Toward a new central Europe : a symposium on the problems of the Danubian nations / edited and with an introduction by Francis S. Wagner.
Danubian Press,, 1970
Buku Teks
Problems of modern society / edited by Peter Worsley.
Penguin,, 1972
Buku Teks
Hydroelectricity prospects in the new energy situation / A Symposium of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Athens, Greece. 5-9 November 1979
Perpustakaan Nasional , 1981
Buku Teks
Toward a simpler way of life : the arts & crafts architects of California / edited by Robert Winter.
edited by Robert Winter
University of California Press, 1997
Buku Teks
Federalism and the Welfare State: new world and european experinces/Edited by: Herbert Obinger; Stephen Leibfried; Francis G. Castles
Cambridge University Press, 2005
Buku Teks