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"This research aimed at knowing the correlation between parent's economical status and students economical status and student's religious bahviours at Islamic Elementaryschool of Jombor,Tuntang, Salatiga....."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mutia Sani Fadillah
"Hubungan seksual pranikah merupakah kegiatan seksual yang dilakukan tanpa adanya ikatan pernikahan. Dari tahun 2013 ke tahun 2015, persentase proporsi tertinggi remaja laki-laki mengalami peningkatan dari 11% menjadi 11.75% sedangkan untuk remaja perempuan dari 4% menjadi 4.9%. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui hubungan faktor sosiodemografi, sumber informasi pengetahuan HIV/AIDS, dan perilaku berisiko terhadap kejadian seksual pranikah pada remaja di Indonesia berdasarkan STBP pada tahun 2015. Desain penelitian ini adalah studi cross-sectional dengan menggunakan data sekunder STBP tahun 2015. Sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode multistage cluster random sampling dengan kriteria inklusi murid Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) baik yang dikelola pemerintah (SMA Negeri) maupun SMA yang dikelola oleh swasta yang saat ini duduk di kelas 11 (kelas 2), dan berada dalam tujuh kota penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kejadian seks pranikah pada remaja sebesar 201 orang (3.9%). Berdasarkan analisis regresi logistik, faktor yang berhubungan signifikan adalah tingkat pendidikan ibu, perilaku merokok, perilaku mabuk karena alkohol, dan rangsangan seksual. Faktor yang paling dominan adalah perilaku rangsangan seksual (OR =13.366 95% CI 8.909-20.054). Terdapat variabel kofounding yaitu mempunyai pacar.

Premarital sexual relations are sexual activities that are carried out without a marriage bond. From 2013 to 2015, the highest proportion of male adolescents has increased from 11% to 11.75% while for girls from 4% to 4.9%. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between sociodemographic factors, information sources of HIV / AIDS knowledge, and risk behaviors on premarital sexual incidence among adolescents in Indonesia based on the 2015 IBBS. The design of this study was a cross-sectional study using secondary data from the 2015 IBBS. The sample in this study used the multistage cluster random sampling method with the inclusion criteria of both government-run high school (SMA) and private-managed high schools (SMA) students who currently sit in grade 11 (grade 2), and are in seven research city. The results showed that the incidence of premarital sex among adolescents was 201 people (3.9%). Based on the logistic regression analysis, the factors that have a significant relationship are the level of mother's education, smoking behavior, drinking behavior due to alcohol and sexual stimulation. The most dominant factor was sexual stimulation behavior (OR = 13,366 95% CI 8,909-20,054). There is a cofounding variable, namely having a boyfriend."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gemala Sanggar Putri Astrida
"[Penelitian ini akan melihat sejauh mana pengaruh keterikatan kontrol sosial
terhadap tingkat intensitas perialaku delinkuensi. Serta penelitian ini juga
menggunakan corporal punishment sebagai moderatornya. Dengan menggunakan
teori social bonding oleh Hirschi (1969) penelitian ini menemukan bahwa
semakin terikatnya anak dengan agen sosialnya maka perilaku delinkuensinya
cenderung rendah. Namun, pada keterikatan dengan teman justru memunculkan
hubungan yang positif. Dimana anak yang semkain terikat dengan temannya
justru membuat anak semakin berperilaku delinkuen. Dengan menggunakan
motode kuantitatif dan dengan melakukan analisa univariat, bivariat, uji
korelasional, uji residual dan uji regresi ditemukan bahwa corporal punishment
memiliki pengaruh terhadap hubungan antara keterikatan sosial dengan perilaku
delinkuensi. Penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa adanya corporal punishment
di rumah membuat hubungan orang tua dengan anak menjadi lemah sehingga
anak menjadi berperilaku delinkuen. Lemahnya hubungan anak dengan orang tua
membuat anak lebih memiliki ikatan dengan temannya yang berperilaku
delinkuen.;This research will explain the effect of the level of social control bonds to level of
children delinquency intensity level with corporal punishment as a variable of
moderator. By using the social cohesion theory or social bonding by Hirschi
(1969), this research explain the correlation between children and social agents
towards delinquency behaviors. Where the relationship is negative, where the
children are bound to the social agents, will lower the delinquency behaviours.
This research also seeks the strength of the relationship of both social agents and
children if involving corporal punishment as a moderator. This research which
involved 469 respondents is using quantitative approach with questionnare as a
instrument of research. By using cross tabulation, relational tests, and regretion
test as well as with residual test, this research indicates that negative relationship
between social control bonds (parents and teachers) towards delinquency
behaviours. However, this research also shows that a positive relationship
between peer bonds towards delinquency behaviour of children. Meanwhile, the
correlation between social control bonds with the intensity of children‟s
delinquency behaviour even more powerful if corporal punishment is involved as
a moderator. The conclusion of this research is that children who have a corporal
punishment experience by both of his or her parents at home tend to make
children will become more delinquent than before. This happens because corporal
punishment weakens the relationship between parents and children so that
children tends to create a bond with his or her friends who commit delinquent
behaviors, This research will explain the effect of the level of social control bonds to level of
children delinquency intensity level with corporal punishment as a variable of
moderator. By using the social cohesion theory or social bonding by Hirschi
(1969), this research explain the correlation between children and social agents
towards delinquency behaviors. Where the relationship is negative, where the
children are bound to the social agents, will lower the delinquency behaviours.
