Workshop for developing environmental impact assessment (EIA) guidelines for the industrial sector. Proceedings of the first industrial sector workshop 2-12 December 1991, Kathmandu, Nepal
Nepal : National Conservation Strategy Implementation Project, 1992,
Buku Referensi
Control and management of integrated industrial complexes : proceedings of the IFAC workshop, Toulouse, France, 6-8 September 1977
edited by Madan G. Singh and Andre Titli
Pergamon Press, 1978
Buku Teks
Formal methods for industrial critical systems : 17th international workshop, FMICS 2012, Paris, France, August 27-28, 2012 : proceedings
Springer-Verlag , 2012
Science and applications of conducting polymers : papers from the 6th European Physical Society Industrial Workshop held in Lofthus, Norway, 21-31 May 1990/ Edited by: W.R. Salaneck, D.T. Clark, E.J. Samuelson
Bristol Adam Hilger, 1991
Buku Teks
English workshop
New York : Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1995,
Buku Teks