Boutros-Ghali, Boutros, 1922-
Confronting new challenges: annual report on the work of the organization from the forty-ninth to the fiftieth session of the general assembly
United Nations, 1995
 Buku Teks
Address by the president of the United States of America William J. Clinton to the 48th session of the United Nations General assembly
United Nations
United Nations, 1993
 Buku Teks
Satya Arinanto
Democratization of constitutional and political life in Indonesia since the 1992 general election and the 1993 plenay session of the people's consultative assembly
The University of Melbourne Law School, 1995
 Buku Teks
Perez de Cuellar, Javier
Report of the Secretary General on the work of the organization 1989
United Nation, 1989
 Buku Teks
United Nations, Department of Public Information
Resolutions and decisions adopted by the general assembly during the first part of its forty fourth session from 19 September to 29 December 1989
United NAtions, 1989
 Buku Teks