Bouquet, A.C.
Hinduism / A. C. Bouquet
Hutchinson's University Library, [date of publication not identified]
 Buku Teks
Saraswati, Swami Dayananda
Satyarth prakashs an English translation by Late Shri Durga Prasad
Jan Gyan Prakashan, [Date of publication not identified]
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Brhad-Aranyaka-Upanisad traduite et annotee par
Societe D'Edition Les Beles Letters , 1967
 Buku Teks
Ruckert, F.
Weisheit des Brahmanen hrsg. und eingel. von
Leipzig Reclam, O.J. []
 Buku Teks
Isa upanisad [isopanisad] by and naskah terjemahan penjelasan oleh Upanishads, breath of eternal, the principal texts and translated from original Sanskrit
Lembaga Penterjemahan Kitab Suci Weda , 1977
 Buku Teks