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Silvia Andrianingsih
"Keberadaan PKL yang sporadis dan tak teratur mengesankan tidak ada penanganan yang jelas dari pemerintah DKI Jakarta khususnya Jakarta Pusat. Oleh karenanya dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui implementasi kebijakan penanganan PKL di DKI Jakarta yang bertujuan untuk: (1) Menjelaskan implementasi kebijakan yang dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta dalam menangani PKL saat ini; (2) Memaparkan faktor-faktor yang mendukung keberhasilan dan kegagalan implementasi penanganan PKL di DKI Jakarta.
Alat analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 4 empat faktor atau variabel penting dalam kebijakan publik, yaitu: komunikasi (communication), sumber-sumber (resources), kecondongan (dispositions), atau perilaku (attitudes), dan struktur birokrasi (bureaucratic structure) (Edward III. 1980 hal. 9-10). Selain itu analisis juga dilakukan dengan melihat beberapa faktor eksternal sebagaimana dikemukakan oleh Grindle (1980) bahwa keberhasilan implementasi kebijakan dipengaruhi oleh dua variabel besar yaitu isi kebijakan (content of policy) dan lingkungan implementasi (context of implementation). Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode positis kualitatif dengan menggunakan model analisis ilustratif.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi kebijakan tidak hanya dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor internal tetapi juga oleh faktor-faktor eksternal, seperti premanisme, sikap masyarakat dan kondisi perekonomian negara, Rekomendasi yang diberikan oleh penelitian antara lain meningkatkan kemampuan personel fisik dan wawasan, serta etika para pelaksanaan kebijakan, pembinaan satu atap oleh Dinas KUKM untuk PKL resmi dan ilegal, dan merancang upaya sistematis pemberantasan premanisme dengan bekerjasama dengan pihak Kepolisian.

The sporadic, yet unorganized location of stallers seems to indicate the absence of arrangement by the local government of DKI Jakarta especially Central Jakarta. Therefore, a reaserch has been conducted in order to find out the policy implementation of staller arrangement in DKI Jakarta with a case study of Central Jakarta aiming to (1) explain the policy implementation conducted by the local government of DKI Jakarta in arranging stallers; (2) elaborate factors contributing to the success and failure of the policy implementation.
There are four analyzing tools used: communication, resources, dispositions or attitudes, and bureaucratic structure (Edward III. 1980 page. 9-10). Furthermore the analysis also conducted by considering the external factors in regards to Grindle (1980) saying that the success of policy implementation is influenced by two major variables namely content of policy and context of implementation. The research uses positivistic qualitative method and applies illustrative model in data analysis.
Research shows that the policy implementation is not only influenced by the internal factors, but also the external ones, such as premanism (bullying practices), people?s responses, and monetary condition of the country. A set of recommendation is then given, such as enhancing the capability of the implementors both physically and intellectually, one stop training service by institution of Cooperation, Small and Middle Business to both formal and informal/illegal stallers, and conducting premanism eradication systematically together with the Police."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Panjaitan, Dameria F.
"The environmental issue has been the major issue in the world nowadays. This issue also has encourage many big cities around the world to implement the green cities concept in their city development, to reach the minimal standard 30% green open space of the city?s area, that has been settled on the Earth Conference at Johannesburg in 2002. In Jakarta, as an effort to reach the minimal 13,94% standard that has been settled in the Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah DKI Jakarta 2010 (RTRW 2010), the local government especially Dinas Pertamanan DKI Jakarta are trying to rearrange the use of the land that has been improperly used by people. One of the refunction is on Taman Ayodia, which is well known by the name Pasar Barito. There has been resistance made by the small merchants (PKL) in Pasar Barito regarding the ondemnation process.
Due to that reason, the research questions in this research are: how was the implementation process seen from Edward III?s and Grindle?s conceptions about the dimensions of a policy implementation and which dimension that is dominant in the policy implementation process?
The research method that the researcher uses in this research is positivist approach which is helped by qualitative data technique. The type of this research is descriptive research. In collecting data, researcher uses in depth interviews, observation, and documentation. Qualitative data is the most important data which is supported by literature studies from books, journal, etc.
