Olive III, J Fred
Educational technology selected bibliography series
Educational Technology Publications, 1995
 Buku Referensi
Noor Cahyatmo
Daftar buku teknologi sederhana suplemen 3
Pusat Dokumentasi dan Informasi Ilmiah, 1993
 Buku Teks
Taty A. Nurdjaman
Daftar pustaka beranotasi laporan hasil penelitian-penelitian Institut Teknologi Bandung / penyusun, Taty A. Nurdjaman, Lanny T.H., Nanan H. Cholil
ITB Press, [date of publication not identified]
 Buku Referensi
Chen, Ching-Chih
Scientific and technical information sources / Ching-chih Chen
MIT Press, 1977
 Buku Referensi
Herner, Saul
A brief guide to sources of scientific and technical information / Saul Herner, with Gene P. Allen and Nancy D. Wright
Information Resources Press, 1980
 Buku Referensi