Giddens, Anthony
Kapitalisme dan teori sosial modern: suatu analisis karya-tulis Marx, Durkheim dan Max Weber
UI-Press, 1986
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Giddens, Anthony
Capitalism and modern social theory : an analysis of the writings of Marx, Durkheim and Max Weber
Cambridge University Press, 1971
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Lowith, Karl
Max Weber and Karl Marx
Routledge, 1993
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Giddens, Anthony
Kapitalisme dan teori sosial modern : suatu analisis terhadap karya tulis Marx, Durkheim dan Max Weber
UI-Press, 1986
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Tony Rudyansjah
Max Weber dan antropologi: Rasionalitas, tindakan, agama dan kapitalisme dipahami melalui metode verstehen dan tipe ideal
Arti Bumi Intaran, 2020
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