The result from this research is that the implementation of green open space refunction in Taman Ayodia has been done but still it has lack of perfection due to the resistance that the small merchants (PKL) made within the condemnation process. The imperfection came from the lack of communication and lack of interests affected from the implementers that the small merchants refer to an improper relocation place and there is no access for the citizen to participate in the decision making of the policy.
The suggestion that has been made to Dinas Pertamanan was to enhance the communication within the organization and enhance the coordination to make the socialization of the program heard and understood by the interests affected clearly. So that in the future a successful policy implementation can be achieved.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aulia Utami Dikayarizqi
"Implementasi kebijakan pembelajaran tatap muka terbatas menjadi salah salah alternatif solusi guna mengatasi learning loss. Kendati demikian, dalam implementasinya ditemukan sejumlah permasalahan, salah satunya yaitu gap antara regulasi kebijakan dengan implementasinya dikarenakan sejumlah faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Maka dari itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan memberikan gambaran mengenai faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi implementasi kebijakan pembelajaran tatap muka terbatas di DKI Jakarta: studi kasus pada SMAN 90 Jakarta, MAN 10 Jakarta, dan SMAN 69 Jakarta. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori model implementasi kebijakan Merilee S. Grindle pada tahun 1980. Adapun pendekatan dalam penelitian ini yaitu pendekatan post-positivist dengan metode pengumpulan data berupa wawancara mendalam dan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor yang mempengaruhi implementasi kebijakan pembalajaran tatap muka terbatas adalah faktor kepentingan yang terpengaruh; jenis manfaat yang diperoleh; kedudukan letak pengambilan keputusan; pelaksana program; dan tingkat kepatuhan dan daya tanggap memberikan pengaruh signifikan terhadap implementasi kebijakan. Kelima faktor tersebut memberi pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap implementasi kebijakan pembelajaran tatap muka di DKI Jakarta. Sedangkan faktor derajat perubahan yang diharapkan; sumber daya yang dilibatkan; kekuasaan, kepentingan, strategi aktor yang terlibat; dan karakteristik lembaga tidak memberikan pengaruh signifikan terhadap implementasi kebijakan pembelajaran tatap muka di DKI Jakarta.

The implementation of the limited face-to-face learning policy is one of the alternative solutions to learning loss. However, in its implementation several problems were encountered, such as the gap between the established policy regulations and the implementation. Therefore, this study aims to find out and provide in-depth description of what factors influence the implementation of limited face-to-face learning policy in DKI Jakarta: A case study of SMAN 90 Jakarta, MAN 10 Jakarta, and SMAN 69 Jakarta. The theory used in this study is Merilee S. Grindle’s theory of policy implementation models in 1980. The research approach is a post-positivist with qualitative data collection methods through in-depth interviews and literature studies. The results show that the factors that influence the policy are interest affected; the type of benefits; site of decision making; program implementator; and compliance and responsiveness has a significant influence on policy implementation. All five factors provide a significat impact on the implementation of the limited face-to-face learning policy in DKI Jakarta. While the extent of change; resources comitted; power, interests, and strategies of the actors involved; and institution and regime characteristics do not have a significant impact on the success of the policy implementation"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Achyati
"Dalam mengatasi persoalan ketersediaan rumah bagi MBR, Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta telah mengeluarkan kebijakan berupa pengenaan kewajiban kepada pengembang untuk menyediakan dan membiayai rumah susun sederhana/murah (RSS/M) bagi Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah (MBR) sebanyak 20% dari luas efektif yang dikembangkan. Alternatif lain dalam pemenuhan kewajiban tersebut adalah konversi dalam bentuk dana yang dihibahkan kepada Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis potensi nilai ekonomis dari pemenuhan kewajiban pengembang dalam penyediaan rumah susun sederhana bagi MBR yang muncul akibat kebijakan dimaksud dan membandingkan antara penyerahan dalam bentuk bangunan dengan konversi kewajiban dalam bentuk dana.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa potensi ekonomi dari kontribusi kewajiban pengembang mampu mengurangi backlog. Terdapat kesenjangan pandangan antara Pemerintah dan Pengembang dalam menentukan pilihan kebijakan. Konversi memberikan kemudahan bagi pengembang dalam memenuhi kewajibannya, karena nilai konversi lebih rendah jika dibandingkan dengan biaya yang harus dikeluarkan untuk membangun RSS/M. Sementara Pemerintah Provinsi memandang konversi tidak dapat mengatasi persoalan sebenarnya dalam penyediaan RSS/M karena dana hasil konversi tidak bisa digunakan langsung untuk perbaikan layanan perumahan.
