The handbook of the neuropsychology of language
Miriam Faust, editor
Wiley Balckwell, 2012
Buku Teks
Contemporary issues in cross-cultural psychology : selected papers from a regional conference of The International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology
edited by Nico Bleichrodt, Pieter J.D. Drenth
Swets & Zeitlinger , 1991
Buku Teks
Handbook of cross-cultural pschology volume 3 Social behavoir and application
Allyn and Bacon, 1980
Buku Teks
Handbook of cross-cultural psychology volume 2 basic processes and human development/ Edied by John W. Berry et all
edied by John W. Berry ... [and others]
Allyn and Bacon, 1997
Buku Teks
Handbook of cross-cultural psychology: Theory and method, vol. 1./Berry, John W.; Segall, Marshall H.; Kogitcibasi, Cigdem (editor);
edited by John W. Berry, Marshall H. Segall and Cigdem Kogitcibasi
Allyn and Bacon, 1997
Buku Teks