The New Commercial directory of the Dutch East Indies 1932
Batavia: Nam Tiong Boek handel, 1932
Buku Referensi
Velde, Paul van der
A lifelong passion : P.J. Veth (1814-1895) and the Dutch East Indies
KITLV Press, 2006
Buku Teks
Hesselink, Liesbeth
Healers on the colonial market : native doctors and midwives in the Dutch East Indies
Kitlv Press, 2011
Buku Teks
Indische wetteksten / Dutch East Indies. Laws, statutes, etc.
Commissie voor Nederlandsh-Indie, 1943
Buku Teks
Herziening van het strafprocesrecht / Dutch East Indies. Laws, statutes, etc.
Landsdrukkerij, 1940
Buku Klasik