ASTM standards including tentatives : Part 4, cement, concrete, mortars, road material, waterproofing, soils"
American Society for Testing Meaterials, 1958
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ASTM standards for corrosion testing of metals
American Society for Testing and Materials; by ASTM Committee G-1 on Corrosion of Metals
ASTM, 1996
Buku Referensi
ASTM standards including tentatives : Part 2, Non-ferrous metals (specifications), electronic materials
ASTM , 1958
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1975 Annual book of ASTM standards part. 12: chemical analysis of metals samping and analysis of metal bearing ores
American Society for Testing and Materials
American Society for Testing and Materials, 1975
Buku Referensi
ASTM standards including tentatives : Part 10, textiles, soap, water, atmospheric analysis, wax polishes
ASTM , 1958
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