Bergham, Wilfried
Robert Musil in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten
Hamburg Rowohlt 1963
Buku Teks
Fitzhugh, T.R.
Robert Burns his associate and contemporaries The Train, Grierson a.o. manuscripts ed. with introd; with the journal of the Border tour; ed. by
Chapel Hill Univ. of North Coalina Press 1943
Buku Teks
Stern, G.B.
Robert Louis Stevenson
Longman, 1952
Buku Teks
Browing, Robert
The Life of Robert Browing
Archon, 1966
Buku Teks
Browning, Robert
Poems of Robert Browning 1833-1865
Cassell, 1907
Buku Teks