Dana tersebut termasuk dalam Pendapatan Asli Daerah lain-lain yang sah, digunakan untuk pembangunan kota secara umum. Regulasi yang jelas dan penerapan yang konsisten disertai dengan sanksi, serta penegakkan hukum yang kuat diperlukan untuk menjamin ketersediaan hunian yang berimbang dengan mengutamakan rumah publik.

In addressing the issue of housing for low incomes communities, Jakarta Provincial Government has created policies that use obligation for developers to provide social housingfor low-income society as much as20% of the effective area developed. Another alternative in the fulfillment of this liability is conversion into funds that granted to the Jakarta Provincial Government. The purposes of the study are to analyzing the potential economic value for the fulfillment of the developer obligationson providingsocial housing for lowincome communities comes from the policy and comparing the submission in the form of a building with an obligation conversion in cash.
The result shows that economics potential of contribution liability of developers were able to reduce the backlog. There is a gap between the Government and developer point of view in determining the alternatives. Conversion facilitates the developers to meet its liability easily, because the conversion value is lower if it`s compared to the cost to build the social housing. While in fact Jakarta Provincial Government looked at the conversion cannot overcome the problems on providing social housing because the funds from the conversion cannot be used directly as a housing repairing services.
The funds included in legal others revenue, used to urban development in general. Clear regulation and consistent application accompanied by punishments, and strong law enforcement is required to ensure availability on providing housing that balanced with priority the public housing and at the other hand control the development of commercial housing.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kartika Herawati
"Skripsi ini membahas analisis implementasi pemungutan retribusi parkir di Kota Tangerang. Pokok permasalahan dalam skripsi ini yaitu terkait dengan implementasi pemungutan retribusi parkir di Kota Tangerang dan kendala-kendala yang terjadi dalam pemungutan retribusi parkir di Kota Tangerang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui studi kepustakaan, observasi dan wawancara mendalam.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Implementasi pemungutan retribusi parkir di Kota Tangerang jika dilihat dari tiga tahapan, yaitu: identifikasi, penetapan dan pemungutan, belum berjalan dengan optimal dan belum sesuai dengan Peraturan Daerah yang berlaku. Dalam pelaksanaan pemungutan retribusi parkir di Kota Tangerang, terdapat berbagai macam kendala. Adapun kendala tersebut diantaranya yaitu rendahnya kesadaran dan pengetahuan masyarakat maupun juru parkir, juru parkir tidak melaksanakan kewajiban dengan baik, adanya parkir liar, keterbatasan sarana dan prasarana perparkiran, sistem setoran retribusi parkir yang tidak tetap, lemahnya penegakan hukum, kendala koordinasi, di mana tidak adanya koordinasi antara masyarakat, Polisi dan pihak Dinas Perhubungan Kota Tangerang, serta kendala lemahnya pengawasan.

This thesis explains the analysis of the implementation of parking charge collection in Tangerang municipality. Core issues raised within this thesis are related to the implementation of parking charge collection in Tangerang municipality, and constraints which are existed at the process of collecting user charge. The research applies qualitative approach, and uses literature studies, observation and in-depth interview as data collection technique.
