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Pangemanan, Andriani
Abstrak :
Dalarn melakukan investasi di pasar modai, investor akan bcrusaha memilih saham-mam yang memniki kineaja yang lebih bam dm mam-sanam nimfa. Bcrbagai penelitian terdahulu telah menunjukkan adanya dua anomali di pasar modal yang dikenal sebagai smalljirrn eject dan value qiect. Smalkfirm qkct adalah kondisi dimana return saham dai penmahaan-perusahaan yang berukuran kecil mcngungguli return saham dari porusahaan-perusahaan berukuran besar. Value e_@2*ct adalah kondisi dimana remm saham perusahaan-perusahaan dmgan rasio P/B yang rendah mcngungguli return pemsahaan-perusahaan dengan rasio P/B yang tinggi. - Akan tetapi hasil peneliiian Jensen, Johnson dan Mercer (1997,l998) menunjukkan bahwa di Amerika Serikat, keberadaan kedua fenomcna di atas sangat dipengaruhi oleh kondisi monster. Tidak selamanya strategi inveatasi dengan memanfaatkan kedua fenomena terscbut dapat memberikan return yang tinggi. Fcnomcna smalljirm eject dan value eject hatlya ditemui secara konsistcn dan signilikan pada saat kondisi moneter bcrada dalam periods ckspansif. Tujuan dari pcnelitian ini adalah untuk mclihat apakah kondisi scrupa juga dapat ditemui di Indonesia, khususnya di Bursa Efek Jakarta. Apakah fenomena smallgirm eject dan value eject dipengaruhi oleh kondisi moneter dan dalam kondisi yang bagaimanakah kedua fenomena torsebut mempunyai nilai yang signiEkan. Selain itu juga diipelajari bagaimana huhungan antara return saham dengan rasio P/B, ukuran pcrusahaan sorta kondisi monetef. Hasil penelitian mcnunjukkan bahwa hanya dalam kondisi moneter yang ekspansif fcnomena smallqirm e_1?éct dan value eject mempunyai nilai yang signiikan. Dalam periode tcrsebut, return yang diberikan oleh portfolio saham- saham yang termasuk ke dalam kelompok ?value? dan ?smalljirm? secara signitikan mcngungguli return portfolio kelompok ?growth? dan ?Iarge;firm?. Sebaliknya dalam perriode restriktii kedua fenomena tersebut tidak menunjukkan nilai yang signiiikan. Melalui analisis rcgresi dapat dilihat adanya hubungan negatif yang signitikan antara return saham dengan xasio P/B dan return saham dCll@1 ukumn penlsahaan sorta hubungan positif yang signifikan antara return saham dengan kondisi moneter. Hasil regresi lainnya menurqukkan bahwa dalam kondisi moneter yang ekspansiii return saham perusahaan-perusahaan yang termasuk kc dalam kelompok ?S>alue? dan ?small¢/?irrn" lcbih tinggi daripada return saham-saham yang terrnasuk kc dalam kelompok lainnya. Dari hasil penelitian dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa dalam menggunakan slrategi investasi yang berkaitan dengan fenomcna value qééct dan srnallfirm eject investor hams mempcrhatikan kondisi moneter. Hanya dalam kondisi ekspansif saja kedua strategi tersebut dapat mcmberikan return yang tinggi. Dengan demikian dalam kondisi monetzr yang reslriklill sebaiknya investor tidak menggunakan kedua strategi tersebut.
