Biological research on addiction : comprehensive addictive behaviors and disorders
editor-in-chief Peter M. Miller
Academic Press, 2013
Principles of addiction : comprehensive addictive behaviors and disorders / editor-in-chief, Peter M. Miller
Academic Press, 2013
Rasmussen, Sandra
Addiction treatment : theory and practice
Sage, 2000
 Buku Teks
Verster, Joris C.
Drug abuse and addiction in medical illness : causes, consequences and treatment
Springer, 2012
Jolan Tedjokoesoemo
Standarisasi kompetensi konselor adiksi dan rancangan unit pelaksana teknis aftercare dalam upaya efektifitas pelayanan aftercare pecandu narkoba = Standarization on addiction counselling competency and design of aftercare unit to ensure effectiveness of drug addicts aftercare services
Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2011
 UI - Tesis Open