Methods of text and discourse analysis / Stefan Titscher... [et al.] ; translated by Bryan Jenner.
by Stefan Titscher ... [and others] ; translated by Bryan Jenner
Sage , 2007
Buku Teks
The Autobiography of Fukuzawa Yukichi / Translated by Eiichi Kiyooka
Hokuseido Press, 1948
Buku Teks
Washington, Booker T.
Up from slavery: an autobiography
Oxford University Press, 1900
Buku Teks SO
Zheng, Yi
Chinese sculptures / compiled by Zheng Yi , translated by Trans
New Star Press, 2010
Buku Teks
The autobiography of Michel de Montaigne : comprising the life of the wisest man of his times ... / selected, arranged, edited, prefaced & mostly translated anew from his essays, & c., withholding no signal or curious detail, by Marvin Lowenthal.
Vintage Books, 1956
Buku Teks