When investing in capital market, investors will try to choose stocks that can give higher retum. Previous researches had found that there are two anomalies in the capital market, known as small-limi effect and value effect. Small-tirm effect is a condition in which stock returns from small iinns are higher than retums from large lirms. Value eifect is a condition in which stock returns ii'om iirms with low price- to-book (P/B) ratio are higher than retums from firms with high P/B Ratio. However, Jensen, Johnson and Mercer (1997, 1998) had folmd that in the United States monetary policy has a Bi@mC3Ilt impact on small-Hrm and value effect. Investor does not always receive high return by using investment strategies which exploits small-firm and value elfect phenomenon Both phenomenons can only be seen consistently and signidcantly in expansive monetary condition. The purpose of this research is to leam whether the same condition can be found in Indonesia, especially in the Jakarta Stock Exchange. Does monetary condition have any effect on small-Elm and value eEect ? In what kind of monetary condition that we can find small-Itirm and value eifect had significant value ? In addition we also learn about the relationship between stock return, price-to-book ratio, inn size and monetary condition The results show that only in expansive monetary condition small-5111 and value eH`ect had signiicant values. In that period, returns from ?value? and ?small- lirm? portfolios are significantly higher than returns from ?growth? and ?large-firm
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Ridwan
Abstrak :
Indonesia is the world 's largest archntelago with at population of roughly 224 million (Jubf 200 estimate), make it the world 's fourth most populous nation. Indonesia people have diferent character and patient in communihi We as developing country, and it grown in entirely area from province to region. 'lhe progressive growth in this decade which possibly have different perception of occurrence and the developing as the real obligation involved if each region, central government as decision maker of policy and planning The diferent condition in each region, influences the pattern and the form of development to appbi in each region. Ihe policy which succesgiillv applied in one region is not necessary as successful region to others. U' we would develop one region, therefore the police should suitable regard the region condition such as problems, needs and potential. A thorough research to know the potential and the prospect ofa certain district should be undertaken. the final result of the research has to be provided to the pertinent decision makers. The district of Bekasi has to undertake similar research. As a strategic region located in the border of Jakarta, Bekasi with its excellent iiyrastructure and transportation could be _hirther developed as an advanced and integrated industrial business district. Recently, there are five industrial business district in the region and oj"course_ there wi ll be more in line with jiirther development. All of these potentials which must be better studied and research. F nrther, the research also tries to answer .several aspects of Belrasi region development, and views on which .sectors need to be better developed and handle seriouslv. Evenlualbf, the results of the research would be put as o henclnnark and tools of .strategic decision making process.
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Rohadi
Abstrak :
Perbedaan pendapat mengenai efek upah minimum terhadap lapangan kerja membuat penelitian di bidang ini masih menarik. Di samping itu, hanya sedikit penelitian yang mempelajari pengaruh kebijakan upah minimum terhadap lapangan kerja sektoral secara menyeluruh. Menggunakan data Sakernas tahun 2004 – 2013 pada level provinsi dan level sektor, penelitian ini mengindikasikan bahwa secara umum kebijakan upah minimum memberi efek positif terhadap penyerapan tenaga kerja. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan upah minimum manguntungkan dalam penciptaan lapangan kerja bagi pekerja yang tinggal di pedesaan, pekerja wanita, pekerja yang menikah, dan pekerja berpendidikan rendah. Upah mimimum secara empiris terbukti menarik penduduk usia kerja untuk bekerja sebagai karyawan daripada menjadi seorang pengusaha. Efek berbeda dari kebijakan upah minimum juga terjadi pada lapangan kerja sektoral. Sektor pertanian, kehutanan, perikanan, dan perburuan, sektor konstruksi, sektor perdagangan besar dan eceran, restoran, dan akomodasi, sektor keuangan, real estate, asuransi, dan jasa perusahaan, serta sektor yang meliputi jasa kemasyarakatan, sosial, dan perorangan, secara positif dipengaruhi oleh kebijakan upah minimum. Di lain pihak, sektor transportasi, penyimpanan, dan komunikasi tidak diuntungkan dengan adanya kebijakan upah minimum. Analisis terhadap lapangan kerja tertentu menyimpulkan bahwa kebijakan upah minimum kurang bersahabat dengan tenaga kerja berpendidikan rendah untuk memperoleh perkerjaan di tujuh dari sembilan sektor ekonomi di Indonesia.