Results of this study indicate that the collection of parking charge in Tangerang municipality in practice is not done optimally and has not yet in accordance with applied local regulations. As for the implementation of parking charge collection in Tangerang municipality, researcher found various kind of constraints, such as low initiative and knowledge between citizens and parking attendants, improper duty implementation by parking attendants, illegal parking spaces, limited parking sources, unfixed parking charge deposit, weak law enforcement, coordination problems between polices, citizens, and Department of Transportation in Tangerang municipality. And other constraints related to supervision.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adam Faturrahman Setiadi
"Dinamika kasus COVID-19 hingga tahun 2022 masih berlangsung di berbagai dunia dan mengakibatkan fluktuasi angka morbiditas dan mortalitas yang tinggi. Berbagai ledakan kasus akibat Variant of Concern (VOC) berdampak secara langsung kepada puskesmas sebagai layanan primer. Untuk melakukan penguatan terhadap puskesmas diperlukan strategi kebijakan pengendalian COVID-19 berupa prevent, detect, dan respond yang diikuti dengan optimalisasi implementasi kebijakan yang dilakukan di lapangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran implementasi kebijakan pada tingkat puskesmas di era pandemi COVID-19 berdasarkan literature review. Analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah literature review dengan pendekatan PRISMA. Kebutuhan penelusuran literatur menggunakan online database berupa google scholar dan GARUDA sehingga didapatkan 14 literatur terinklusi. Selain itu, berbagai kepustakaan yang diperoleh dalam penelitian berbentuk artikel jurnal, report lembaga kesehatan, text book, dan website berbahasa Inggris dan Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa implementasi kebijakan di puskesmas masih ditemukan berbagai permasalahan serta hambatan antara lain pembuatan SOP yang tidak komprehensif diikuti kurangnya sosialisasi terkait SOP kepada petugas puskesmas, adanya keterbatasan jumlah petugas surveilans di puskesmas, pelatihan dan sosialisasi untuk melakukan tracing dan surveilans masih belum memadai, serta keterbatasan logistk kesehatan berupa obat-obatan terapi COVID-19 seperti oseltamivir, azitromisin, dan favipiravir. Kesimpulannya implementasi kebijakan di puskesmas masih belum berjalan dengan baik dikarenakan belum optimalnya penerapan kebijakan prevent, detect, dan respond dalam pengendalian COVID-19. Oleh karena itu, saran yang dapat diberikan yaitu pembuatan SOP penanganan COVID-19 yang komprehensif, memperkuat strategi komunikasi dan community engagement, melakukan perencanaan mengenai estimasi petugas surveilans, dan memfasilitas petugas kesehatan untuk mendapatkan program pelatihan.

The dynamics of COVID-19 cases until 2022 are still ongoing worldwide and resulting high fluctuations in morbidity and mortality rates. Various explosions of cases due to Variant of Concern (VOC) have a direct impact on puskesmas as primary care. To strengthen puskesmas, a policy strategy for controlling COVID-19 is needed in the form of prevention, detect, and response, followed by optimizing the implementation of policies carried out in the field. This study aims to describe the implementation of policies at the puskesmas level in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic based on a literature review. The analysis used in this study is a literature review with the PRISMA approach. The need for literature searches using online database in the form of Google Scholar and GARUDA so that 14 included literatures are obtained. In addition, various literatures obtained in the research are in the form of journal articles, reports from health institutions, text books, and websites in English and Indonesian. The result showed that the implementation of policies at the puskesmas still found various problems and obstacles, including the making of SOPs that were not comprehensive followed by a lack of socialization related to SOPs to puskesmas officers, the limited number of surveillance officers at the puskesmas, training and socialization for tracing and surveillance were still inadequate, and limited health logistics in the form of COVID-19 therapeutic drugs such as oseltamivir, azithromycin, and favipiravir. In conclusion, the implementation of policies at puskesmas has not gone well due to the lack of optimal implementation of preventive, detect, and response policies in controlling COVID-19. Therefore, suggestions that can be given are making a comprehensive SOP for handling COVID-19, strengthening communication strategies and community engagement, planning for surveillance officer estimates, and facilitating health workers to receive training programs.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Novi Puspita Sari
"Implementasi retribusi izin mendirikan bangunan di kabupaten Banyumas dalam pelaksanaannya terdapat permasalahan yang terjadi salah satunya adanya penurunan yang signifikan atas penerimaan retribusi izin mendirikan. Hal ini disebabkan karena adanya pelanggaran yang dilakukan oleh pemilik bangunan hotel dan rumah tinggal serta pemberian sanksi yang kurang tegas atas pelanggaran tersebut. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan termasuk dalam penelitian cross sectional dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa studi literatur dan studi lapangan Data tersebut dianalisis menggunakan teknis analisis data kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pelaksanaan implementasi retribusi izin mendirikan bangunan di kabupaten Banyumas belum berjalan efektif karena kurangnya pengawasan yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah daerah. Hal ini disebabkan karena kurangnya koordinasi antara pihak yang terkait dan kurangnya sumber daya manusia dalam melakukan pengawasan langsung di lapangan.
