Fowles, Grant R.
Analytical mechanics / Grant R. Fowles
Thomson Brooks/Cole,, 1985
 Buku Teks
Fowles, Grant R.
Analytical mechanics /​ Grant R. Fowles.
Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1977
 Buku Teks
Stewart, Jeffrey R.
Progressive filing / Jeffrey R. Stewart, Judith A. Scharle, Gilbert Kahn
McGraw-Hill , 1980
 Buku Teks
Singarimbun, Masri, translator
Open door to learning : the land-grant system enters its second century / by Herman R. Allen
University of Illinois Press, 1964
 Buku Teks
Patel, R. C.
Elements of hydraulics: for final year of diploma course in civil engineering / R. C. Patel, A. D. Pandya, B. M. Patel
Charya Book Depot, 1978
 Buku Teks