Budhu, Muni
Soil mechanics and foundations/Muni Budhu
John Wiley & Sons, 2007
Buku Teks
Soil suction applications in geotechnical engineering practice/edited by Waren K. wray and sandra l. haouston
ASCE, 1995
Buku Teks
Coleman, Peter
Forces in Australian politics / P. Coleman; J. Jupp; H. B. Gullett; P. B. Westerway; J. Rydon. Editor by John Wilkes
Agus and Robertson, 1966
Buku Teks
Nelson, John D.
Expansive soils: problems and practice in foundation and pavement engineering / John D. Nelson, Debora J. Miller
John Wiley & Sons, 1992
Buku Teks
Marine structures engineering : specialized applications / Gregory P. Tsinker
Chapman & Hall, 1995
Buku Teks