Schools and society : a sociological approach to education
Jeanne H. Ballantine, Joan Z. Spade, editors
SAGE Publications, 2015
 Buku Teks
Adams, Anthony
The crisis in teacher education: a European concern / Anthony Adams and Witold Tulasiewicz
Falmer Press, 1995
 Buku Teks
Suzana Imanuel , supervsior
The grass is greener on other schools inter regional competition and education outcomes = Hijaunya rumput sekolah tetangga: kompetisi antar daerah dan hasil pendidikan
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Sitorus, Ismet
Pemenuhan hak atas penyelidikan bagi anak pidana di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Anak Pria Klas II A Tangerang = Fulfillment of education for child rights violations in the penitentiary class IlA Boy in Tangerang
Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2010
 UI - Tesis Open
Kinanti Desya Febrianti
Pengaruh Bantuan Pendidikan di Tingkat Perguruan Tinggi terhadap Pendapatan dan Ketimpangan: Kasus pada Bantuan Pendidikan dengan Basis Syarat Need dan Merit di Universitas Indonesia = The Impact of Educational Aid Policy in Higher Education on Income and Inequality: The Case for Merit-based and Need-based Aid in University of Indonesia
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
 UI - Skripsi Membership