The absence of consensus of minimum wage effect on employment engenders study on this field remains a favour. Yet, little researches studied the functioning of minimum wage policy on sectoral employment comprehensively. Exploring Sakernas data of 2004-2013 in province level and sectoral-province level, this study notifies positive impact of minimum wage on general employment. This study also maintains that minimum wage is beneficial for rural, female, married, low educated employment. Minimum wage is empirically proved attractive for workforce to become a worker rather than an entrepreneur. Divergent effects of minimum wage on economic sectors appear regarding to characteristics of economic sector. Agricultural, forestry, hunting, and fishing sector; construction sector; wholesale trade, retail trade, restaurant and accommodation sector; finance, real estate, insurance, and business services sector; and community, social, and personal services sector, which are labour intensive, positively affected by minimum wage increases. In contrast, transportation, storage, and communication sector is adversely affected by minimum wage hikes.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aryo Wicaksono
Abstrak :
Indonesia memiliki sumber daya alam yang melimpah, yang dapat menyebabkan negara tersebut berkembang cepat. Perkembangan ini dapat terganggu oleh kutukan sumber daya alam. Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi keberadaan kutukan sumber daya alam di tingkat kabupaten dengan membagi model menjadi dua periode. Makalah ini menggunakan PDB per kapita, rasio belanja pendidikan, rasio belanja infrastruktur, dan tingkat melek huruf sebagai variabel independen. Untuk mengukur fenomena kutukan sumber daya alam, model penelitian menggunakan kabupaten penghasil sebagai variabel dummy. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kutukan sumber daya alam muncul di Indonesia dan lebih dalam pada periode kedua. Makalah ini juga membandingkan tingkat kemiskinan di setiap pulau dengan memodifikasi variabel kabupaten penghasil menjadi variabel pulau. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pulau Jawa, Sumatera, dan Sulawesi memiliki tingkat kemiskinan yang sama. Dibandingkan dengan pulau-pulau ini, pulau Kalimantan dan Bali memiliki tingkat kemiskinan yang lebih rendah, dan pulau-pulau Maluku, Papua, dan Nusa Tenggara memiliki tingkat kemiskinan yang lebih tinggi. Akhirnya, tulisan ini mengusulkan bahwa program pemerintah Indonesia untuk pengentasan kemiskinan harus memperhatikan faktor kutukan sumber daya alam.
Indonesia has abundant natural resources, which could lead the country to fast development. This development could be disturbed by the natural resource curse. This research explores the presence of the natural resource curse on the district level by dividing the model into two periods. This paper uses GDP per capita, education expenditure ratio, infrastructure expenditure ratio, and literacy rate as independent variables. To measure the natural resource curse phenomenon, the model uses producing districts as dummy variables. The results show that the natural resource curse appears in Indonesia and is growing deeper in the second period. This paper compares the poverty rate on each island by modifying the producing districts’ dummy variable with the island’s dummy variable. The result indicates that Java, Sumatra, and Sulawesi islands have the same poverty rate. Compared to these islands, Kalimantan and Bali islands have lower poverty rates, and Maluku, Papua, and Nusa Tenggara islands have higher poverty rates. Finally, this paper proposes that the Indonesia government programs in poverty alleviation become aware of the natural resource curse.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nina Restyana Yulianti
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas fungsi, dalam hal penargetan, dan dampak dari program transfer tunai (BSM) terhadap putus sekolah. Hasil penelitian, berdasarkan data Susenas 2013, menemukan bahwa pencapaian target pada program ini masih sangat rendah dan masih terdapat rumah tangga miskin yang memenuhi kriteria program yang belum menerima program. Pada saat yang sama, terdapat rumah tangga yang seharusnya tidak menerima tetapi menerima program (inclusion error) sebesar 50 sampai 70 persen tergantung tingkat pendidikan. Meskipun kinerja penargetan rendah, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa program ini memiliki dampak positif dalam hal mengurangi kemungkinan putus sekolah di semua tingkat pendidikan untuk anak-anak pada 25% rumah tangga termiskin berdasarkan distribusi pengeluaran per kapita. Khususnya, diantara termiskin 25% dari rumah tangga, program ini berhasil mengurangi angka putus sekolah sekitar 21,8%;29,2% dan 85,4% pada tingkat SD, SMP dan SMA. Berdasarkan analisis, kesimpulan pada penelitian ini adalah bahwa program harus dipertahankan dan efisiensi penargetan perlu di perbaiki karena program BSM memiliki dampak yang berarti bagi rumah tangga miskin yang berpenghasilan rendah untuk mengurangi resiko putus sekolah.
