived from IT goals. Inhibitor and enabler factors of SISP implementation in organization taken place as case study were defined and mapped into the 16 factors.In results, 7 inhibitor factors and 8 enabler factors of SISP implementation identified. 1 factor disregarded because it is irrelevant in the organization taken place as case study. Definite inhibitor factor of SISP implementation is IT goal which has below 1,5 point of capability level to meet it?s goal. Definite enabler factor of SISP implementation is IT goal which has above 2,5 point of capability level to meet it's goal. Points that represented the capability level to meet IT goal between 1,5 to 2,5 can't be determined definitely as inhibitor or as enabler factorsof SISP implementation."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurcholis Ramlan
"Pemanfaatan teknologi informasi telah menjadi keharusan bagi pemerintah daerah dalam meningkatkan tata kelola pemerintah yang berorientasi pada pelayanan publik. Pemerintah Kabupaten Lebak memiliki sasaran strategis yaitu meningkatkan kinerja penyelenggaraan pemerintahan daerah yang ditempuh melalui beberapa kebijakan umum. Salah satu kebijakan umumnya adalah mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan teknologi informasi yang mendukung penyelenggaran pemerintahan dengan program prioritas optimalisasi pemanfaatan teknologi informasi. Namun sampai saat ini beberapa permasalahan seperti belum optimalnya pemanfaatan SI/TI, terbatasnya sarana, prasarana dan sumber daya manusia SI/TI masih menjadi isu strategis organisasi. Beberapa faktor telah diidentifikasi seperti kurangnya integrasi antar aplikasi, investasi TI yang tidak mendukung tujuan bisnis dan kurangnya sumber daya manusia TI.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat suatu perencanaan strategis sistem informasi Pemerintah Kabupaten Lebak yang selaras dengan tujuan dan sasaran strategis organisasi. Kerangka kerja yang digunakan adalah Peppard dan Ward dengan alat analisis seperti Business Model Canvass, Value Chain, SWOT, Balanced Scorecard, Critical Success Factor, PEST Analysis dan McFarlan Strategic Grid. Sedangkan analisis tematik digunakan sebagai metode analisis datanya. Penelitian ini menghasilkan perencanaan strategis sistem informasi yang terdiri dari strategi SI, strategi TI dan strategi manajemen SI/TI yang selaras dengan tujuan bisnis organisasi.
Strategi SI yang dihasilkan berupa pembangunan dan pengembangan 37 aplikasi yang dapat mempercepat proses layanan, mengotomasi proses bisnis, memangkas birokrasi serta mudah di akses. Strategi TI yang diusulkan adalah pembangunan pusat data pada Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika, penambahan infrastruktur serta peningkatan keamanan data dan jaringan internal organisasi. Sedangkan strategi manajemen SI/TI meliputi kebijakan SI/TI yang terpusat, perubahan struktur organisasi SI/TI serta penataan sumber daya manusia TI. Hasil tersebut diatas menjadi rekomendasi dalam melaksanakan prioritas pengembangan, sumber daya dan investasi TI terhadap pencapaian tujuan dan sasaran Pemerintah Kabupaten Lebak.

Nowdays, information technology utilization has become a necessity for local governments in improving public service-oriented governance. The Government of Lebak Regency has a strategic objective of improving the performance of local government through several general policies. One of the common policies is to optimize the utilization of information technology that supports the implementation of government with priority program optimization of information technology utilization. But until now some problems such as limited facilities, infrastructure and human resources of IS/IT still become strategic issue of the organization. Several factors have been identified such as lack of integration between applications, IT investments that do not support business goals and lack of IT human resources.
This paper aims to create a strategic planning information system of Lebak Regency Government that aligns with the goals and objectives of the strategic organization. The Peppard and Ward framework was used with analytical tools such as Business Model Canvass, Value Chain, SWOT, Balanced Scorecard, Critical Success Factor, PEST Analysis and McFarlan Strategic Grid. While thematic analysis is used as a method of data analysis. This research resulted in strategic planning of information system consisting of SI strategy, IT strategy and management strategy of IS/IT that aligned with organizational business objectives.
The IS strategy is the development of 37 applications that can accelerate the service process, automate business processes, cut bureaucracy and easily access. The proposed IT strategy consist of the development of data centers at the Office of Communications and Information, the addition of infrastructure and increased security of data as well as internal network of the organization. While the IS/IT management strategy includes a centralized IS/IT policy, changes in organizational structure of IS / IT as well as IT human resource management. These become a recommendation in prioritizing IT development, investment and resources in order to achieve the goals and objectives of the Lebak Local Government.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Benson, Robert J.
