Swartz, Greg
Leadership lessons: 10 keys to success in life and business
American Society for Training & Development, 2008
Covey, Stephen R.
Live Life in Crescendo: Karya paling penting selalu di depan kita
PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2024
Buku Teks
Johnson, Spencer
Who moved my cheese? : an amazing way to deal with change in your work and in your life = Cara jitu menghadapi liku-liku perubahan dalam kehidupan dan pekerjaan / Spencer Johnson ; Antonius Eko, translator
Gramedia, 2013
Buku Teks
Ferriss, Timothy
The 4-hour work week: escape the 9-5, live anywhere and join the new rich
Vermilion, 2011
Buku Teks
Agness, Lindsey
Change your life with NLP: cara mengubah hidup anda lebih dahsyat/ Lindsey Agnee; penerjemah, Ati Cahyani; penyunting, Suci Wahyuning
Ufuk Press, 2012
Buku Teks