Understanding the wants and needs of consumers is important in marketing a product or service. Therefore, the main objective of this thesis is to find out what consumers want from a discotheque. To achieve the objective, a marketing research is carried out. Information about the discotheque and marketing research is obtained from literatures and observations. While data about the discotheque consumers is obtained by using questionaires. From the research, the following information is obtained. First of all, the research identified various habits of consumers in visiting a discotheque. In analyzing the discotheque consumers, it is better to treat them as a whole rather than as segments based on their occupation. With this thought in mind, the research identified that the various aspects of a discotheque are all found important. But their degree of importance vary, and can be classified into aspects that are very important, important,' and only somewhat important. Also, information concerning the views of the consumers about each aspect of the discotheque is obtained. Wi th the information obtained from the research, discotheque companies are recommended to redetermine their marketing mix. They should first emphasize on the aspects that are considered very important, then on the aspects that are considered important, and finally on the aspects that are only considered somewhat important. take into In dealing with these aspects, they should consideration, the views of the consumers about that certain aspect. By doing so, the discotheque company can corne up with a marketing mix that will satisfy the consumers. With this new marketing mix, hopefully the number of consumers visiting their discotheque will rise, and will enhance the companies' revenues and profits.