Kelby, Scott
The digital photography book: panduan lengkap dan sistematis agar foto anda sekelas karya fotografer profesional = The digital photography book, volume 1
Serambi Ilmu Semesta, 2013
Buku Teks
Bucher, Chris
Digital photography: visual quick steps
John Wiley & Sons, 2012
Buku Teks
Beardsworth, John
Advanced digital black & white photography / John Beardsworth
ILEX, 2012
Buku Teks
Kelby, Scott
The digital photography book: panduan lengkap dan sistematis agar foto anda sekelas karya fotografer profesional = Digital photography book, volume 3
Serambi Ilmu Semesta, 2013
Buku Teks
Kelby, Scott
The digital photography book: panduan lengkap dan sitematis agar foto anda sekelas karya fotografer profesional = The digital photography book / Scott Kerby; penerjemah, Sri Noor Verawaty
Serambi Ilmu Semesta, 2012
Buku Teks