Ditemukan 12287 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"The government of Indonesia adopts two stages of post-disaster recovery : the emergency response phase and the rehabilitation and reconstruction phase...."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Amsterdam: Philadelphia , 1984
415.01 LAN
Buku Teks SO Universitas Indonesia Library
Croft, William
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press , 1990
415 CRO t
Buku Teks SO Universitas Indonesia Library
Sinta Ridwan
"Tesis ini membicarakan variasi aksara pada prasasti-inskripsi abad ke-5—16 M yang ditemukan di Jawa bagian barat, melalui identifikasi tipologi guna melihat faktor-faktor yang ditelusuri melalui teks terhadap proses perkembangan aksara. Kawasan Jawa bagian barat dapat dinilai memiliki sejarah perjalanan aksara yang cukup lengkap jika dibandingkan kawasan lain di Indonesia, sayangnya, peninggalan bertulis dari masa ke masa hanya ditemukan sedikit. Namun, penemuan prasasti-inskripsi yang dimulai sejak 1800-an memperlihatkan variasi aksara digunakan di beberapa titik lokasi yang ada di Jawa bagian barat, hampir lebih dari setengahnya berada di kawasan pedalaman sehingga dapat diambil kesimpulan walaupun hanya sedikit peninggalannya, tradisi menulis mampu mengabadikan beberapa peristiwa yang terjadi tiap zamannya di tengah-tengah kehidupan masyarakat Sunda Kuna. Tigapuluh delapan prasasti-inskripsi menjadi sumber data primer didukung oleh sumber data sekunder berupa manuskrip, kronik dan catatan bangsa lain. Kajian paleografis difokuskan untuk menelusuri begitu dalam bentuk-bentuk aksara hingga mampu dideskripsikan tiap variasi aksara dengan menggunakan model statis, diperkuat dengan perbandingan prasasti-prasasti yang berasal dari luar Jawa bagian barat namun dianggap sezaman, sehingga dugaan keakuratan data perihal kapan dan di mana kemunculan varian aksara lebih meyakinkan sepanjang duabelas abad. Terakhir, percobaan penyusunan historiografi berdasarkan keberadaan tiap varian aksara pada zamannya dan lokasi penggunaannya.
This thesis discusses script variations in the inscriptions and inscriptions of the 5th-16th century AD., which were found in western Java, through typological identification to see the factors traced through the text to the process of script development. The western part of Java can be considered to have a quite complete history of the passage of characters when compared to other regions in Indonesia, unfortunately, only a few written remains from time to time have been found. However, the discovery of inscriptions that began in the 1800s shows that variations of the script were used at several locations in western Java, almost more than half of which were in the interior, so it can be concluded that even though there are only a few remains, the writing tradition is able to perpetuate several events. which happened every era during the life of the Old Sundanese people. Thirty-eight inscriptions are the primary data source supported by secondary data sources in the form of manuscripts, chronicles, and records of other nations. Paleographical studies are focused on tracing script forms so deeply that each script variation can be described using a static model, strengthened by a comparison of inscriptions originating from outside western Java but considered contemporaneous, so that estimates of the accuracy of the data regarding when and where the variants appeared more convincing script throughout the twelve centuries. Lastly, an experiment on the arrangement of historiography based on the existence of each variant of the script at the time and the location of its use."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
"Effects of dutch colonialism in Indonesia are widely spread throuhout regions, since Dutch colonization took along times. Almost all aspects of development during dutch colonization left a strong footprints, espicially in architecture...."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Good Jeff
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016
415.01 GOO l
Buku Teks SO Universitas Indonesia Library
Yoga Murpadinata
"Kabupaten Cilacap termasuk ke dalam daerah rawan gempa bumi. Pada tanggal 25 Januari 2014 pernah terjadi gempa dengan magnitudo 6,5 di Cilacap. Peristiwa gempa bumi yang terjadi didominasi oleh gempa yang bersumber dari Megathrust selatan Jawa yang dekat dengan Cilacap. Wilayah penelitian, yang berada di Selatan Kecamatan Kawunganten, Kabupaten Cilacap (Desa Ujungmanik, Kubangkangkung, dan Sidaurip), sebagian tersusun atas endapan lempung yang rentan dengan amplifikasi. Adanya kehadiran sesar membuat daerah semakin rawan terhadap gempa bumi. Dengan jumlah penduduk yang cukup banyak dan keterdapatan sarana prasarananya, maka diperlukan analisis tipologi dan kestabilan kawasan rawan gempa bumi sebagai langkah mitigasi. Analisis ini menggunakan empat parameter utama yaitu data litologi batuan, data sesar, data kemiringan lereng, dan data PGA permukaan. Seluruh parameter tersebut dilakukan skoring sesuai Peraturan Menteri Pekerjaan Umum Nomor 21 Tahun 2007 tentang Pedoman Penataan Ruang Kawasan Rawan Gempa Bumi. Hasil skoring tiap parameter digabung untuk menghasilkan sebuah peta tipologi dan sebaran kestabilan wilayah kawasan rawan gempa bumi. Hasil penelitian didapat bahwa wilayah penelitian memiliki kestabilan yang stabil, kurang stabil, dan tidak stabil dengan range skor 33-55 dan dibagi menjadi 5 tipe tipologi kawasan rawan bencana gempa bumi yaitu Tipe A, Tipe B, Tipe C, Tipe D, dan Tipe E.