ABSTRACT This paper examines the functioning in terms of targeting and the effect of a cash transfer program BSM on dropping out of school The analysis based on Susenas data 2013 reveals that the program has a very low reach and a number of eligible households are excluded At the same time there are inclusion errors and depending on the level of education 50 to 70 percent of the beneficiaries are ineligible Despite the low targeting performance the analysis shows that the program has a positive effect on reducing the probability of dropping out of school at all levels education for children in the poorest quartile of the expenditure distribution Specifically among the poorest 25 of households the program works towards reducing the drop out rate at around 21 8 29 2 and 85 4 at primary junior and senior high school level respectively Based on the analysis the paper concludes that the program should be maintained and targeting efficiency needs to be improved as the program has a meaningful effect for low income householdsin terms of reducing the risk of dropping out of school Key words Cash Transfer Program Drop out School Poor students Targeting , his paper examines the functioning in terms of targeting and the effect of a cash transfer program BSM on dropping out of school The analysis based on Susenas data 2013 reveals that the program has a very low reach and a number of eligible households are excluded At the same time there are inclusion errors and depending on the level of education 50 to 70 percent of the beneficiaries are ineligible Despite the low targeting performance the analysis shows that the program has a positive effect on reducing the probability of dropping out of school at all levels education for children in the poorest quartile of the expenditure distribution Specifically among the poorest 25 of households the program works towards reducing the drop out rate at around 21 8 29 2 and 85 4 at primary junior and senior high school level respectively Based on the analysis the paper concludes that the program should be maintained and targeting efficiency needs to be improved as the program has a meaningful effect for low income householdsin terms of reducing the risk of dropping out of school Key words Cash Transfer Program Drop out School Poor students Targeting ]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Prahastuti Maharani
Abstrak :
Efektifitas dari instrumen commercial diplomacy (CDC) terhadap kinerja perdagangan luar negeri kerap menjadi perdebatan. Paper ini menganalisa pengaruh dari salah satu instrumen CDC yaitu Indonesian Trade Promotion Center (ITPC) terhadap peningkatan ekspor Indonesia dengan menggunakan gravity model of international trade pada data panel di 62 negara tujuan ekspor Indonesia selama 19 tahun. Hasilnya, terdapat pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan antara keberadaan ITPC terhadap kinerja ekspor Indonesia di negara akreditasi. Selanjutnya, melalui wawancara kualitatif dapat disimpulkan bahwa tantangan CDC Indonesia berasal dari faktor internal maupun eksternal. Masalah-masalah internal seperti terbatasnya anggaran, kurangnya staf, dan lemahnya koordinasi terbukti menghambat aktivitas CDC. Sedangkan dalam aspek eksternal, seperti ketidaksiapan industri dan jalur distribusi juga berpegaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja ekspor Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan bahan rekomendasi kebijakan mendukung strategi ekspor dengan memperkuat instrumen commercial diplomacy.
