Berrizbeitia, Anita
Inside outside : between architecture and landscape
Rockport, 1999
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Life after '80 : environmental choices we can live with / editor, Kathleen Courrier
Brick House, 1980
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Manusia, kesehatan dan lingkungan : kualitas hidup dalam perspektif perubahan lingkungan global / editor, Kusdwiratri Setiono, Johan S. Masjhur, Anna Alisyahbana
editor, Kusdwiratri Setiono, Johan S. Masjhur dan Anna Alisyahbana
Alumni, 1998
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Crowe, Norman
Nature and the idea of a man-made world : an investigation into the evolutionary roots of form and order in the built environment
MIT Press, 1995
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Botkin, Daniel B.
Environmental science : earth as a living planet
John Wiley & Sons, 2003
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