Implementation of building permits levy in Banyumas Regency in faces some problems, one of the problems is for a significant decreased on the revenue of building permits levy fees. The significant decreased by the owner of the hotel and residential buildings as well as less weakness low compliance penalty. This research was conducted by using a qualitative approach and cross sectional study with the literature review and field research as the data collection techniques. Data were analyzed using technical analysis of qualitative data. This study show that indicate that the implementation of building permits levy fees in Banyumas regency has not been effective due to a lack of supervision by local authorities. This cause a lack of coordination between the parties concerned and human resources in direct supervision of the fields."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Robith Hasbi Saviar
"Skripsi ini membahas implementasi merit system pada proses rekrutmen dan seleksi CPNS tahun 2013 di Kementerian Keuangan dan Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Dalam pelaksanaannya di lapangan proses rekrutmen dan seleksi CPNS tahun 2013 masih diwarnai dengan kepentingan politik, dugaan KKN dan tidak sesuai dengan prinsip knowledge of results dan equal oportunity pada merit system. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara Post Positivis dengan desain deskriptif melalui pengumpulan data primer dan sekunder.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi merit system pada proses rekrutmen dan seleksi CPNS tahun 2013 di Kementerian Keuangan telah berjalan dengan baik sesuai dengan prinsip equal opportunity, open competition and fairness, serta pengambilan keputusan yang diterima berdasarkan passing grade. Di sisi lain, implementasi merit system pada proses rekrutmen dan seleksi CPNS tahun 2013 di Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti belum berjalan dengan baik karena kurang memenuhi dengan prinsip equal opportunity, open competition and fairness, serta pengambilan keputusan yang diterima berdasarkan passing grade. Proses rekrutmen dan seleksi CPNS tahun 2013 masih dipengaruhi oleh faktor administratif, politik dan budaya, serta teknis.

This thesis discussed about the implementation of the merit system in recruitment and selection process of civil servants candidates in 2013 in the Ministry of Finance and the Meranti Islands Regency, and the factors that influence it. The implementation of process of recruitment and selection CPNS 2013 still affected by political interests, allegations of corruption and not in accordance with the principle of knowledge of results and equal oportunity of the merit system. Research is done in Post Positivist with a descriptive design through primary and secondary data collection.
The results showed that the implementation of the merit system in recruitment and selection process of civil servants candidates in 2013 in the Ministry of Finance has gone well in accordance with the principle of equal opportunity, open competition and fairness, and the decision is received by passing grade. On the other hand, implementation of the merit system in recruitment and selection process of civil servants candidates in 2013 in Meranti Islands District has not gone well because of lack of accordance with the principle of equal opportunity, open competition and fairness, as well as the decision is received by passing grade. The recruitment and selection process of candidates for civil servants in 2013 still influenced by the following factors, they are administrative, political and cultural, and technical.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Metia Pratiwi
"Skripsi ini membahas implementasi terkait faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh dalam implementasi kebijakan KOMANDAN sebagai suatu kebijakan guna mempercepat penyampaian informasi keuangan daerah ke pusat dan mengintegrasikan seluruh data keuangan menjadi pusat database Sistem Informasi Keuangan Daerah (SIKD). Namun, sejak dipublikasikan pada Desember 2010, implementasi kebijakan KOMANDAN oleh sejumlah Pemerintah Daerah hingga tahun 2013 belum berjalan seperti yang diharapkan. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara Post Positivis dengan desain deskriptif.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi sistem KOMANDAN dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor berikut, meliputi faktor kurangnya komunikasi, terbatasnya sosialisasi, inkonsisten kebijakan, terbatasnya kualitas dan kuantitas sumber daya manusia, sanksi yang belum diterapkan, pimpinan yang kurang berperan, dan kurangnya koordinasi antarunit maupun organisasi penyelenggara sistem KOMANDAN.

This thesis discussed about the implementation which related with factors that affect the implementation of KOMANDAN, as a policy to accelerate the delivery of local financial information to the Central and integrate all financial data into a central database of the Local Financial Information System (SIKD). However, since published in December 2010, implementation of KOMANDAN by a number of Local Government has not gone as expected. Research is done in Post Positivist with a descriptive design.
The result showed that system implementation influenced by the following factors, they are lack of communication dan socialization, inconsistent policies, lack of quality and quantity of human resources, the sanctions have not been applied, the less leadership role, and lack of coordination between units and organizations which implement system.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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