ABSTRACT There are Pro’s and Contra’s on efficacy of CDC instruments to boost exports. This paper attempts to investigate the impact of one of Indonesian CDC instruments, Indonesian Trade Promotion Center (ITPC) on export performance using the gravity model of international trade and employ panel data for 19 years observations over 62 countries of Indonesian export destinations and yields a positive correlation between the existences of ITPC to Indonesian export performance. A further discussion is conducted to explore the challenges of CDC instruments of Indonesia using qualitative interviews. The interferences comes from internal as well as external factors. The internal issue such as limited budget, lack of staff, and coordination problem. Whereas, in the external aspects, the preparedness of Indonesian industry and the channel of export distribution bring tremendous deterrents in boosting Indonesian exports. Hence, this research serves as a policy recommendation for the government in supporting export strategy by strengthening the commercial diplomacy instruments. , There are Pro’s and Contra’s on efficacy of CDC instruments to boost exports. This paper attempts to investigate the impact of one of Indonesian CDC instruments, Indonesian Trade Promotion Center (ITPC) on export performance using the gravity model of international trade and employ panel data for 19 years observations over 62 countries of Indonesian export destinations and yields a positive correlation between the existences of ITPC to Indonesian export performance. A further discussion is conducted to explore the challenges of CDC instruments of Indonesia using qualitative interviews. The interferences comes from internal as well as external factors. The internal issue such as limited budget, lack of staff, and coordination problem. Whereas, in the external aspects, the preparedness of Indonesian industry and the channel of export distribution bring tremendous deterrents in boosting Indonesian exports. Hence, this research serves as a policy recommendation for the government in supporting export strategy by strengthening the commercial diplomacy instruments. ]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Kemiskinan hingga saat ini masih menjadi masalah yang cukup serius dihadapi oleh Pemerintah Pusat maupun Pemerintah Daerah. Pemerintah berupaya memberikan solusi kemiskinan dalam bentuk program penanggulangan kemiskinan. Salah satu indikator miskin adalah kurangnya kemampuan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan pokok makanan. Untuk itu program kemiskinan yang dianggap efektif dalam membantu masyarakat miskin adalah Program Raskin. Penelitian ini mengangkat studi komparasi Provinsi yang erat kaitannya dengan kemiskinan. Provinsi Jawa Timur adalah salah satu daerah di Indonesia yang memiliki jumlah penduduk miskin paling tinggi dengan tingkat kemiskinan sebesar 14 23 atau 5 356 juta jiwa pada tahun 2011. Sementara Provinsi yang juga erat dengan kemiskinan adalah Papua Provinsi Papua memiliki persentase penduduk miskin tertinggi yaitu sebesar 31 98 atau 944 ribu jiwa pada tahun 2011. Selain bertujuan untuk menganalisis evaluasi pelaksanaan Program Raskin, penelitian ini juga akan melihat hubungan Raskin terhadap peningkatan kualitas konsumsi pangan rumah tangga sasaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan data Susenas Kor dan Modul Konsumsi Provinsi Jawa Timur dan Papua tahun 2011 dan 2013. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan indikator 3T Tepat Sasaran Tepat Harga dan Tepat Kuantitas di Provinsi Jawa Timur dan Papua belum sepenuhnya sesuai dengan Pedoman Umum tahun 2011 dan 2013. Sementara hubungan yang terjadi antara pelaksanaan Program Raskin dengan peningkatan kualitas konsumsi pangan mengindikasikan adanya hubungan yang negatif, hal ini dinilai berdasarkan peningkatan makanan yang tidak berkualitas dari tahun 2011 ke tahun 2013 seperti rokok. ......Poverty today is still a serious problem faced by the Central and Local Government. The Government seeks to provide solutions to poverty in the form of poverty reduction programs One indicator of the poor is the lack of ability to meet the basic food needs. One of that poverty programs that are considered effective in helping the poor is the Raskin. This study raised a comparative study of Provinces that are closely related to poverty East Java Province is one of the areas in Indonesia which has the highest number of poor people with a poverty rate of 14 23 or 5 356 million in 2011. Other province that also linked to poverty is Papua Papua province has the highest percentage of poor people amounted to 31 98 or 944 thousand inhabitants in 2011. Besides aiming to analyze the evaluation of the implementation of Raskin Program, this study will also look at the relationship of Raskin toward the Targeted Household Food Consumption Quality Improvement. This study uses data of General Questionnaire of National Socioeconomic Survey and Consumption Module of East Java and Papua province in 2011 and 2013. The results showed that based on 3P Proper Target Proper Price and Proper Quantity indicators East Java and Papua province are not yet fully in accordance with the General Guidelines of 2011 and 2013. While the relationship between the implementation of Raskin Program and food consumption quality improvement indicated a negative relationship It was assessed by the increase of under qualified food from the year 2011 to 2013 such as cigarettes.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yostiana Bella Ulfa
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas proses penyusunan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi anggaran pada program dana hibah Australian Development Scholarship (ADS) Fase IIIB dengan Australian Department of Foreign Affair and Trade (DFAT) sebagai lembaga donor. Pelaksanaan program ADS Fase IIIB sebagian dikelola oleh perusahaan konsultan pengelola program yang berorientasi profit. Berdasarkan pendekatan penyusunan anggaran ADS Fase IIIB menggunakan Planning, Programming, Budgeting System (PPBS). Seluruh siklus anggaran telah terpenuhi dalam proses pengganggaran program ADS. Fungsi anggaran berjalan dengan baik pada program ADS, kecuali pada fungsi penilaian kinerja. Meskipun sistem pelaporan sudah dilaksanakan sesuai dengan karakteristik idealnya, namun masih terdapat beberapa kekurangan pada proses evaluasi baik dari sisi keuangan maupun non-keuangan. Beberapa saran kemudian disajikan penulis dalam penelitian ini.