This research also seeks the strength of the relationship of both social agents and
children if involving corporal punishment as a moderator. This research which
involved 469 respondents is using quantitative approach with questionnare as a
instrument of research. By using cross tabulation, relational tests, and regretion
test as well as with residual test, this research indicates that negative relationship
between social control bonds (parents and teachers) towards delinquency
behaviours. However, this research also shows that a positive relationship
between peer bonds towards delinquency behaviour of children. Meanwhile, the
correlation between social control bonds with the intensity of children‟s
delinquency behaviour even more powerful if corporal punishment is involved as
a moderator. The conclusion of this research is that children who have a corporal
punishment experience by both of his or her parents at home tend to make
children will become more delinquent than before. This happens because corporal
punishment weakens the relationship between parents and children so that
children tends to create a bond with his or her friends who commit delinquent
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Puslitbang Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan, Badan Litbang dan Diklat DEPAG RI,
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syaefuddin Ahrom Al-Ayubbi
"Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh fenomena pemakaian media sosial khususnya twitter yang digunakan oleh kelompok radikal dalam menyebarkan ajarannya yang membenturkan antara agama dengan kebhinekaan. Penulis berusaha melakukan analisis terhadap aktivitas akun twitter @AlissaWahid yang melakukan kontra narasi terhadap ajaran radikal yang berada di twitter dengan pesan islam damai, islam rahmatan lil alamin, islam yang menghargai perbedaan. Alhasil, setiap pesan yang di posting di twitter mendapatkan respon dari follower akun @AlissaWahid. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan analisis Konten. Pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara mendalam 'In-Depth Interview' dan dokumentasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat dan menjelaskan perilaku ataupun aktivitas Alissa Wahid dalam menyebarkan pesan islam yang damai dan menghargai kebhinekaan. Selain itu penulis juga ingin mengetahui apakah konten dan pesan yang di upload didalam akun twitternya mampu membentuk sikap kebhinekaan generasi milenial.

This research is supported by the phenomenon of the use of social media especially twitter used by radical groups in spreading the gospel banging between religions with diversity. Writers strove do the analysis afterwards on the activities of twitter accounts @ alissawahid who performs counter narrative of the teaching of radical that they are located in twitter with islamic messages robbers are not at peace, islam rahmatan lil alamin, of mass religious devotion which celebrate diversity. As a result, every message on posts on twitter get a response from follower account @AlissaWahid. This study using a qualitative approach which is a descriptive by adopting content analysis. Data collection through observation, in depth interviews in-depth interview and documentation. The purpose of this research is to look around and explain alissa wahid behavior or activity to spread islamic messages of peace and unity in diversity. In addition a writer too needs to know if content and a message uploaded in account twitter capable of forming attitude unity in diversity milenial generation.
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Balai Litbang Agama & Penerbit Penamadani, 2006
303.325 ADA
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amira Eka Pratiwi
Sistem pendidikan dan sekolah memiliki kontribusi besar untuk mendorong toleransi beragama siswa. Salah satu cara termudah untuk mendorong toleransi beragama adalah dengan memberikan pengetahuan yang cukup mengenai kepercayaan dan keragaman. Di Indonesia, nilai keragaman dan toleransi diajarkan dalam Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan. Idealnya, semakin baik nilai PKn seorang siswa, semakin baik pula probabilitas siswa menunjukkan toleransi beragama. Namun, ketika menyangkut sikap, pengaruh lingkungan dan nilai-nilai yang dianut subjek juga patut dipertimbangkan. Penelitian sebelumnya telah menunjukkan bukti-bukti tentang bagaimana sikap yang ditanamkan di rumah dan sekolah berkontribusi pada sikap siswa. Penelitian terbaru juga menunjukkan pentingnya intellectual humility sebagai virtue untuk mendorong sikap positif seperti toleransi beragama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat seberapa besar peran nilai PKn, toleransi beragama orang tua, toleransi beragama guru, dan intellectual humility dalam memprediksi toleransi beragama siswa. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 182 partisipan siswa SMA, 182 orang tua siswa, dan 62 guru. Penelitian ini menggunakan alat ukur Toleransi Beragama untuk mengukur variabel sikap toleransi beragama siswa, orang tua, dan guru, serta menggunakan alat ukur Comprehensive Intellectual Humility Scale (CIHS) untuk mengukur variabel IH. Pengambilan sampel pada penelitian kuantitatif ini dilakukan dengan metode convenience sampling. Data dianalisis menggunakan multiple regression analysis. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa semua variabel secara bersama-sama dapat memprediksi toleransi beragama siswa SMA (F(4, 177) = 15,05, p < 0,000), R2 = 0,254. Namun, ketika dilakukan regresi parsial, hanya toleransi agama orang tua dan intellectual humility yang signifikan memprediksi toleransi beragama sampel. Ini menyiratkan bahwa sikap orang tua lebih berperan daripada kontribusi sekolah. Namun, fakta bahwa intellectual humility berkontribusi secara signifikan dapat dianggap sebagai peluang bagi sekolah atau institusi pendidikan lainnya untuk menerapkan virtue ini ke dalam sistem. Penelitian ini memberikan implikasi praktis bagi sekolah atau lembaga pendidikan untuk mendorong siswa agar memiliki virtue dan sikap positif, terutama intellectual humility dan toleransi beragama. Keterbatasan yang ditemukan dari penelitian ini adalah adanya penolakan yang terjadi terkait pengukuran toleransi beragama yang disebabkan oleh karakteristik budaya partisipan.

