M.D. La Ode
Trilogi pribumisme : resolusi konflik pribumi dengan non pribumi di berbagai belahan dunia
Komunitas Ilmu Pertahanan Indonesia (KIPI), 2018
 Buku Teks
Regionalism in world politics: regional organizations and international order/ edited by Louise Fawcett ; andrew Hurell
Oxford University Press, 1997
 Buku Teks
The Wiley Blackwell encyclopedia of race, ethnicity, and nationalism (Volume I : A - Con)
edited by John Stone, Rutledge Dennis, Polly Rizova, Anthony D. Smith, and Xiaoshuo Hou
John Wiley &​ Sons, 2016
 Buku Referensi
The Wiley Blackwell encyclopedia of race, ethnicity, and nationalism (Volume II : Coo - G)
edited by John Stone, Rutledge Dennis, Polly Rizova, Anthony D. Smith, and Xiaoshuo Hou
John Wiley &​ Sons, 2016
 Buku Referensi
The Wiley Blackwell encyclopedia of race, ethnicity, and nationalism (Volume III : H - M)
edited by John Stone, Rutledge Dennis, Polly Rizova
John Wiley &​ Sons, 2016
 Buku Referensi