Meneses, Alfredo
Identification of neural markers accompanying memory
Elsevier, 2014
Application of Molecular DNA Markers(STRs)in Molecular Diagnosis of Down Syndrome in Iran
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Gut Windarsih
Molecular markers application for blast resistance selection on the double haploid rice population
Institut Pertanian Bogor. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, 2014
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Identification and classification of pink menoreh durian (durio zibetinus murr.) based on morphology and moleculer markers
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Jutamas Jiemjuejun
Genetic relationship assessment and identification of orchids in the genus eria using HAT-RAPD markers / Jutamas Jiemjuejun, Theerachai Thanananta, Naromol Thanananta, Somchit Damrianant
Thammasat University, 2017
 Artikel Jurnal