Rany Indra Sertyani Putri
Pengaruh Suasana Toko, Persepsi Nilai, dan Kepuasan Pelanggan terhadap Niat Berperilaku pada Transmart Carrefour Cempaka Putih = The Effect of Store Atmosphere, Perceived Value, and Customer Satisfaction on Behavioral Intention in Transmart Carrefour Cempaka Putih
Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Irfan Fauzi
Pengaruh store atmosphere, service quality dan kelengkapan produk terhadap purchase intention pada SPBU Pasti Pas dan SPBU Pasti Prima Pertamina = The influence of store atmosphere service quality and product variety towards purchase intention on SPBU Pasti Pas and SPBU Pasti Prima Pertamina
 UI - Tesis Membership
Sintya Darmali
Hubungan karakteristik / atribut store image terhadap kepuasan konsumen berbelanja home products di supermarket & dept-store (studi kasus penghuni apartemen wisma gading permai pada diamond dan sogo supermarket & dept-store)
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2003
 UI - Tesis Membership
Chandra Lesmana
Analisis pengaruh ambient conditions terhadap emotional state, customer satisfaction dan behaviour intention (studi kasus pada konsumen foodrink house) = Analysis of effect of ambient conditions on emotional state, customer satisfaction and behaviour intention (case study on foodrink house consumers) / Chandra Lesmana
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Agnes Meiriana
Pengaruh loyalitas terhadap hubungan antara kepuasan konsumen dan perilaku pembelian berulang : studi konsumen tolak angin Sido Muncul = Loyalty's influence on the consumer satisfaction and repurchase behavior relationship : the study of tolak angin Sido Muncul's consumer
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2010
 UI - Tesis Open