Hendro Djoko Tjahjono
Analisis praktik residensi pada pasien diabetes melitus tipe 2 dengan komplikasi congestive heart failure menggunakan pendekatan teori adaptasi roy = Analysis of residency practice in diabetics patient with congestive heart failure complication using roy adaptation theory approach
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Dian Anggraini
Analisis praktik residensi keperawatan medikal bedah pada pasien diabetes melitus dengan komplikasi gagal ginjal kronik dan ulkus diabetikum menggunakan pendekatan teori self care orem = Analysis of the practice residency of diabetes mellitus patients with complications of diabetic ulcers and chronic kidney failure using orem self care approach
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Analisis Praktik Residensi Keperawatan Medikal Bedah dan Studi Kasus Pemberian Asuhan Keperawatan pada Pasien Perforasi Massa Ileum dengan Pendekatan Model Adaptasi Roy = Analysis of Medical Surgical Nursing Residency Practice and Case Study of Nursing Care Delivery on Patient with Perforated Ileal Mass using Roy Adaptation Model
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan, 2018
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Desi Deswita
Pelaksanaan integrasi model intervensi budaya keperawatan diabetes dengan cosehi coaching dan self-hypnosis dalam pencegahan dan pengendalian komplikasi pada agregat dewasa di Depok = Implementation of integrated model of diabetes nursing cultural intervention with cosehi coaching and self-hypnosis to prevent and control of complications in adult aggregates in Depok
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Laporan kegiatan praktik residensi keperawatan medikal bedah pada pasien dengan gangguan sistim perkemihan menggunakan pendekatan teori model adaptasi roy di RSPAD Gatot Soebroto RSUP Fatmawati = Surgical-medical nursing residency practice report on patients with urinary system disorders using roy adaptation model approach at RSPAD Gatot Soebroto RSUP Fatmawati
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