Demos, John
Remarkable providences: readings on early American history / John Demos
North Eastern University Press, 1991
 Buku Teks
Topham, Alfred F.
Palmer's company law : a pratical book for lawyers and business men / by Alfred F. Thopam and A.M.R. Topham
Stevens and Sons, Limited, 1933
 Buku Teks
Deakin, Alfred
The federal story : the inner history of the federal cause / Alfred Deakin; edited by, Herbert Brookes
Robertson & Mullens, 1944
 Buku Teks
Millis, Walter
Arms and men a study in American military history / Walter Millis
Mentor Book, 1956
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Standage, Tom
The victorian internet: the remarkable story of the telegraph and the nineteenth century on-line pioneers
Berkley Books , 1998
 Buku Teks