"Machine generated contents note: Important Message to the Individual Reader
A Note on Vocabulary and Cultural Differences xvii
A Note on Our Perspectives and Prior Work
Notes and Acknowledgments
ch. 1 Business and IT in Turbulent Times
Turbulence and Uncertainty Challenge Enterprises
This Is Not about Alignment (Entirely)
The Problem of Business and IT Relationships
Strategic IT Management Changes the Mental Models about IT in the Enterprise
To Whom Are We Writing? Who Is Our Audience? Whose Mental Models Are We Changing?
ch. 2 The Barrier: Trust and Partnership
Trust and Performance Are Highly Correlated
Trust and Partnership Are Highly Correlated
Context and Performance Affect Trust and Ability to Partner
Trust and the Total Value Performance Model
Trust and Governance
A Case of Broken Trust
The Role of Executive Leadership
ch. 3 A Staircase to Trust
What Is Trust?
Dimensions of Trust
Contents note continued: Trust Improves Business Performance
Can Trust between Business and IT Be Built?
Personal Trust versus Organizational Trust
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and IT
Business Requirements for Total Value Performance
How Does Trust Affect IT Strategy in Turbulent Times?
Producing Business Outcomes-An Assessment
ch. 4 IT Strategy in Turbulent Environments
Change and Turbulence Defined
How Do Organizations Cope with Change and Turbulence?
Assessing Turbulence in the Enterprise
Organizational Capabilities and Environmental Turbulence
How Do IT and IT Management Cope with Turbulence and Change?
Producing Business Outcomes Despite Turbulence and Uncertainty: An Assessment
ch. 5 Turbulence in Information Technology
History of Technology Turbulence
The Impact of Technology Turbulence
Enterprise Implications Based on Turbulence in IT
Technology Turbulence Assessment
Contents note continued: References
ch. 6 The Effects of IT Sourcing
The IT Services Supplier as a Strategic Concern
Strategic IT Outsourcing
The Impact of Trust and Turbulence
Looking Ahead
Strategic IT Management Principles for the Business and IT Relationship
A Scorecard for Strategic IT Management Principles
ch. 7 Requirements for Strategic IT Management
The Impact of Turbulence and Trust
The Impact of Turbulence
The Impact of Trust
Turbulence and Trust: Requirements for Business-IT Partnership
Demand and Supply Management of IT
Demand and Supply Impact on Outsourcing
To Conclude: The Need for Relational Governance
Self-Assessment: IT Competencies
ch. 8 The Service Relationship
IT Is a Service Business
Service Performance Is the Foundation for IT Credibility and Trust
IT Service Management Is Critical
So What?
Conclusion and Scorecards
Scorecard Evaluation
Contents note continued: Notes
ch. 9 The Partnership Relationship
Reasons for the Business-IT Partnership
Defining the Business-IT Partnership
Dealing with Culture, Behavior, and Silos
Implementing the Business-IT Partnership
Engaging the Business
Implementing Partnerships Requires Agreement on Roles for the Partners
Is This a Real Problem?
"Teaming" Is the New Partnership
Partners Exist at Every Level
Partnership Scorecards
ch. 10 The Leadership Required
Goal #1: Leadership Is Required for Partnership, Trust, and Common Goals
Goal #2: Leadership Requires Leaders-and a Good Understanding of the Leadership Requirements
Goal #3: The Requirements for (Proactive) Transactional Leadership
Goal #4: The Requirements for Transformational Leadership
Goal #5: Leadership Is Earned through Credibility, Trust, and Culture
Leadership Scorecard
ch. 11 Enterprise IT Capabilities
Contents note continued: Connecting IT Value, IT Competence, and Enterprise IT Capabilities
Connecting IT Capability with IT Methodologies and Processes
Breaking Down the Barriers between IT and Business: Enterprise IT Capabilities
Enterprise IT Capability Overview
The Core Ideas for Enterprise IT Capabilities
Assessing Enterprise Performance against Requirements
Reviewing the Initial Enterprise IT Capability Assessments
IT's Capability to Change: The IT Dynamic Capability
Seven Fundamental Capabilities of the Enterprise
Good Methodologies and Processes Aren't Enough
The Challenge to CEOs and ClOs: What Exactly Should Be Done?
Strategic IT Management Applies to More than Just the Current IT Organization(s)
Business Outcomes Are Required
ch. 12 Strategic Enterprise IT Capabilities and Competencies
Enterprise IT Capability: Planning &​ Innovation
Contents note continued: Strategic IT Management: The Systemic Capabilities for Producing Outcomes for Planning &​ Innovation
Strategic IT Management: The Business Outcomes for Planning &​ Innovation
What Is the Current Status with Planning &​ Innovation?
Planning &​ Innovation Scorecard
Bottom Line: Planning &​ Innovation Performance
ch. 13 Tactical Enterprise IT Capabilities and Competencies
Enterprise IT Capability: Information &​ Intelligence
Enterprise IT Capability: Development &​ Transformation
Enterprise IT Capability: Service &​ Resource Optimization
Summary: Tactical Enterprise IT Capabilities and Competencies
ch. 14 Operational Enterprise IT Capabilities and Competencies
Enterprise IT Capability: Service &​ Operational Excellence
Enterprise IT Capability: Sourcing
Enterprise IT Capability: Cost &​ Performance
Summary: Operational Enterprise IT Capabilities and Competencies
Contents note continued: ch. 15 Managing Complex Business-IT Relationships
Clear Strategic Positioning
Formal Organizational Arrangements
Example Enterprises
Example #1: Angus International
Example #2: Global Financial Services
Example #3: National Governmental Agency
ch. 16 What Should Be Done?
