Karrass, Chester L.
The Negotiating game/Chester L. Karrass
Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1970
Buku Teks
Pengantar ekonomi perusahaan/ Edilius.....( et al)l
Rineka Cipta, 1992
Buku Teks
Save the birds / Rudolph L. Schreiber ... [et al.]
Houghton Mifflin, 1989
Buku Teks
Dinamika masyarakat dan pembangunan / R. Soeprapto ...[et al.]; editor, Theo L. Sambuga ...[et al.]
Pustaka Sinar Harapan, 1992
Buku Teks
Statistics for petroleum engineers and geoscientists / Jerry L. Jensen ...[et al]
by Jerry L. Jensen ... [and others]
Prentice-Hall, 1997
Buku Teks