Jimly Asshiddiqie, 1956-
Peradilan Etik dan Etika Konstitusi: Perspektif baru tentang "Rule of Law and Rule of Ethics" & Constitutional Law and Constitutional Ethics"
Sinar Grafika, 2016
Buku Teks
Jimly Asshiddiqie, 1956-
Peradilan etik dan etika konstitusi : perspektif baru tentang "rule of law and rule of ethics & constitutional law and constitutional ethics"
Sinar Grafika, 2017
Buku Teks
Jimly Asshiddiqie, 1956-
Peradilan etik dan etika konstitusi : perspektif baru tentang "rule of law and rule of ethics & constitutional law and constitutional ethics"
Sinar Grafika, 2014
Buku Teks
Keeble, Richard
Ethics for journalists
Routledge, 2001
Buku Teks
Museum ethics
edited by Gary Edson
Routledge , 1997
Buku Teks