Dewi Ariantini Yudhasari
Ketercerabutan perempuan Zainichi Korea dari akar : narasi feminis dan diaspora dalam novel Koku dan Yuhi karya Lee Yangji = Tear away from the roots narration of feminist and diaspora Zainichi Japanese Korean women in the novels Koku and Yuhi written by Lee Yangji
 UI - Disertasi Membership
Sri Febynya Fannyo
Kehidupan perempuan Korea sebagai zainichi dalam puisi the Consultation Corner karya Cheon Mihye = Korean womens life as Zainichi in poetry the Consultant Corner by Cheon Mihye
 UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja
Yi, Pung-on, 1959-
Chaeil tongpo 1-se, kiok ui chopyon
Tong Asia , 2009
 Buku Teks
Palmer, Brandon
Fighting for the enemy : Koreans in Japan's war, 1937-1945
University of Washington Press , 2013
 Buku Teks
Millard, Thomas F.
Our eastern question : American contact with the orient and the trend of relations with China and Japan
Century, 1916
 Buku Teks