The Directory & chronicle of China, Japan, Korea, Indo-China, straits settlements Malay states, Siam, Netherlands India, Borneo, the Philippines, &c. : with wich are incorporated "the China directory and "the Hongkong directory and Hong list for the Far East" : for the year 1930
The Hongkong Daily Press, 1930
 Buku Referensi
The Directory & chronicle of China, Japan, Korea, Indo-China, straits settlements Malay states, Siam, Netherlands India, Borneo, the Philippines, &c. : with wich are incorporated "the China directory and "the Hongkong directory and Hong list for the Far East" : for the year 1916
The Hongkong Daily Press, 1916
 Buku Referensi
The Directory & chronicle of China, Japan, Korea, Indo-China, straits settlements Malay states, Siam, Netherlands India, Borneo, the Philippines, &c. : with wich are incorporated "the China directory and "the Hongkong directory and Hong list for the Far East" : for the year 1934
The Hongkong Daily Press, 1934
 Buku Referensi
Directory and chronicle for China, Japan, straits settlements, Indo-China, Philippines, etc. : with which are incorporated "the China directory" and "the Hongkong directory and Hong list for the Far East" : for the year 1911
The Hongkong Daily Press Office, 1911
 Buku Referensi
Directory & chronicle of China, Japan, Korea, Indo-China, straits settlements, Malay, Philippines, &c : 1931
The Hongkong Daily Press, 1931
 Buku Referensi