The education and school system have a major contribution to encourage religious tolerance of students. One of the easiest ways to encourage religious tolerance is to provide sufficient information regarding beliefs and diversity. In Indonesia, the value of diversity and tolerance is well introduced in civic education. Ideally, the better the subject's performance score, the better the probability of students showing religious tolerance. However, in terms of attitudes, the influence of the community and the virtues of the subjects are also worth considering. Previous research has shown numerous evidence of how shared attitudes at home and school contributes to student attitudes. Recent research also shows the significance of intellectual humility as a virtue to promote positive attitudes such as religious tolerance. This study aims to see how much civic education performance, parents' religious tolerance, teachers' religious tolerance, and intellectual humility can predict students' religious tolerance. This research was conducted on 182 participants of high school students, 182 parents, and 62 teachers. This study uses the Religious Tolerance measurement to measure the variable of religious tolerance of students, parents, and teachers, wereas using the Comprehensive Intellectual Humility Scale (CIHS) to measure the IH variable. Sampling method used by this study was convenience sampling. Data were analyzed using multiple regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that all variables together can predict the religious tolerance of high school students (F (4, 177) = 15.05, p <0.000), R2 = 0.254. Interestingly, the partial regression analysis shows that only parents' religious tolerance and intellectual humility can significantly predict the sample's religious tolerance. This implies that parents' attitudes matter more than school contributions. However, the fact that intellectual humility contributes significantly can be seen as the opportunity for schools to implement the virtue into their systems. This study provides some implications for schools or educational institutions about virtue and positive attitude encouragement, especially regarding intellectual humility and religious tolerance. A few limitations found in this study is including the refusal that occurs related to the measurement of religious tolerance caused by the cultural characteristics of the participants."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Dahlan R
"Relevansi Pemahaman Keagamaan dengan Interaksi Sosial Siswa SMA Negeri di Tanahsareal Kota Bogor Penelitian dari SMAN di Kota Tanahsareal Bogor mendapat penghargaan sebanyak 331 orang. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif dengan menggunakan angket sebagai instrumennya, dengan sampel sebanyak 331 siswa kelas XI SMA Negeri Tanahsareal Kota Bogor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat relevansi positif antara pemahaman agama dengan interaksi sosial siswa. Hasil analisis kedua variabel penelitian diperoleh relevansi antara pemahaman keagamaan dan interaksi sosial yang dihitung oleh Pearson. Korelasi diperoleh nilai koefisien sebesar 0,868. Nilai koefisien determinasi pada analisis ini diperoleh nilai sebesar 0,754 yang berarti 75,4% variabel inisiator sosial siswa dapat berasal dari variabel ujian agama. Sisanya sebesar 24,6% dihilangkan karena penyebab lain. Persamaan regresinya adalah Ŷ = 36,624 + 0,618 X. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut dapat dinyatakan bahwa pemahaman agama (X), mempunyai relevansi dengan interaksi sosial siswa (Y). Hal ini sangat relevan dengan relevansi pemahaman keagamaan dengan interaksi sosial pada siswa SMA di Tanahsareal Kota Bogor."
Jakarta: Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Agama, 2018
297 JPAM 31:2 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur Meilani Tri Nugraheni
"Risk-Based Audit (RBA) is an audit method that applies a risk approach in its implementation. By applying the RBA method, it is expected that an audit can be performed effectively and efficiently, thus producing maximum audit results. This study aims to analyze the implementation of RBA upon audits conducted by The Audit Board of Indonesia (BPK). Furthermore, this study analyzes the preparation of an Audit Program in line with the previously determined RBA. The research framework uses Agency Theory which emphasizes the relationship between management and principal. To ensure that management does not perform any manipulation, an independent third party must conduct the audit. This study applied a qualitative research methodology with a case study approach at BPK. The author expects to dig deeper into the application and implementation of RBA within BPK by using the case study approach support by audit documents and interviews with BPK Audit Team. The results showed that the implementation, performance, and monitoring of RBA by the BPK Audit Team were in line with the instructions and guidelines set by BPK."
Jakarta: Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan Direktorat Penelitian dan Pengembangan, 2021
332 JTKAKN 7:1 (2021)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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