This study illustrates and discusses the budget formulation, implementation, and evaluation of grant program, Australian Development Scholarship (ADS) Phase IIIB with the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) as donors. ADS Phase IIIB is partly managed by the profit-oriented managing consultant company. ADS Phase IIIB used Planning, Programming, Budgeting System (PPBS) as the budget formulation approach. The entire budget cycle has been fulfilled in the budgeting process. The function of the budget goes well on the ADS program, except in the performance assessment function. Although the reporting system has been implemented in accordance with the ideal characteristics, there are still some shortcomings in the evaluation process both in terms of financial and non-financial. Some suggestions are then presented by the author.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Qory Nurkhairani Putri
Abstrak :
[Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh karakteristik pemerintah daerah serta temuan audit terhadap tingkat pengungkapan wajib Laporan Keuangan Pemerintah Daerah (LKPD). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode fixed effect balanced panel dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 1167 LKPD Kabupaten/Kota di Indonesia tahun 2011-2013. Rata-rata tingkat pengungkapan LKPD tahun 2011-2013 adalah sebesar 64,51% yang tergolong masih cukup rendah. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa karakteristik pemerintah daerah yang terdiri dari umur administratif pemerintah daerah dan kekayaan pemerintah daerah berpengaruh positif terhadap tingkat pengungkapan LKPD. Untuk temuan audit dengan metode lag effect yang terdiri dari tingkat penyimpangan keuangan dan jumlah temuan audit atas kelemahan sistem pengendalian internal memiliki pengaruh negatif terhadap tingkat pengungkapan LKPD. Populasi, diferensiasi fungsional, dan jumlah temuan audit atas ketidakpatuhan perundang-undangan tidak mempunyai pengaruh terhadap tingkat pengungkapan LKPD.;This research aims to analyze the effect of Local Government characteristic and audit findings on financial statement disclosure. This research used fixed effect balanced panel method with sample total is 1167 financial statement of Local Governments District/City for 2011-2013. The average of Local Government financial statement disclosure level is 64,51% that is quite low. This result of this study shows that administrative age and wealth of the local government have positive significant effect on the local government financial statement disclosure. Audit findings with lag effect method consist of the level of financial irregularities and internal controls system have negative significant effect on the local government financial statement dislosure. Population, functional differentiation and constitution have no effect on the local government financial statement disclosure.;This research aims to analyze the effect of Local Government characteristic and audit findings on financial statement disclosure. This research used fixed effect balanced panel method with sample total is 1167 financial statement of Local Governments District/City for 2011-2013. The average of Local Government financial statement disclosure level is 64,51% that is quite low. This result of this study shows that administrative age and wealth of the local government have positive significant effect on the local government financial statement disclosure. Audit findings with lag effect method consist of the level of financial irregularities and internal controls system have negative significant effect on the local government financial statement dislosure. Population, functional differentiation and constitution have no effect on the local government financial statement disclosure.;This research aims to analyze the effect of Local Government characteristic and audit findings on financial statement disclosure. This research used fixed effect balanced panel method with sample total is 1167 financial statement of Local Governments District/City for 2011-2013. The average of Local Government financial statement disclosure level is 64,51% that is quite low. This result of this study shows that administrative age and wealth of the local government have positive significant effect on the local government financial statement disclosure. Audit findings with lag effect method consist of the level of financial irregularities and internal controls system have negative significant effect on the local government financial statement dislosure. Population, functional differentiation and constitution have no effect on the local government financial statement disclosure.;This research aims to analyze the effect of Local Government characteristic and audit findings on financial statement disclosure. This research used fixed effect balanced panel method with sample total is 1167 financial statement of Local Governments District/City for 2011-2013. The average of Local Government financial statement disclosure level is 64,51% that is quite low. This result of this study shows that administrative age and wealth of the local government have positive significant