Cilacap Regency is included in an earthquake-prone area. On January 25, 2014, an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.5 occurred in Cilacap. The earthquake events that occurred were dominated by earthquakes originating from Megathrust South Java which is close to Cilacap. The research area in the South of Kawunganten District, Cilacap Regency (Ujungmanik, Kubangkangkung and Sidaurip Villages) is partly composed of clay deposits that are susceptible to amplification. The presence of faults makes the area more vulnerable to earthquakes. With a large population and the availability of infrastructure, typology and stability analysis of earthquake-prone areas is needed as a mitigation measure. This analysis uses four main parameters, rock lithology data, fault data, slope data and surface PGA data. All these parameters are scored in accordance with Minister of Public Works Regulation Number 21 of 2007 concerning Spatial Planning Guidelines in Earthquake Prone Areas. The scoring results for each parameter are combined to produce a typology map and distribution of regional stability in earthquake-prone areas. The research results showed that the research area had stable, less stable and unstable stability range score 33-55 and divided into 5 typological types of earthquake-prone areas, namely Type A, Type B, Type C, Type D, and Type E."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Stump, Gregory
"In this radically new approach to morphological typology, the authors set out new and explicit methods for the typological classification of languages. Drawing on evidence from a diverse range of languages including Chinantec, Dakota, French, Fur, Icelandic, Ngiti and Sanskrit, the authors propose innovative ways of measuring inflectional complexity. Designed to engage graduate students and academic researchers, the book presents opportunities for further investigation. The authors' data sets and the computational tool that they constructed for their analysis are available online, allowing readers to employ them in their own research"
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2013
415.9 STU m
Buku Teks SO Universitas Indonesia Library
Hayon, Josep
The comparative linguistic is not only dialectal linguistic and historical linguistic, but also the typology of linguistic. This thesis speaks about typology of linguistic. There are fifteen native languages in Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) Province used as sample in this study. By using Greenberg's method - Quantitative Method, the writer classifies the fifteen languages into (1) isolated language and (2) agglutinative language. The first group is Ende-Lio language and the second consists of other fourteen languages.Besides the Quantitative Method, the writer also uses the Qualitative Method. This Method is used to classify those languages according to their similarity in structures. The analysis concludes that those languages are classified into (1) structured language: verb + person, integrated or not; (2) noun + personal possessive, integrated or not; (3) person + possessive, and (4) those languages whose structures are classified into neither (1), (2), nor (3). While the other languages are classified into the first, second, and third group. Structured-integrated language consists of Ambon-Timor and Papua language groups, while Sumba-Bima is not identified as the group of this type."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Agus Sopian
ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pola pikir yang melatarbelakangi penggunaan kalimat suru dan naru yang terdapat di dalam novel Memushiri Kouchi karya Oe Kenzaburo (1958), peraih hadiah nobel bidang kesusastraan tahun 1994. Suru dan naru adalah istilah linguistik yang digunakan oleh Ikegami dalam tipologi bahasa Jepang. Masing-masing difokuskan pada kalimat yang bermakna perbuatan dan kejadian. Di dalam novel yang dikaji, suru dan naru merupakan kalimat yang dituturkan tokoh-tokoh di dalam cerita sebagai respon atas situasi yang muncul di dalam perjalanan kelima belas orang remaja yang diabaikan oleh keluarganya pada akhir Perang Dunia II.
Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa tuturan berupa kalimat suru dan naru dilatarbelakangi budaya girl terhadap nama bail( dan sikap pasif yang tercakup dalam mentalitas curiae masyarakat Jepang. Hal ini dimaksudkan agar penutur dapat menjaga nama baiknya sekaligus perhatian kepada lawan bicara agar tidak merasa tersinggung.
ABSTRACTThe focus of this study is to explain the way of thinking behind the use of suru and naru sentences in Memushiri Kouchi, a novel by Oe Kenzaburo - noble prize winner of literature in 1994. Suru and naru are linguistic terms introduced by Ikegami for Japanese language typology which respectively focused on doing and becoming. In this study, suru and naru are utterances of fifteen kids in responding situation occurred during their long journey. They had been abandoned by their own family in the end of World War II.Analysis result of this study shows that suru and naru utterances are based on Japanese culture called girl by credibility and aurae mentality of Japanese society. These are meant to be a notice for the speaker to keep their credibility stood still, and to avoid humiliation to anyone."
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library