Dio Ashar Wicaksana
Kewenangan eksekutif terhadap organisasi olahraga : studi kasus kedudukan menteri pemuda dan olahraga terhadap PSSI = Executive authority with sports organization : case study the position of the minister of youth and sports with PSSI
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2012
 UI - Skripsi Open
Dita Rahmasari
Analisis yuridis perpindahan pemain sepakbola berdasarkan kitab undang-undang hukum perdata dan peraturan keolahragaan lainnya = Juridicial analysis of football's players movement based on the civil code and any other sports regulations
Universitas Indonesia, 2011
 UI - Skripsi Open
Champion, Walter T
Sports law in a nutshell
WEST , 2009
 Buku Teks
Siekmann, R.C.R.
Introduction to international and European sports law : capita selecta
T.M.C. Asser Press, 2012
Lefever, Katrien
New media and sport: international legal aspects
T.M.C. Asser Press, 2012