effect on the local government financial statement disclosure. Audit findings with lag effect method consist of the level of financial irregularities and internal controls system have negative significant effect on the local government financial statement dislosure. Population, functional differentiation and constitution have no effect on the local government financial statement disclosure.;This research aims to analyze the effect of Local Government characteristic and audit findings on financial statement disclosure. This research used fixed effect balanced panel method with sample total is 1167 financial statement of Local Governments District/City for 2011-2013. The average of Local Government financial statement disclosure level is 64,51% that is quite low. This result of this study shows that administrative age and wealth of the local government have positive significant effect on the local government financial statement disclosure. Audit findings with lag effect method consist of the level of financial irregularities and internal controls system have negative significant effect on the local government financial statement dislosure. Population, functional differentiation and constitution have no effect on the local government financial statement disclosure., This research aims to analyze the effect of Local Government characteristic and audit findings on financial statement disclosure. This research used fixed effect balanced panel method with sample total is 1167 financial statement of Local Governments District/City for 2011-2013. The average of Local Government financial statement disclosure level is 64,51% that is quite low. This result of this study shows that administrative age and wealth of the local government have positive significant effect on the local government financial statement disclosure. Audit findings with lag effect method consist of the level of financial irregularities and internal controls system have negative significant effect on the local government financial statement dislosure. Population, functional differentiation and constitution have no effect on the local government financial statement disclosure.]
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tria Lestari Putri
Abstrak :
Industri pariwisata di Indonesia merupakan salah satu industri yang paling berkembang serta menjadi salah satu sektor penyumbang devisa negara terbesar. Pada skripsi ini membahas tentang bagaimana pelaku bisnis dapat meningkatkan loyalitas serta dapat me-recall kembali tempat wisata tersebut terutama jenis wisata adventure tourism. Hal ini diukur dari pengalaman pelanggan mengunakan 4 elemen experience economy yang terdiri dari education, entertainment, escapism serta esthetic. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa customer loyalty dapat dipengaruhi oleh education dan esthetic sedangkan untuk dapat me-recall kembali (mempengaruhi memori konsumen) dapat dipengaruhi oleh entertainment dan esthetic. Sehingga bagi pelaku bisnis wisata petualangan (Adventure tourism) harus lebih fokus dalam memberikan pengetahuan-pengetahuan serta hiburan selama kunjungan pelanggan serta menjaga kelestarian tempat wisata tersebut agar terus dapat dinikmati oleh pelanggannya. ABSTRACT
The tourism industry in Indonesia is one of the most thriving industries and sectors to be one of the largest contributors of foreign exchange. In this thesis discusses how businesses can increase loyalty and can recall back tourist destinations, especially kinds of adventure tourism tour. It is measured from the customer experience using 4 elements experience economy consisting of education, entertainment, escapism and esthetic. This research uses descriptive research design. The results showed that customer loyalty can be influenced by education and esthetic while to recall back (memory affect consumers) can be influenced by the entertainment and esthetic. So for adventure tourism businesses (Adventure tourism) should be more focused on delivering knowledge-knowledge as well as entertainment during customer visits and preserve the tourist attractions that continue to be enjoyed by customers. , The tourism industry in Indonesia is one of the most thriving industries and sectors to be one of the largest contributors of foreign exchange. In this thesis discusses how businesses can increase loyalty and can recall back tourist destinations, especially kinds of adventure tourism tour. It is measured from the customer experience using 4 elements experience economy consisting of education, entertainment, escapism and esthetic. This research uses descriptive research design. The results showed that customer loyalty can be influenced by education and esthetic while to recall back (memory affect consumers) can be influenced by the entertainment and esthetic. So for adventure tourism businesses (Adventure tourism) should be more focused on delivering knowledge-knowledge as well as entertainment during customer visits and preserve the tourist attractions that continue to be enjoyed by customers. ]
Fakultas Eknonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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