Applying Frameworks to Describe the Enterprise
The Power of Frameworks
Organizational Context
Turbulence and Change
What Needs to Be Done?
ch. 17 Requirements for CIO and IT Leadership
Message #1: The CIO and IT Managers Have Important "To Do's" on Their Lists
Message #2: The Business-IT Partnership Requires CIO and IT Management Leadership
Message #3: Enterprises Need Strategic IT Management and Enterprise IT Capabilities
Message #4: The CIO Needs to Manage the Technology Well; This Is Necessary, but Not Sufficient
Contents note continued: Message #5: Authority, Control, and "Reporting to the CEO" Are Not Sufficient
Message #6: Be Faster; Be Flexible
Message #7: An Active, Proactive Leadership Approach Is Required, with Clear Vision
Conclusions: For the CIO, What Does Strategic IT Management Offer?
ch. 18 Requirements for CEO and Business Leadership
Message #1: The Enterprise Needs Strategic IT Management
Message #2: Strategic IT Management Requires CEO Leadership for Organizational Context, Culture, and Change
Message #3: The CEO Provides the Enterprise Leadership to Generate and Actively Communicate the Business Vision and IT
Message #4: The CEO Builds and Supports the Environment for Partnership, Teamwork, Collaboration
Message #5: The CEO Builds and Supports IT Governance as Critical to Change Management
Message #6: Engage the CMO, CFO, and Board in Strategic IT Management
Message #7: Good IT Is Necessary; Do Not Accept Poor Performance
Contents note continued: Messages to Business Managers and Professionals
Concluding Message to the CEO
Self-Assessment for Business Leadership
ch. 19 Reflections and Recommendations
Summarizing the Enterprise IT Capabilities and Their Importance
The Bottom Line.
Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2014
004.068 BEN
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arsya Monica Pravina
"Peningkatan kepadatan penduduk yang terjadi, menimbulkan permasalahanpermasalahan pemerintahan. Smart governance yang merupakan salah satu dimensi dalam pembangunan smart city, bertujuan untuk mewujudkan tata kelola dan tata pamong pemerintahan daerah yang efisien, komunikatif, efektif, dan terus meningkatkan kinerja birokrasi melalui inovasi serta adopsi teknologi yang terpadu. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa peran dari teknologi informasi telah menjadi kebutuhan. Pemerintah Kabupaten Semarang terus berusaha meningkatkan fungsinya di pemerintahan dengan memanfaatkan teknologi. Permasalahan utama yang dihadapi Pemerintah Kabupaten Semarang adalah pemanfaatan SI/TI belum sepenuhnya mendukung Pemerintah Kabupaten Semarang menuju smart governance. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan rumusan rencana strategis sistem informasi dalam mendukung pembangunan daerah dan penerapan smart gorvernance. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah Ward & Peppard dengan teknik analisis Value Chain, Balanced Scorecard, CSF, SWOT, PESTEL, dan McFarlan Strategic Grid. Tahapan dari Metodologi Ward & Peppard terdiri dari analisis kondisi internal dan eksternal bisnis dan SI/TI. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa rumusan strategi SI, strategi TI, strategi manajemen SI/TI, peta jalan SI/TI, serta quick wins. Rencana strategis sistem informasi ini diharapkan mampu menyelaraskan strategi SI/TI dengan visi, misi, dan proses bisnis Pemerintah Kabupaten Semarang sebagai acuan dalam melakukan pengembangan SI/TI dalam menuju smart governance.

The increase in population density that occurs causes government problems. Smart governance, which is one of the dimensions in smart city development, aims to realize efficient, communicative, effective local governance and continue to improve bureaucratic performance through innovation and integrated technology adoption. This shows that information technology has become a necessity. The Semarang Regency Government continues to improve its function in government by utilizing technology. The main problem faced by the Semarang Regency Government is that the use of IS/IT has not fully supported the Semarang Regency Government towards smart governance. Therefore, it is necessary to formulate an information system strategic plan to support regional development and the implementation of smart governance in the Semarang Regency Government. The methodology used is Ward & Peppard with Value Chain, Balanced Scorecard, CSF, SWOT, PESTEL, and McFarlan Strategic Grid analysis techniques. The Ward & Peppard Methodology stages consist of an analysis of the internal and external conditions of the business and IS/IT. The results of this research are IS strategy formulation, IT strategy, IS/IT management strategy, IS/IT roadmap, and quick wins. This strategic plan of information system is expected to align the IS/IT strategy with the vision, mission, and business processes of the Semarang Regency Government as part of developing IS/IT towards smart governance."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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