Al-Ghadban, Adil
الشيخ نجيب الحداد ١٨٦٧-١٨٩٩ = Al-Sheikh Najib al-Haddad 1867-1899
Dar al-Ma`arif, 1953
Buku Teks
Ricklefs, Merle Calvin, 1943-
A history of modern Indonesia since c. 1200
Palgrave Macmilan, 2008
Buku Teks
Where history meets pilgrimage: The graves of sheikh Yusuf Al-Maqassari and prince Dipanagara in Madura
Artikel Jurnal
Davidson, Alastair
The immutable laws of mankind: the struggle for universal human rights
Springer, 2012
Neier, Aryeh
The international human rights movement: a history
University Press/ Princeton & Oxford, 2012
Buku Teks